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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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    Potato Sprout

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I mainly use Batoto because of the Follows page, but I only check every once in a while, and trying to remember if I've read a chapter or not is a real pain.

Even something as simple as a "Read" checkbox to tick next to each chapter in the follows page would do the trick.


I know this issue is partially covered under the pinned Plans post, but I'm not sure whether it's still being looked at.

It would really improve my experience if I had something like this!


Thanks very much.



    Discord King

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Have you tried the old follows page? It shows your last read chapter: https://vatoto.com/follows_comics


Note that it's "last read" not "farthest read" so if you go back and look at chapter 5 out of 160, it'll show chapter 5 :)

My words are my own, and do not represent Batoto in any way, shape, or form unless otherwise stated in the post itself ^.^



    Ascending Cat

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Alongside what Daktyl said, you can also use a manga and anime listing external website of your preference, which is also recommended on a long-run if you plan on keeping all of the statuses achieved.

Those websites offer checking out how many chapters you have seen, and cross-referencing it back to Batoto and deciding which chapter to read next takes a few seconds maximum.