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    Potato Sprout

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Not sure if you can do this already. When I look for comics/manga I have to sift through all the different languages looking for English. I talking about when you click "Batoto" on the menu. I do not see a way to filter languages. When I look after clicking "Comics" I face the same issue. Even under advanced search there is no way to filter languages. Again if there is a way I do not know how to do it. If there is please share. If not it would make using the site much more enjoyable.



    Oui Purée

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On the right of the front page, click "Alter settings", then "Show selected languages" and then choose which languages you want to see.




    Couch Potato

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There's been a way to do this for years:

1) Go to home page: http://vatoto.com/

2) Look on the right, there's a menu called Language settings.
3) Click on Alter Settings
4) Select the ``Show select languages.'' radio button

5) Select the check buttons for the languages you want to see

6) Click on Save




PS. I like how you search for answer after creating the thread...


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    Sweet Potato

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Yes, as you see, languages can be filtered........but that won't reflect in search results/advanced search. In that instance you'll simply get all the titles that match your search criteria, regardless of the chapters/languages they contain. The front page, your follows, the comic pages........yeah, you can limit what appears chapters/languages wise, but not searches.

Edited by svines85, 31 October 2015 - 09:08 PM.
