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Deletion of chapter by the contributor without the mod's approval

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    Potato Spud

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I've been a contributor for my group for years and just wanted to tell you Batoto is a really good manga reader site to both scanlators and readers. So good job to all the mod, engineers, finance, marketing etc. etc.


For all those years though there's one issue that i wanted to get fixed. It's the approval for the deletion of a chapter. I know you have a process for it ( changing the name of the chapter to "Delete" or whatnot) but sometimes it's taking some time for the mods to delete it. I'm not saying the mods are not doing a good job, but it's more a hassle for them don't you think?


What I want to suggest is for the Contributor or the uploader of the chapter have the power to directly delete the chapter he/she uploaded. By adding this feature, there won't be duplicate releases and the issue can be the fixed by the contributor him/her-self.


Also, its because other manga readers sites download the first version that comes up here and if there's something wrong with our release we can't do anything about it but cringe.



Thanks again.




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I remember there was a  difficulty with setting up permissions, tough I might be wrong (something like this was mentioned in the past).


But then there is also a problem with possiblity of users abusing this.

For example: A contributor uploads a manga that is not from his group, which does not really give him a right to remove it even though he is the uploader. (probably)


If you unapprove the chapter, its not really visible to anyone except mods and you, so even if it takes a while for mods to delete it, its not really a problem.



    Ascending Cat

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For what's worth, I have suggested something similar in the past in a thread called Trusted Contributor Rank.


I do not wish to hijack this thread as I link mine above, but point out that I agree that some sort of deeper self-moderation might be convenient, but only if first found appropriate and reasonable. In other words, I do not directly support the idea of all contributors having access power to upload's deletion, but only those who would be proven to truly benefit from it in one way or another (more explained in the thread linked above).