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Multiple Intelligences! Know yours and share!

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So... I remembered this random thing. I bet some of you already know about this. Oh well.


What are multiple Intelligences?

It has been claimed by some researchers that our intelligence or ability to understand the world around us is complex.

Some people are better at understanding some things than others.
Instead of having one intelligence it is claimed that we have several different intelligences.

These are listed below:

Kinaesthetic - Body Smart

Linguistic - Word Smart

Logical - Number Smart

Interpersonal - People Smart

Intrapersonal - Myself Smart

Musical - Music Smart

Visual/Spatial - Picture Smart

Naturalistic - Nature Smart

>>> Read more about them <<<

What special intelligences do you have? You can find out by answering a few simple questions.

Answer the questionnaire and post your results!

>>> Questionnaire <<<


And a question! Do you think the results are accurate?

"Remember this always: the fly, even in paradise, must always exist on shit."
- Frances Pauli from The Fly in Paradise



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Edited by KayBorn3000, 02 November 2011 - 02:24 PM.




    Fingerling Potato

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To lazy to ctrl paste...so here's the code:





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To lazy to ctrl paste...so here's the code:

Coz you took the time to take the test... XD I'll post it for you.

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"Remember this always: the fly, even in paradise, must always exist on shit."
- Frances Pauli from The Fly in Paradise



    Russet Potato

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So I took it but I dunno how to upload image though so...

Body smart: 16 (far too high, perhaps because I chose always for "I like to think when running/walking". Assuming this was a body smart question, the phrasing was poor... and upon checking it was indeed a body smart question)
Word smart: 13 (fair enough)
Logic smart: 17
Interpersonal smart: 15 (I am extremely withdrawn and hate crowds, but I also generally have a good grasp on how to deal with others and what they are thinking... of course, it was a struggle for me to even get to this point. Accuracy hard to tell, but probably should be a bit lower if we are assuming intelligence is something more innate.)
Intrapersonal smart: 19 (again, fair enough)
musical smart: 23 (I love music, and it always drives me up the wall when I hear somebody singing out of key. For me, it is almost unfathomable that somebody can't notice this even if they are the one singing. That being said, I feel that everybody should not feel self-conscious about singing or playing an instrument just because they are bad at it. If they're having fun, then that tends to come through regardless of whether or not it sounds like they're cutting steel... If there heart isn't in it at all though or I'm trying to sleep then I will be merciless)
visual smart: 20 (maybe... I'm terrible with art though. The getting lost was a visual/spacial smart question which is fair enough. That being said, one could make the argument that there are nature smart and logic smart elements to getting lost as well.)
nature smart: 21 (not really. I'm just able to identify a reasonable amount of flora and fauna because I'm a biology major. Just because I know it, doesn't mean it all comes to me naturally. One may say at this point that I should have just answered the question based upon whether or not that kind of stuff comes to me naturally, but a good test is one where you can just answer the questions as they were asked and not have to think about what they're really asking. With this kind of a test you are supposed to answer the questions fast so as not to introduce bias.)

Do I think the test is accurate? I think it probably would come up with reasonably accurate results. Do I think this test is good? No. First of all, there are only a total of 5 questions pertaining to each category. This means each answer has a major impact on the results. I feel it would be better to have several questions for each to minimize the impact of things like a bad question or an answer that was given with the goal in mind of getting a certain result. Secondly, a number of these questions relate to multiple intelligences. Honestly, I find the idea of a test for multiple intelligences where you ask a person for a self-evaluation seems flawed to begin with. We may have "multiple intelligences", but when push comes to shove those multiple intelligences work together. Logical smart can be closely related with pretty much every other smart other than perhaps body smart. Word smart can also go with interpersonal smart. Intrapersonal smart too can go with interpersonal smart. The notion that questions about everyday life can succeed in separating these different intelligences when in everyday life those intelligences are working together is a concept that I find ultimately flawed. Who is to say, for example, that remembering pieces of music isn't something purely logical, or even spacial (starts here, two steps up, one step down, half step up, ends here)? Is there something other than a false distinction to separate these intelligences in everyday life?

That being said, do I think the test was meant to be good? No, not really. Just good enough... ah figured it out.

or not...

Edited by ragnarok_grindstone, 02 November 2011 - 03:54 PM.

Looks like a duck? Tastes like a duck? Walks like a duck? It's a panda! :batoto_010:
oh darn.



