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Page navigation issue using arrow keys (left & right)

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    Potato Spud

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So yeah, ever since the reader changed, changing pages using arrow keys will sometimes work and the other times don't. I prefer using arrow keys for long reading sessions so it is a bit of an issue. Out of habit I'd scroll up & down using arrow keys but then I realized I have to use the mouse to change pages. Any idea what's causing this?


Thanks for the response, and do please let me know if this had been asked before. 

Edited by Seijass, 26 October 2015 - 04:42 PM.



    Babo Kim

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I have no issues with the arrow keys. Can you try to elaborate a bit more? Like does the url change and the new image is just not loaded or does nothing happen at all?



    Potato Spud

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Nope, nothing even happens.


Also, I just woke up, resuming Upotte from the time I posted this (yes I turned off my PC), and now it works. Smh... browser being annoying, perhaps? I'm using Chrome.


Though I have to say this really never happened with any browser before the major changes, the arrow keys worked 100% of the time.


Update: exactly 2 hours after posting this, it came back. No, didn't close my browser or anything. It just happened all of a sudden after reading several chapters more.


Yet another update: Opened Mononoke Sharing in a new tab, arrow keys worked, yet again. This is really baffling.

Edited by Seijass, 27 October 2015 - 01:27 AM.



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Early investigations lead us to believe it may be caused by the loss of "focus" on the new reader. That is, your browser takes over control of the arrow keys, or something else intercepts their signals before the page can pick them up. A good example is if you're reading and then hit <Tab>. This causes your browser to select the search box, and your arrow key presses are then captured by the text box instead of any JavaScript on the page.


You may have a case where an extension is making your browser lose "focus" from the reader as well.


Again, this is all early investigations: I can't for the life of me figure out why losing focus wouldn't matter on the old reader, but matters on this one...

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    Potato Spud

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"Loss of focus"... I imagine that's the same when like I just changed tabs, clicked the scroll bar on the right and such? If so, clicking anywhere on the page usually solved it (old reader), but apparently no.


Thanks for looking into it though, I'll make do with mouse only for now.

Edited by Seijass, 27 October 2015 - 05:14 AM.



    Unemployed Kitty In A Penguin Suit

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If the arrow keys stop working, refresh the page. It will give you back arrow key control most of the time, at least until we figure out the root of the problem.

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"Loss of focus"... I imagine that's the same when like I just changed tabs, clicked the scroll bar on the right and such? If so, clicking anywhere on the page usually solved it (old reader), but apparently no.


Thanks for looking into it though, I'll make do with mouse only for now.


Just press F5, happened to me a few times as well, the image refuse to change be it clicking with the mouse or the arrows. However pressing F5 or the refresh button will make the page load the images correctly.

Posted Image



    Potato Sprout

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I'm unable to progress neither arrow keys or page number select on any comic. what is wrong and am i the only one?

Edited by ROTFLMAOMAGNETS, 27 October 2015 - 09:10 PM.
post moved from QA



    Babo Kim

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I'm unable to progress neither arrow keys or page number select on any comic. what is wrong and am i the only one?

What browser are you using? And can you read normally when clicking with the mouse?



    Potato Sprout

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The JS hotkey code is queuing keydown/keyup events for whatever reason. The issue is that when a user uses a browser- or system-level shortcut that moves away from the page (such as switching tabs, or switching applications), one or more modifier keys are left in the queue because the reader page has lost focus and never gets the keyup event, causing further events to never match. A user would need to press and lift the correct modifier keys again in order to clear the queue.


This has always been a problem, but is brought to prominence in the new reader because the JS is loaded only once. In the previous reader, changing a page by another method (e.g., a click) would reload the code.


The quickest fix is to catch the page blur event and clear the hotkey queue by adding something like the following to the inline reader page script:

jQuery(window).bind('blur', function () { Hotkeys.release(); });

Edited by sakanaga, 13 November 2015 - 06:02 PM.




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Generous of you to give the solution to make it quick. Done!