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[IC] Genesis - A Re: Monster RP

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Day 3, an unresolved conflict through which mud, sweat, and other bodily fluids are dispersed. Keep your mouth closed, hands and feet inside the ride at all times. Thank you.

It was fun. Fun. F-U-N. Just what was it that was so fun? Jiji couldn't tell you. He couldn't tell you, or anyone, anything! The poor Goblin struggled with words, after all. It just seemed right to consider his feelings at the time to be genuine, as Jiji was neither happy nor sad. And yet, very content. Rather than falling into the group of Goblins and being rendered vegetated by what onslaught might have come from them.. instead, Jiji found himself wrestling with a sense of security. Tok did end up disregarding his foolishness, after all. Lo, just the same, too. In the end, Bob and Kaga made for manageable sparring partners. And, while not necessarily stronger than the others, Jiji did have a lot going for him, what with his near toughened body and inadvertent ability to dodge hits through his own clumsiness. Well, the others were clumsy too, but for Jiji, this was a blessing all the same. 

That looks like fun.

How long had the three been there? Jiji could not tell. Much too integrated in smashing his face against his fellow kin, he had failed to notice the dwindling numbers in the base. Or even the growling of his competitor's stomachs--let alone, his own. Had it not been for the rather intrusive cry of another Goblin, perhaps that would have never been subject to change.

"I Zeru! Who Hungry! Who want food! Come to Zeru! Zeru help! Zeru Hunt!"

He, was Zeru. Jiji had come to learn of that. Without much indication, or even a reason as to why, Jiji knew the importance of "Zeru". It was the Goblin's name, after all. He was born with it. Without so much as sharing a glance over at Bob and Kaga, he was sure that they had names, too. He had one too, didn't he? He could almost instantly confirm it. "Jiji" he mumbled flatly, shrugging off the cowardly antics of Bob, who had come to find his backside for support. It was clear that Bob was weaker than him. Jiji was the stronger of the two. If that much made sense, then it was only natural that Jiji had some sort of divinity above him. That was the law of the land, after all. He didn't press on the matter much longer. Again, did his stomach growl and curse out, a clear testament to the feelings that he gathered from the soul of Zeru's short speech. He was hungry. He had to eat. Without food, he would have no energy. No energy, no life. Jiji needed life.

Jiji. Jiji. Jiji. Jiji. Jiji. Jiji. Jiji. Jiji. Jiji.

He decided to drag along Bob (and Kaga) with him toward Zeru, who seemed like he had the surest idea on how to obtain food. In a matter of seconds, the three exchanged names, with Jiji waiting until the very end. If anything, Jiji was sure of the importance of self. No, his name. He was Jiji, and there was no one else. Above all, he had to be sure that everyone knew of this self"Jiji. Jiji" he would grumble, before going into a short rant filled with grunts and the audible flare of his nostrils. Seemingly content, he nodded... forgetting to maintain his balance and toppling over, landing head first into the ground. He dared not to move from there, trying to balance himself on two feet certainly was tough. Why didn't it bother him when he was wrestling before? Jiji, with a sense of thought, would have been dumb-founded. Except, he was not. He was neither pensive or confused. He was simply, Jiji.




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Day 3 - Patch, Jin and Rin


The synergistic effects of rage and hunger as motivators were obvious in Patch. Through sweat, tears, and serous nasal discharge, he was able to overcome all adversities and continued to pursue what was about to be his breakfast.

Jin had the same train of thought; after his realization on how the rocks he had used were actually conspired against him, he decided to find an even larger one, forcing it to work for him. Strange as it was, it apparently worked.

Clenched fists met carapace, multiple times. And in this collision, the resonating sound of crushed and squashed innards along with the spectacle of broken shell fragments in the air made the winner evident. Simultaneously, Jin had slammed his massive rock atop the crab’s head, smashing it like a piece of fruit. An incredibly slimy and foul-smelling fruit.

However, before all this happened, what had set this execution-like assault up, was the ingenuity of Rin. Ripping the crab’s leg’s apart significantly immobilized it, allowing Jin and Patch to finish it off. But if you think of it, its original speed was nothing spectacular, you could even call it sluggish. So even without Rin, the crab would’ve ended up dead anyway. Nevertheless, we shall not focus on such facts and redirect our attention to the now. And presently, the three goblins were left with an enormous mushroom, a lifeless insect-like crab, and a stench that would stick to them for the remainder of the day.




