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Number of Chapters

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    Potato Spud

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It would be nice to search by number of chapters posted. Sometimes you want to read something that has more than 5 chapters, I'd like to find a 'count' to search by. More than 10 chapters posted. More than 50 chapters posted etc. It would really help find things worth reading.



    Sweet Potato

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Yeah, this has been brought up a few times before.......not a bad idea, though I don't know about actual implementation. I don't believe any of the other reader sites have anything at all like it, and MangaUpdates has only the ability to exclude oneshots.


So yeah, I wonder if it's really feasible or not. 




    Ascending Cat

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I believe this would be very much doable.

If going under Advanced Options on the Search page, one can already select two values between which the rating interval is located (Rating is Between). Writing 4.00 ≤ rating ≤ 5.00, for example, brings up all results of manga entries that hold the overall score of between and including 4 and 5, based on all the votes that the community members have cast.

I do not believe implementing a system that would read the amount of chapters/files (of a specific language upload) submitted to the manga entry would be too difficult. From there, the trick would be similar to the one above, where one could specify the minimum and maximum amount of chapters that would then be searched up and their manga entries listed the way they are now for the rating. Example: 50 ≤ chapters ≤ 100. No decimals here for obvious reasons, though there are also cases of special chapters such as 19.5, but those might complicate the system further for little to no gain.

The idea is nice, I support it.

Edited by Subpyro, 09 December 2015 - 08:12 PM.
Typo fixing




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Since it's obviously yet another "eh maybe in next 10 years" feature, have my solution:


(English chapters only)

Edited by Halo, 09 December 2015 - 09:10 PM.



    Sweet Potato

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Since it's obviously yet another "eh maybe in next 10 years" feature, have my solution:


(English chapters only)


Yeah, Halo points out one of the other problems (well, a couple of 'em actually :D ) that's going to be inherent in the search results here for this (that isn't a concern with the ratings parameters) and that's the multiple languages......you already see that issue coming up just in normal search results with the "last update" reflecting, well, all languages..........so yeah, I'd be surprised to see this ever happen here for a number of reasons.


But good luck with it, it's not a bad idea.





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Well, it shouldn't be that difficult to implement, especially with access to the database. In my case I just didn't care about other languages to collect all the data.

But that can be said about a bunch of other suggestions, not a single one was implemented (fine, some were).

Edited by Halo, 10 December 2015 - 09:18 AM.