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[OOC] Penumbra - Sigil of the Damned

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Penumbra – Sigil of the Damned

RP by Mors

Chapter 1 – Predators 
“Do good,” Flynn’s mother said to him the day she died. “Stand in the light.”
He’d hardly understood what doing good meant at six years old. He wasn’t sure he was much closer at eighteen. Here he was, after all, wasting what should have been his proudest moment, still trying to puzzle out the good thing to do.
Joining the police academy was supposed to be the honorable thing. There weren’t many options available for a street urchin like him, and this was far preferable to slowly rotting away begging for scraps like so many others in the city. As long as Flynn could remember, it had been his dream to stand armed among his brothers in uniform.
But he didn’t feel like he was standing in the light. All he could think of now was Thomas with the gaping hole through his neck, drooling red as he made that honking pig sound. The last he’d ever make. And Eddie, laid on the ground with blood smeared across his face, jaw-hanging open as the others named him a murderer. And the other thing he saw last night…that abomination. He should’ve told the truth, but who would believe him?
Thomas was a good man, who stood for those beside him just as a member of the police squad was supposed to. Surely he hadn’t deserved to die for that?
Eddie cared for nothing past the end of his own nose. Flynn still bore bruises from the last time he had to help calm Eddie’s drunken rage. Even so, surely he didn’t deserve to be named murderer for that?
Flynn glanced guiltily up at the statue of the scales, the emblem of Penumbra’s police force. Towering in judgment over him. He squirmed as though he was the one who’d killed Thomas and named Eddie a murderer. All he’d done was watch.
Watch and do nothing.
The Captain was always first to arrive and last to leave. Flynn had waited until all the others had gone for the evening before approaching his office. Flynn’s heart beat loud in his ears. His mouth opened.
“Captain Elliot!” he blurted, far too loud, and then, as the police captain turned toward him, croaked far too soft, “I need to speak to you.”
“What about, Flynn?” That gave him pause. The department was huge, he hadn’t thought the Captain would even know his name.
“About Edward Blake.”
A long silence. The captain might only have been a few years older than Flynn, pale-skinned and pale-haired as if the color was washed out of him, so gaunt a stiff breeze might blow him away, but close up there was something chilling in the captain’s eye. Something that caused Flynn to wilt under his gaze.
But there was no going back now. “He’s no murderer,” he muttered.
“The others think he is.”
His throat felt dry, but Flynn pressed on. “The others weren’t there. They didn’t see what I saw.”
“What did you see?”
“It was our day off. We were sharing drinks at the Rat’s Nest-“
“Yes I already know all this. Get on with it.”
This wasn’t going as well as Flynn had hoped. “Eddie and Thomas got into an argument, something about Eddie’s drinking habits. They took it to the alley outside…they started fighting. But then, there was something else there. It was- It was a monster!”
Captain Elliot glanced toward the office window, and eased a little closer. “But Flynn,” he whispered, “I already knew this as well.”
Flynn tripped backwards, gaping in horror at the nightmare that had suddenly appeared before him. The captain was covered slowly by a wispy shadow, his head arched forward and he grinned revealing a bright set of razor sharp teeth. It was the creature from last night, and up close it was even more terrible than he remembered. “You! But—“ he began to shout out for help but found he could not speak with the monster’s jaws clamped onto his neck.
It didn’t take longer than a few minutes for the beast to finish its meal. He gave a satisfied burp as the last traces of officer Flynn Avery melted away in his stomach, cut his contentment was cut short by the shadow that suddenly flashed in front of him.
“So, it was the captain all along? This city never ceases to amaze me,” came a stranger’s voice.
“Who are you?” The captain snarled, still in his monster form. The man that stood before him looked like a genuine mortal. How could he have snuck up on him so easily?
“I am the hunter,” the man said calmly as his silver blade sunk into the captain’s chest. “And you are my prey.”



The Outsiders


Character Sheet

Edited by Mors, 03 May 2015 - 08:46 AM.


"The sun is new each day."

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    Fingerling Potato

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So I guess you like Bloodborne.


CS coming soon.



    Potato Spud

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I can see that this is BB inspired, so thats a plus. Can you explain better what the "Aspect of the Hunter" is and how it affects the character?


Crimson Century: Bratumił

Edge of Destiny: Geraint

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    Fingerling Potato

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Are we allowed to create our own ideas of an Aspect, and hopefully get it approved by you? Unless you're going to just rip them out of Bloodborne and modify them a bit, and then slap them on our characters?




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Unfortunately, because these forums are so slow right now I opened this RP in another forums. If you are still interested, send me a pm and I'll drop you a link.


"The sun is new each day."

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    Fingerling Potato

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K den...I see your time was invested elsewhere. Np.

Kind of a Manly Man-chan

Kind of a Manly Man-chan

    Potato Spud

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Dude, Throw me a pm.