Day 3 - Mu, Mi, Awa, Sen

Mi had convinced herself that facing the Angler Frogs was the appropriate decision to make given their advantage in numbers. Although unaware of the physical capabilities of their enemies and allies alike, she was certain that with the right amount of planning, whatever existing gap in ability that was present between them and the frogs would be irrelevant.

Mu began banging the ground heavily with her branch, that was the sign that their plan was about to go underway. Mi, Awa, and Sen silently surrounded their prey from the sides as Mu growled at the frogs while beating her chest. She was urging them to attack her; the Angler Frogs were more than happy to comply.

In a burst of speed, the frogs leapt forward, rushing towards Mu with their maws wide open, exposing the rows of serrated teeth that lined their mouths. Mu stood her ground and tightened her grip; she was either confident in her abilities or incredibly foolish. Whatever the reason was behind her bravery, didn’t even matter after what had taken place. In one mighty swing, she had struck both Angler Frogs as they were about to sink their teeth into the young goblin’s flesh. Sending them flying a few meters away, they harshly fell to the ground. Completely caught off guard, Mi was left speechless at the spectacle she had just witnessed. Then and there, she admitted to herself that she had underestimated Mu too much.

Sen and Awa were equally surprised and remained motionless, but was briefly reminded of their role in their plan as the two Angler Frogs began to cry out in pain. They were struggling to get back on their feet, but it appeared that they were having difficulty doing so. Before they could recover, both Sen and Awa charged at them with sticks and rocks in hand. When one’s foe is basically crippled, finishing them off was an easy task.

In a blink of an eye, the lackluster team Mi had formed was more formidable than she had actually expected. This made her question herself, forcing her to reassess the value of te members of her party.





Day 3 - Zeru, Jiji, Kaga, and Bob


These four goblins were definitely in a league of their own; a special breed if you will. Formalities between goblins weren’t that meticulous; getting to know each other was a simple task. Aside from the introducing themselves, the typical grunt and nod did the trick. The important thing was that they were united by the fact that they were all starving. With full hearts, empty stomachs, their heads held high, and Bob in tow, they began their journey through the Vasyugan Marsh.


Unfortunately for Zeru’s group, they had taken the path less traveled by most which had the most unfavorable of terrains. Moss-covered rock formations, an ample amount of mud and pools of brackish water made their little hunt quite the challenge. It didn’t help that his party was composed of a coward, a klutz, and an oddball. In reality though, this was actually a good thing. Out of all the goblins, Zeru was the only one with the personality who could handle such a dysfunctional group.


As they continued their quest for the most delectable of meals, Bob’s spinelessness had gotten the best of him as he managed to step on a branch, breaking it in half. The sound it made frightened him, giving no other choice but to let loose all his pent up panic in a burst of screaming and running. He ended up crashing into Jiji, causing the two to tumble and turn across the ground.


Zeru and Sen quickly followed to where the two had went and to their surprised, both were on their backs and surrounded by three Horned Rabbits.

Edited by Tres, 20 January 2016 - 03:22 PM.


Diabolical Rhapsody

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Mi is great! 


To have identified a prey suitable for them to hunt was certainly the best thing that had happened to them. Letting go of that big horned beast from before was a good decision as Mu got to enjoy these squishy little froggies. As she came into the clearing beating her chest, she immediately got the attention of the frogs like Mi had said. In an instant both of the amphibians were upon her. Their fangs like a well hones chainsaw ready to sink into her green flesh.


But the branch Mi had provided Mu with was really sturdy, as she swung across her face in a diagonal slash, aiming to smack both of them right across the face and she did. The thick branch connected right into the side of the jaw of one of the froggies, Mu's momentum carried the smacked body right into the other as they flew a good distance sideways towards Awa's hiding spot.


There was no movement in the bushes for a moment. Perhaps, Mi wanted Mu to hit more so the stupid gobbie charged at her prey as they lacked any of that murderous intent that they had a minute before. But before she could reach them, out her team was, from the bushes. Armed with thin branches and pointy stones, ready to lay into the crippled froggies. Mu stopped her charge and waited for them to finish after which she just went and stood next to Mi, looking at her face with a stupid expression on hers complete with drool struggling to fall from her maw.


"Can Mu eat?" she asked innocently, waiting for their leader to assign her quota.



Edited by Diabolical Rhapsody, 21 January 2016 - 01:21 AM.



If you have the time: 


Unbelievably Majestic

Unbelievably Majestic

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The fight finished in a satisfyingly crunchy and snappy way. And that was a very good thing. Patch's nose was running, his eyes were watering up, he was coughing, but it was worth it now. Because Patch had caught and killed some food. And now Patch would eat some food. Though, sadly for Patch, he would have to share it. Because the fact that You and You had helped him get the food meant they could have some. That was the rules. Or, Patch's rules if not the rules. You and You had wanted food. So they, along side Patch, took it from the squishy smelly thing. They earned it. Patch had a certain respect for that. So he didn't try to fight them off and eat all the food himself. Instead he sat down, ripped off some of the food-things legs and tossed them at You and You before biting into a leg of his own.


A few moments later Patch made a decision. A big one. Life changing. A revelation one might call it. Inspiration from the gods. What he decided was this:


Food was probably the best thing ever.


Well, the second best thing really. Patch himself was obviously the best. He was the tippy-top of the pyramid. Because he defeated and ate the food. Which makes him superior to it. Sure, You was eating the food too, and so was You, which might make you think that they would be superior to food too. But it didn't mean anything of the sort. They were still lower on the totem pole of best things for one simple reason. They had the help of Patch. That's right. They had the help of the big man up at the top of the totem pole of best things. Without Patch, they wouldn't have been able to help Patch get the food. They would have just been two You's in a forest trying to feed not-Patch. And that wasn't helpful to Patch at all. So they were below food. Simple.


By the time he'd finished eating Patch's eyes had stopped watering, his nose stopped running and his coughing passed. In fact, he felt stronger than ever. "Food is good." Patch said with a stupid, happy grin. Because he knew that food was definitely a good thing for him. And he wanted more. His stomach grumbled at the thought. Especially since he had to share that last food-thing with You and You. He didn't get as much to eat as he would have liked. His stomach was already feeling empty. Maybe because he was stronger now. Maybe he was stronger at eating too. That would be great. Imagine if Patch could just sit and eat all day. He'd get so big. So strong. He'd be the best thing there ever was. A massive behemoth of eating. He'd eat an entire cave if he wanted, that would show those rocks! Oooh! He'd eat one of everything and become strongest of all! Yes!


And this was when Patch knew that he had to go and continue his journey. He had to keep following the path towards becoming a stronger eater of things. No. The strongest eater of things.


He jumped to his feet. There was no time to waste. He looked at the two You's for a moment, also known as Team W, fixing them with a serious look. "More. Food. Eat all." He nodded slowly and deliberately for a few seconds, staring Team W in the eyes. He felt like he'd just said something mind-blowing. He knew it blew his mind when he though of it first, all those moments ago. He felt like he'd nailed it. He'd given a speech so good it would be passed on for generations as the glorious tale of a revolutionary young goblin. His work here was done, the food-thing was devoured, but out there in the swamp there was still much work to be done.


He walked off to look for more food.







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He had done what no goblin had done before, well.....at least in to his knowledge and the fact he doesn't pay much attention to the other goblins because they were stupider than him. Yes, stupider. Anyways, what did he do? Victory over the rocks. They were quite the formidable foe, but he had manage to get one of them to submit to his will and work for him. Of course, he used the rock to smash the crawly smelly thing over and over to where the rock was lifeless, even though it gave in and decided to work with him, the rock was still the enemy and the enemy was perish. Instead of wasting time on the dead rock, Jin decided to start eating the smelly crawly thing.


Him, as Jin took to calling Patch, since well, they obviously haven't introduced themselves in the story yet and well, they need some way to identify each other until the glorious moment where they finally learn each others names after some kind of dramatic life or death battle in which they become the bestest of friends or something. Well, that's probably not going to happen considering they'll probably forget each others names anyway so theres no real point. And plus this isn't some damn manga or anime but some story about goblins that's based on some light novel. Though, it's not like they know that (nor ever will don't want to end their hopes and dreams and all that).


