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    Fingerling Potato

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Right now we can sort a manga etc by language, my suggestion here is to sort/show/hide by scanlator.


It can be 'annoying' to read one chapter 2-5 times because multiple groups have decided to do one chapter, or suddenly we have 2+ groups doing a range of chapters.  This would allow the reader to 'hide' and 'skip' the unwanted/extraneous chapters.

I write fanfiction
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1 freezing x Sekirei crossover



    Discord King

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This behavior shouldn't happen...

The way the reader is coded, when you finish a chapter and click "next page", it should skip all other chapters with the same number and go to the next highest chapter number.


A few bonuses include:

1. The reader treats "Volume 1, Chapter 4" the same as "No volume, chapter 4", so you shouldn't have to worry about that.

2. The reader remembers what group you are currently reading, and prefers to stick with that group with the following chapters.


i.e. If Group A and Group B are doing the same series, and the uploads are in the order of [Chapter 1: A], [Chapter 1: B][Chapter 3: A], etc etc and you start reading Group B's work, it won't just jump to the next "closest" chapter ([Chapter 1: B] >> [Chapter 2: A]), it'll try to stick with the group.


That being said, if there's an omake ([Chapter 4.5: A]) or something that only Group A uploaded, it won't skip over that just to stay on Group B chapters.


And all of this is me telling you that we'll need a bit more info to diagnose why your reader is not following this pattern...

My words are my own, and do not represent Batoto in any way, shape, or form unless otherwise stated in the post itself ^.^



    Fingerling Potato

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Hmm, ok.


I usually read using the mobile reader 'MangaStorm' or 'Manga Rock' both do this.


I also just duplicated it from ch 184 Freezing, upwards in google chrome (Version 45.0.2454.85 m) on windows 7.

Edited by GodricKharg, 12 September 2015 - 02:50 AM.

I write fanfiction
3 SEKIREI stories
1 Nisekoi short oneshot
1 freezing x Sekirei crossover