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This isn´t unfair?

Watamote; Himouto; Unfair

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    Potato Spud

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Just caught up with chapter 99... and it´s awesome... it's easy my second favourite in Young Jump after One Punch Man! The better part it's that the two are receiving animes in this Summer (2015)!

But, this is something that caught my attention... It's only me or there is a great gap between Umaru and Tomoko lifestyles? I think someone already pointed out in the comments (at least 1 in 1700 up to now)...You know: Both are Otaku Girls and are in the casting of a short gag manga... though, Umaru has all: the beauty, the brains and even the brawn... It was very cool when she just mastered soccer in her first try! The friends, a caring brother, all the cola she can drink...


... Well while Tomoko, it was too sad... and the manga often make sure that the things that happened were her fault in first place... I ended dropping it by chapter 30 it was too cruel to look at... She and Umaru are like two sides of the same coin... and in a game the coin always lands with tomoko's side face down...

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mr. Poneis

Edited by mrponeis, 21 May 2015 - 04:13 AM.



    Potato Spud

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Probably the same reason I didn't keep up reading Watamote, too close to home with the being socially awkward part. Something I've since overcome, but schools are either out fondest or our worst memories because of the social element.


Umaru on the flip side is supposed to be outwardly perfect but that is nothing more than a façade she wears in public which leads to her social acceptance. Of course she can only be spoilt the rest of the time due to her overly doting brother, something Tomoko lacks, her family environment is more, normal. 




    Potato Spud

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Just caught up with chapter 99... and it´s awesome... it's easy my second favourite in Young Jump after One Punch Man! The better part it's that the two are receiving animes in this Summer (2015)!

But, this is something that caught my attention... It's only me or there is a great gap between Umaru and Tomoko lifestyles? I think someone already pointed out in the comments (at least 1 in 1700 up to now)...You know: Both are Otaku Girls and are in the casting of a short gag manga... though, Umaru has all: the beauty, the brains and even the brawn... It was very cool when she just mastered soccer in her first try! The friends, a caring brother, all the cola she can drink...


... Well while Tomoko, it was too sad... and the manga often make sure that the things that happened were her fault in first place... I ended dropping it by chapter 30 it was too cruel to look at... She and Umaru are like two sides of the same coin... and in a game the coin always lands with tomoko's side face down...

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mr. Poneis


It's not really a matter of being "unfair" or not.  They're two completely different manga made by completely different mangaka.  This one is more "cuteness for cuteness' sake," where as Watamote is poking fun at the kind of person who brings their own misery and suffering on themselves while still blaming others.  I like both of them for different reasons.  Umaru's a spoiled brat who wears a facade of perfection, but is basically a pretty sweet kid who genuinely cares about those with whom she's close.  Tomoko's a loner otaku with a bad attitude who quite often makes whatever situation she's in worse, even when trying to make it better.


You said, "the manga often make sure that the things that happened were her fault in the first place,[sic]" but that's kind of a silly statement to even make.  When you do stupid stuff in real life, there tend to be consequences; it's totally realistic to write that way.  I daresay that most socially awkward people can attest to the fact that when they said or did something strange, the consequences they faced  were likely not what they'd wanted (ridicule, being laughed at, ignored, getting funny looks, etc.) .


I say this as someone who used to be awkward and identified w/ some of what Tomoko dealt with.  You play the hand you're dealt as best you can.  Umaru got a better hand (gorgeous, smart, talented, etc.), and plays it well (too well, in some ways).  Tomoko got a fair hand (cute enough in her own way, pretty normal family, etc.), but plays it terribly, assuming strange things about people, speaking arrogantly when she thinks she's in a superior position, and so on and so forth.  Life's what you make of it.  :wacko: