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Marking Series You've Already Read

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November Rose

November Rose

    Potato Spud

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This is a suggestion similar to the the "backlisting" suggestion as well as the "tracking chapter" suggestion. It's actually kind of like a combination of the two. If possible, I would like to function that allows you to mark a series that you've already, so when you're searching for a new series, you won't accidentally read it again. As someone who has read many titles, a lot of the time I can't remember which ones I've read vs. which ones I haven't. I'm sure someone will mention making a list, which I do have, but this will just make it a bit easier when looking for new titles. For someone like me, who doesn't always immediately updates her list after reading a series, this could be a useful tool for keeping track of the series I've read and with keeping my list updated. There can be a button similar to that of the "Follow" button that says something like "Read" or "Finished".



    Sweet Potato

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this isn't already covered by the future follows list revamping?