Getting back to what I was saying before, Him started handing out the food, Jin thought it was nice of him, though, it was quite clear that Him was acting like it was his kill and that he was being kind by sharing the spoils. Normally, one would be smart enough to realize this, get mad and confront the one in question, however, Jin was totally engrossed in his crawly thing leg that he simply didn't pay attention. After eating they all had a heartfelt moment when Him commented on the food and Jin grunted in approval. What a memorial moment, one that will be always remembered and completely forgotten about by the end of the day.


Without wasting any more time, Him jumped to his feet and said something so profound it would leave Jin completely speechless. Well, he wasn't saying anything and didn't have any plans to say anything but still, he didn't know why but all of a sudden he felt inspired and all different and stuff and wanted to eat more. Well, he was planning to eat again regardless but that speech made him want to eat again even more, it totally wasn't his stomach rumbling or anything. Really. He then continued to follow Patch for another hunt.




The Epic Of X:





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Outside was a hard place, for Zeru and his friends. Though Zeru had expected nothing less from it. Infact very little short of food would stop him from going further and further Outside.
Now his wasn't perhaps the best party for hunting, not best by far, what they lacked up in capability they made up for in desperation. It did not take too long for something to happen, this time the culprits wer Jiji and Bob. Who had somehow managed roll off into the distance. Zeru wasn't quite sure how that happend.
Still the pack needed to stay together, so he grabbed Kaga and made after they unfortunate duo. When he did find them, his face lit up with glee. The two were in a clearing, surrounded by three horned rabbits.
It was here that instinct, began to guide him. He held Kaga back. Now was not the time to attack. He motioned for Kaga to attack only after him. With as much stealth as they could muster, the two made their way into some nearby bushes.
They would wait for Jiji and Bob to do something and focus the horned rabbits' attention wholly on them. It was at that moment that Zeru and Kaga would come in and attack the rabbits nearest them from behind with a sturdy  smack from their rocks.

Edited by Jod, 21 January 2016 - 04:48 PM.






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Gobu-Rin (a.k.a. Ugly / You)


We did it! We killed the squishy-rock-food-thingy! Well, it was not all that hard actually, but it was a joyous event worthy of celebration. For Rin, at the very least. With that said, she quickly descended upon the carrion like a bird of prey. Only a lot greener. And dumber. And uglier too. NEVER MIND OK. ALL GOBLINS ARE UGLY. CARRY ON. Sheesh.


Well, anyways, where were we? Oh yeah, Rin joined her two friends and started gobbling the squishy-rock-food-thingy. Being so farsighted, she started eating from the hard part first. Y'know, so that she can enjoy the soft and better tasting part for later and all. But the other two ravenous ugly goblins were just greedy and ate most of the squishy delicious part before Rin realized that she had erred and moved to get a bite on the quickly vanishing delish.


Angry and annoyed, Rin let out a loud burp at Fugly's face. To her surprise, her burp's odour was pretty similar to the squishy-rock-food's fart. It even had the same pink colour to it. Needless to say, Fugly's face contorted into one that Rin mysteriously enjoyed. She could not help but roll all over the floor laughing. What stopped her, was Patchy's grand speech. A speech Rin will remember for a very long time.


"More. Food. Eat. All," or something like that. It was grand. It was BEAUTIFUL. Rin was almost moved to tears by it. Or was it the tears from all her laughing before? Eh, who knows. Tears are tears. They're cool that way.


Rin quickly rose on her feet and followed Patch's footsteps. FOR THE GREATER FOOD!



OOC Stats:


Edited by Faye, 22 January 2016 - 10:44 AM.



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Day 3 and, perhaps, your last

It should be fair to say, that if the semi-uneven terrain within the cave was hard to traverse in, then the outside world would be no different. Least, for Jiji, anyway. But all his efforts were forced unto that error, and he truly did try his best. Whatever his best was, at the time. Trouble lurked around every corner in this unsuspecting world, and Jiji could grasp a sense of that, too. It would make sense that the weakest of litter would stick in groups. Or perhaps, most dysfunctional. Would Jiji find himself pondering at the thought? Unlikely. He hadn't had the need to. Or time. The ground beneath them grew softer with each incline down this unmanned road. Moist, too. Had one of the Goblins wet themselves? No, unlikely. There was no Goblin in their group capable of such a spill, and Jiji himself knew of their, at least, neutral limitations. The simple truth was that they were in an entirely different environment, and that they needed to adapt. This was the Vasyugan Marsh.


