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Obsession Scans is in need of a Japanese Translator for the project Ninku!

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    Potato Spud

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Obsession Scans
Website/Blog: [Here]
Our Fourm: [Here]

Obsession Scans is recruiting the following:
-Chinese/Japanese to English Translators
-Quality Checkers

No experience is needed, though those who don't have a clue what to do can read up on some tutorials then report back later, or juest ask and I'll help you out~ (I'm Obs)

If anyone is interested please email us at [email protected]

Current Projects we have picked up so far are:
-Ouji ka Prince
-Sorairo Kaigan
-Akuma to Love Song
-Higaeri Quest

We are in great need of Japanese translators and Quality Checkers!

Thank you and have a great day~

Edited by ObsessionScans, 01 September 2012 - 04:59 PM.



    Potato Spud

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Bumpity Bump!
We are in great need for a Japanese Translator!



    Potato Spud

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Bump! We are in need of Japanese Translators!



    Potato Sprout

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I want to help with proof reading, since that's the only thing Im good at.
My Japanese is very bad, and Im pretty much worse in editting.
So let me help you with something Im most confident with, Proof Reading!
I dont have a lot of time to spare but I have enough to help!

Depress Love Poet



    Potato Spud

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Updates: We have picked up Akuma to Love Song~



    Potato Sprout

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umm. I want to apply for the typesetting job. I've got adobe photoshop cs5 and some fonts like cc wildwords, animeace, badaboom, gorilla milkshake and manga temple. I have no experience but I have the idea to what the work will be. I'd like to offer help for cleaning the manga but I'll stick for the easier job for now and see the work load



    Potato Spud

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umm. I want to apply for the typesetting job. I've got adobe photoshop cs5 and some fonts like cc wildwords, animeace, badaboom, gorilla milkshake and manga temple. I have no experience but I have the idea to what the work will be. I'd like to offer help for cleaning the manga but I'll stick for the easier job for now and see the work load

Ah, didn't notice this post till now, would you happen to have a email so we could discuss a bit more? ^^



    Potato Sprout

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my email is [email protected]



    Potato Spud

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We NEED Cleaners and Typesetters for the Project Akuma to Love Song!
As well as a Japanese Translator for the project Higaeri Quest!
If anyone is willing to help out, even if it's just for one chapters worth of work, please send us over an email!
You do not need experience, we will gladly take in and shelter newcomers to the world of scanlation!
Thank you for your time~



    Potato Spud

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Would anyone like to be the Japanese translator for the project Ninku? It's one of the projects that inspired Naruto..



    Potato Spud

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We are in a great need of Typesetters at the moment, we have about... 5+ chapters lining up to be typeset with no one there to typeset them. :(
1 Chinese translator is needed for translating 2 chapters of Beauty!!, which then we will release about 5 chapters then drop it.. Though translators who might translate this for us must know that there may be some explicit scenes in some of the chapters.. :X
Both Japanese projects Higaeri Quest and Ninku are in need of a translator, no chapter of Ninku has yet to be released from our group..
We are still recruiting Chinese translators for our Chinese projects, to help push them along faster. We're trying to get releases out faster so we need more staff to come and help us out~
Thank you for reading the latest updates for recruitment :o