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Weighted rating

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Right now batoto rating is pretty much pointless. New or obscure series with only several votes are at the top, it doesn't represent the actual popularity. Sites like IMDB and ANN are using bayesian estimate to fix that problem. It takes votes number into consideration, reduces the noise and brings series with better votes number / mean ratio towards the top. 
To quote imdb:

The formula for calculating the Top Rated 250 Titles gives a true Bayesian estimate:
weighted rating (WR) = (v ÷ (v+m)) × R + (m ÷ (v+m)) × C
R = average for the movie (mean) = (Rating)
v = number of votes for the movie = (votes)
m = minimum votes required to be listed in the Top 250 (currently 25000)
C = the mean vote across the whole report (currently 1.0)


This is how batoto rating would look like with 3.91 mean and minimum 30 votes, vs actual batoto rating. Out of 14230 comics only 2497 got weighted rating. Batoto users are somehow reluctant to vote, only 6541 comics have more than 10 votes. Well, it's up to admins to decide what's the minimum - ann set their to 12, for instance.



    Sweet Potato

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Mmmmm........seems like this (or at least closely related) has come up before. Did you read this one...?




I don't really remember now, but it seems like maybe your "bayesian" solution was brought up in the course of that conversation as well. 


Oh well, I've said it before, but I personally only use any "rating" type numbers as one piece of an evaluation anyway, whether batoto's is any less "accurate" than another site's really doesn't fret me one little bit. I guess if it did I'd use another site's rating system in my evaluation and then come back here to read.


Oh well, good luck with your suggestion, though I'd be shocked if you see any kind of changes happening here any time soon. :)


Chocolate Chip

Chocolate Chip

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No matter what formula you use, the only thing manga ratings will ever indicate is the size and visibility of the female characters' breasts.




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Mmmmm........seems like this (or at least closely related) has come up before. Did you read this one...?


I don't really remember now, but it seems like maybe your "bayesian" solution was brought up in the course of that conversation as well.

It didn't occur to me to check every ridiculous suggestion. Even though I see some sense there, people taking it way too seriously for some reason. Batoto rating doesn't need to be scientifically accurate or even fair, it should be just helpful in finding and sorting stuff.

though I'd be shocked if you see any kind of changes happening here any time soon. :)

This is why I solve my problems by myself. As for the rating suggestion, any change is to the better and it should be fairly easy to implement.



    Discord King

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I, for one, will definitely be using that site you linked Halo :D


Consider it bookmarked ^.^

My words are my own, and do not represent Batoto in any way, shape, or form unless otherwise stated in the post itself ^.^




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I, for one, will definitely be using that site you linked Halo :D
Consider it bookmarked ^.^

Updated once per week, every Friday/Saturday.
There are some issues I need to fix and stuff to expand, but main functional should be reliable.