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Suggestions for name translations

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    Potato Spud

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After looking up the Japanese characters used in some of the characters' names, I felt as if some of the translations could be changed.


raiosu -> Laios
marushiru -> Marcille

The elf's name in particular makes more sense, I feel.  Marcille is an actual name, and matches the syllables more accurately than Marsilla.


These two would probably remain the same, though:
senshi -> Senshi
chiruchyakku -> Chilchack



    Fingerling Potato

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I've got at least 100 chapters under my belt for translation so I'll take a stab at it. Another good thing to do is to cross-reference those names against fantasy sources.


ライオス - I agree that Laios seems like the best option. Also matches up with King Laios from Greek lore.

ファリン - I would go with Farlin. Or maybe Farin.

マルシル - Marcille or maybe even just Marcil.

チルチャック - It's most likely Gaelic in origin, but fuck if I can figure out how it's spelled. (Since he's kinda like a halfling right? Similar to lurikeen then)

Edited by Aereus, 30 October 2015 - 01:35 PM.




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for me ファリン -> Farlin doesn't sound right. the direct translation should be Farin, but IMO Falene or Faline sounds cooler and cuter. i don't have any myth or legends as a reference tho.

speaking of cooler names, do you think マルシル can be translated to Marseille instead?



    Potato Sprout

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to me, ライオス -> laios doesn't seem too right? king laius is also spelled like laios in greek lore. but laius seems like the better option.



    Potato Spud

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wow is hard to understand , you really are good with names in japanese