    Fingerling Potato

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Thank You, I now know that I'm plain stupid. xD

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    Potato Sprout

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Yeah, that's pretty much how I see myself... As of the accuracy of the results? Well, it's a 40-question test. And it's a 40-question test about how you see yourself. You can't get much less accurate than that.

Edited by passcod, 02 November 2011 - 10:43 PM.




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ragnarok_water - There's 2 other aspects that are missing from this test. - Real Life Experience and Common Sense.

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Im so lazy i dont even want to click the link T_T
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(Sig+Avt Made by rockiNangeL)



    Fingerling Potato

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That's the code... wasn't sure how to bring the flash image on... sorry!
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"I know the night is not the same as the day: that all things are different, that the things of the night cannot be explained in the day, because they do not then exist, and the night can be a dreadful time for lonely people once their loneliness has started."
- Ernest Hemingway



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Not too accurate. But it killed some time. I know myself the best; that much is clear.



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That's my code. Good way to kill time.



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CBF screenshotting.


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That's the code... wasn't sure how to bring the flash image on... sorry!

I was bored so ... here you go.

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"Remember this always: the fly, even in paradise, must always exist on shit."
- Frances Pauli from The Fly in Paradise




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That's my code. Good way to kill time.

Yeep. :)

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"Remember this always: the fly, even in paradise, must always exist on shit."
- Frances Pauli from The Fly in Paradise




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CBF screenshotting.


*pats TheGodfather*

Mano po...

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"Remember this always: the fly, even in paradise, must always exist on shit."
- Frances Pauli from The Fly in Paradise



    Potato Spud

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My code's 42brr03325

I don't know how to post the picture. e - e;

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+ t h e + d i s t a n c e + b e t w e e n + w o r l d s +

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I find a flaw in this test...
If your intra-personal score is low, the rest of the test is invalid as the test is based on how you feel about yourself, a dependency in the "intra-personal smart".
Conversely, if your intra-personal score is high, there's still the risk of having an invalid test as you may feel incorrectly about yourself. So, only in the above scenario, we are sure that the test is meaningless. :D
ps: 42tbp03336



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Yet you yourself did it. Hm. I wonder what that says.

True. All of these kinds of tests are based on your own feelings, so then all tests concerning how you feel or conceive of the world are flawed.

Deus Ex Machina - A state of mind when someone is a potato and believes their god will help them.

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+ t h e + d i s t a n c e + b e t w e e n + w o r l d s +

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    Russet Potato

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I find a flaw in this test...
If your intra-personal score is low, the rest of the test is invalid as the test is based on how you feel about yourself, a dependency in the "intra-personal smart".

I must say, I have always wondered (but not really) "if you don't know yourself, then how do you know you don't know yourself?" Such a test for a person with low intrapersonal smart relies upon the test knowing more about them than they know about themselves. I suppose someone out there might have the goal in mind to one day create a test more aware than we are self-aware, but until that day comes I shall continue to revel in the deliciousness of cheese.

Generally speaking, I feel an extremely high or extremely low intrapersonal(I shan't be defeated spellcheck!) score is suspicious (basically, I agree). Knowledge of oneself often comes with the realization "there's a lot about me that I still don't understand". This isn't something particularly measurable in a test though, which in my opinion greatly detracts from the meaning of your intrapersonal score to begin with. The only real purpose I can think of for the intrapersonal score would be to throw out the results altogether when the score is very low.

so then all tests concerning how you feel or conceive of the world are flawed.

True. That being said, such tests may still be used in psychological studies and the like (they're certainly far from perfect, but can provide some insight depending upon the purpose... I guess...) which is why it is extremely important to do everything possible to minimize error. Increasing the number of questions (or decreasing... as the case may be), changing the phrasing, etc. Everything we do is flawed. The key is to recognize and eliminate, and not to assume perfection.

I generally only trust psychological surveys as far as I can throw them, and if they're on the internet... well I can't throw them very far at all, can I? :P Even assuming people are answering truthfully, the results still are very much open to interpretation (even more so if you have a poor control group). Still fun to take the tests though!

-edit- speaking of accuracy, there is one question that nobody has asked. What level of precision can be expected from this kind of a test? Say you were to take this test again a year later, do you think you'd get reasonably similar results? Do you think that this test being precise would actually mean anything?

Edited by ragnarok_water, 07 November 2011 - 03:28 AM.

Looks like a duck? Tastes like a duck? Walks like a duck? It's a panda! :batoto_010:
oh darn.