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Theory about Yuuga Aoyama

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    Potato Sprout

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When I read volume 3 today, it occurred to me that Aoyama may be the one who was delivering information to the Villain Alliance.  During both Villain invasions, he is noticeably absent. After the first Villain Invasion, he badgered Tsuyu to ask him where he was during it, only to say it's a secret. Just a funny moment or foreshadowing? You be the judge. Another hint was that during the Mid Term Exam Arc, he is shown to be more perceptive than he lets on, pointing out Ochako's crush on Izuku to help them win their battle against No. 13. This could be a hint that the narcissistic dimwit we see is just a facade. Third, his quirk can be really deadly in the wrong hands. Fourth, most of the villains have been an evil counterpart to Midoriya in some form (Shigaraki being the successor to All for One to counteract Midoriya being All-Might's, Endeavor's ability to analyze situations, Stain being a fan of All-Might, and Dabi and Toga's hero worship of Stain mirroring Midoriya's for All-Might). Aoyama's name means "Blue Mountain," and Midoriya was presumably named after Mount Midoriyama. In contrast to Izuku being shy with a sense of humility, Aoyama is a narcissistic attention whore.

Forgotten Muse

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I never actually noticed he was absent during those times! I guess that means his plan is coming alight! (that was bad...).


In all seriousness though, I think that would be great if this is the case. Mostly because I like side characters having more backstory as well as I'm curious if he is holding back with his laser. Perhaps he can actually shoot it more or make a larger shot rather than just one! I suppose time shall tell whether he is a treacherous spy or just a lovable idiot that likes attention. '^'

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    Potato Sprout

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Nope, just debunked in latest chapter. Turns out he just runs and hides everytime.

Forgotten Muse

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Either way, it took some bravery to laser Mr. Masky's (I think his name was Mr. Compressor or something...) mask off! Well done! It didn't save both (it would have, but ya know), but 1 is better than none.

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