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When TPP is active, how is batoto gonna stay afloat?

- - - - - TPP

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    Potato Spud

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In the case of everything going south, will you release a torrent of your content?

Or will you just carry over the data to a non-TPP country?

p2p implementation? Darknet?

Chocolate Chip

Chocolate Chip

    Fried Potato

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Here's a better option: The TPP hasn't been ratified yet, so call your representatives and tell them to vote against it.



    Potato Spud

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Here's a better option: The TPP hasn't been ratified yet, so call your representatives and tell them to vote against it.

True, but unlikely to work. Those pigs will continue to intensify the shotgun approach until it gets outlawed.




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Correct answer: it won't. Nobody wants to get sued for hosting cartoons.


Here's a better option: The TPP hasn't been ratified yet, so call your representatives and tell them to vote against it.

We don't have any representatives, only millionaires do.



    Potato Spud

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Correct answer: it won't. Nobody wants to get sued for hosting cartoons.


If they release the backup now, there will be no consequences.

The shutdown of manga sites is only a question of time. Waiting until the last moment is meaningless. Gotta act while you can.




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If they release the backup now, there will be no consequences.

They won't. And besides, batoto is a poor source for your backlog. Many series are missing due to DMCA, scanlators wish or some retarded political correctness. There are far better places if you want to download stuff.

Edited by Halo, 06 February 2016 - 03:25 PM.



    The Head Maid

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 lol as if your comp can handle the load ... x'D   


Plus Bato.to have no download link as of now... I dont think Grumpy will ever allow download link to the public for all chaps...


As Halo says, our data system is corrupted as it is... even if it is allow, there are better sources to download manga from. 

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Follow the comment sections' rules or else, you will be hanging at the edge of an cliff ^^
It maybe one step closer to death's door or an extension of your life's time.



    Potato Spud

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 lol as if your comp can handle the load ... x'D   


Well, i doubt there will be just me. You could implement a system similar to Hentai@Home.

>there are better sources to download manga from.

There are, but I think batoto is the best hub of new scanlation content there is.

Aren't other agregators almost live off batoto?

It would be sad if you guys disappear, especially, without warning.