Jiji was the first to familiarize himself with the land, through a series of mishaps involving the crossing of his feet, and his natural unbalance. For much of their journey, mud and soil caked the Goblin's frame.. and unfortunately, some strays found their way unto others. Would they mind? For the third time, unlikely. But then again, what did Jiji know? What did he know?? 

He did know one thing. Bob was most certainly a coward. Yes. A big baby. The weaker of the four. He was even more so evident to this fact, upon seeing Bob's startled form, who, upon stepping on a branch, reclined into Jiji for support. Not a wise move, mind you. The two soon tumbled, separating themselves from the once unified pack, taking a detour elsewhere down the road. This time, it truly was not Jiji's fault. Would he find relief in the thought? An unlikely suggestion, and the fourth. Four was certainly enough. Yes, four. It was the exact number of Horned Rabbits they had found themselves swarmed by so suddenly. Or was it three? Perhaps the fourth one ran off, seemingly frightened by the rolling mass of mud and Goblin kin, a combined effort of Jiji and Bob, certainly. Maybe. Perhaps. Likely so.


All the same, the two had found themselves in a grave situation. With little to go on, and a fearful companion alongside him, Jiji knew he was out matched. But, what could he do? How would he survive? What was more important, eating, or surviving? If he could eat, then he could survive... on the other hand, if he couldn't survive against his newfound foes, then he wouldn't be able to eat. What a situation. Jiji decided upon life. If he planned to escape, then the idea behind his strategy was pretty simple; he'd shake the moss and mud he collected along the way off of him, and blind the deadly little bunnies. Maybe make a break for it, too. But, what of Bob?

Ah well, we didn't really like Bob anyway.




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Awa stood up, blood and pulverized flesh dripping off his hands like strings of syrup. Dropping the rocks that he pumbuled the frogs with only seconds before, Awa began hopping happily in place. "Awa eat? Awa eat? Awa eat?" He asked Mi. Awa, however, did not wait for confirmation and quickly began to gorge on the side of the closest frog, specifically the ribs. The sound of teeth breaking skin and flesh was apparent, Awa was not a polite eater by any means. "S'good! S'good!" The young goblin slurred out between mouth fulls. As Mu approached Awa gave her a thumbs up, "Good hit!"


After his quick meal Awa felt a bit different. Stronger in the legs, and... Toothier. Awa hopped. Then again. Then again. The young goblin was easily scaling his own height, and felt that he could do even better. Soon Awa was circling the group utilizing rapid, bounding movements. Normally, Awa would be a bit more stern but all  of this got him excited and Awa felt that he would burn out for quite sometime. "What next? More food? More fun?"




Crimson Century: Bratumił

Edge of Destiny: Geraint



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Day 3 - Zeru, Jiji, Kaga, and Bob


Day 3 - Mi, Mu, Awa, and Sen


Diabolical Rhapsody

Diabolical Rhapsody

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Mu gave a warm toothy smile to Mi on her nod to eat their hunt. She hungrily dived into the frogs, eating the stomach, eyes and leg of the fallen creatures. She felt a strange felling inside of her, not that she knew it was a new found strength. She could feel the blood rushing into her big muscles. She noticed her own maw grow more fanged much like Awa's who danced and jumped around the group in his merriment.


As Mi was busy scooping off the two eggs she had found, Mu had joined Awa in his little merry display and jumped around a bit before looking at Mi as Awa asked a question. Certainly, she was still hungry and Mi seemed to think the same as the new group of friends ventured deeper into the Vasyugan Marsh. They came across a strange red liquid on the jungle floor which tasted really well. Mi in her infinite brilliance had let them know that this was some creature's blood. Mu was in awe of her leader. 


Following the blood drops they tracked it down to a weird looking creature much like themselves. Who having heard their approach called out for help. Mu had suddenly felt her hunger pangs again as she gripped her makeshift club tightly and was about to venture into the clearing where the creature lay, but was stopped by Mi at the last moment.


Though, initially Mi had thought that Mu was a lost cause, she had grown to respect the dumb goblin since their last hunt together. She had immediately surmised, that for her to survive long enough in this forest, she needed to rely on goblins like Mu and the fact that Mu was so friendly towards her and was literally her minion made her feel confident that looking out for her safety would pay in the long run.


She had been born since three days but she could sense danger better than her group, well apart from Sen who looked equally vigilant as he remained in a crouching position, hiding well behind the foliage and keeping his eyes on the battered form of the human that lay in the clearing. Mu wasn't as sharp and may walk right into this trap wasn't it for Mi.


She quietly handed Mu a stone she had picked from their last hunting sight. A large pebble which would tough for Mi to hurl but won't trouble Mu. She motioned towards the boy that lay in the clearing.


"Stay and Shoot." she said motioning her empty hand in a throwing action. She wasn't sure how smart Mu was, but she knew that Mu understood actions quite well. Forming a basic plan like the earlier one, it was decided that the group would all move together to the side of the boy. While Awa, Mi and Sen would wait in the bushes. Mu would continue hurling stones till either the boy died or anything that hid nearby came out in the open. After which they'll try to hunt or flee depending on the size of the monster.


Mu's direction was simple. She was to hurl stones at the boy and wait for Mi if she succeeds. She had absolute faith in her supreme leader and she decided to what she was told. Gripping the rock tightly, she aimed for the boy's head and let it fly.





If you have the time: 




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Awa cleaned the sticky, coagulated blood off his fingers one by one as he trailed behind Mi and Mu. Awa, much like Mu, began to charge before Mi stopped them. "Goblin?", asked Awa quietly. It was a weird looking goblin for sure. Mi told them to hide in the bushes, and while Awa wanted to greet the goblin he knew that Mi was smart and planned well. However, after listening to Mi's plan, Awa became annoyed. "Awa do it too! Awa do it too!" he protested. Awa felt ignored, Mi ought to learn his power. As Mu threw stones, Awa sprung  from the bushes with fury. "Come'mere wierdo!", Awa barked. He had no idea why they were killing the weird goblin, but Awa needed to show his friends his muscle, and this poor sod was going to be Awa's example. Using all of his new found strength, Awa pounced on the child, his maul widening into a toothy barrage.





Crimson Century: Bratumił

Edge of Destiny: Geraint




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The hunt was over in a mtter of seconds. He knew it was over the very moment he felt the crunch of broken bone through the rock. He felt it for the first time, thejoy of a sucessful hunt, the pride that lay in winning a contest of life and death as old as time it self.
As he eicked up the fresh cacass of the horned rabbit. He began to appreciate the meaty aroma of the flesh, the rust like smell of blood, it brought water to his lips. He was but a moment away from biting into the soft meat, when he was disturbed.
He saw Bob and Kaga facing off. Kaga seemed to want a rabbit that Bob had caught. Now Zeru didn't really care about anything at this moment but biting into the juicy rabbit chop in  his hands. He was about go back to his bite, when he heard something call into his little noggin.
It was his concsience. This something new for Zeru. It was something new for someone wh had never had to think about weighty concepts like right or wrong. At this moment what this new sense told him was that Kaga was wrong.  He also felt like he should do something about the situation.
"Kaga no. Bob's prey is his own" He said, then pointing at the bloodied caracss that Kaga had just killed. "It's time to eat anyway!Enjoy Meat!" he said with a smile, biting into his own piece of the rabbit. "Wonder where Jiji is, he should eat too."






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Day 3, please keep your perishables and consumable items inside the facility at all times.

As things would have it, Jiji's quick thinking had made things rather convenient for his kinfolk. In a matter of moments, the number of rabbits dwindled down, til' all that remained was but one. One. And Bob. Jiji had almost found himself wondering, pondering on the thought of Bob's relationship to the beast. Were they, perhaps, true kin? Was this place Bob's true home? Had that been the reason for his timidness? Looking to the shaky rabbit, and then to Bob, he had almost came up with an answer.. before voiding the thought completely, turning his back to the situation. After all, there was an unthinkable amount of fire in Bob's eyes, and, for once, he was not the one feeling nervous. Kaga had met this fate. It was clear to Jiji that Bob had a hidden temperament within him, as he suddenly felt what he could have considered to be his predatory state. He would have to retain that information. Regrouping with his kin, he watched in awe as the other goblin's enjoyed their well rewarded feast. With an empty stomach and little to show for himself, Jiji bellowed a faint moan, seemingly accepting his failure.

