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Alcohol Tolerance

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Will of NGE

Will of NGE

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your head is clear enough to dodge my question though .. i am hurt

if you don't know the answer, try it now ... its fun hehehe


I didn't dodge it, I answered it :P I swear. I think.


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srsly now 



    Crispy Potato

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im pretty tolerant to alcohol, i dont mind them coming to our country, not like racists like aurum >:

How drunk are you



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How drunk are you

youre so intolerant




    Russet Potato

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Much intolerance such cool



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this aurum bloke needs to seriously check xir alcohol privilege

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Will of NGE

Will of NGE

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    Crispy Potato

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youre so intolerant

Alcohol intolerant and your ignorance triggers me



    Couch Potato

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Alcohol intolerant and your ignorance triggers me

yes, because i totally didnt know you meant that .-.




    Crispy Potato

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yes, because i totally didnt know you meant that .-.

Wtf are you even referring to



    Russet Potato

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You being alcohol intolerant



    Potato Sprout

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I think i have a zero tolerance. just one sip of rakı, and i'm drunk.



    Baked Potato

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A tale of two tolerances


Before going on a bunch of prescription crap, I had moderate tolerance of alcohol: second beer before any noticeable reflex impairment, 5 or 6 mixed drinks before impaired impulse control might lead me to do something socially stupid, more than a half dozen whiskeys (pref. scotch) to get falling down, silly drunk--which I've done maybe a dozen times in my life. I could readily split a bottle of wine or champagne with my wife without worrying about the hangover. Also learned to re-hydrate before going to bed after a wild party. (One aspirin and a half-liter of water before bed does wonders as a hangover preventative.) Can tell that my ancestors needed alcohol to prevent water-borne illnesses, so I inherited the genes to rapidly detoxify the stuff.


Last decade or so, especially since my first major depression, I really can't drink like that anymore. One beer or two glasses of wine is my limit for a short evening. Maybe two beers if I spread them out over a long evening (several hours), with food, other liquids and light exercise in between. The amount I can drink now is about what I can drink and still be safe to drive an automobile, that is very mild effects with reflexes and judgement intact. Now days any more than that and it's like going straight to the hangover. Go directly to alcohol poisoning misery. Do not pass tipsy, pleasant haze, or happy drunk on the way. Do not collect good memories. You are done with that.

Will of NGE

Will of NGE

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A tale of two tolerances


Before going on a bunch of prescription crap, I had moderate tolerance of alcohol: second beer before any noticeable reflex impairment, 5 or 6 mixed drinks before impaired impulse control might lead me to do something socially stupid, more than a half dozen whiskeys (pref. scotch) to get falling down, silly drunk--which I've done maybe a dozen times in my life. I could readily split a bottle of wine or champagne with my wife without worrying about the hangover. Also learned to re-hydrate before going to bed after a wild party. (One aspirin and a half-liter of water before bed does wonders as a hangover preventative.) Can tell that my ancestors needed alcohol to prevent water-borne illnesses, so I inherited the genes to rapidly detoxify the stuff.


Last decade or so, especially since my first major depression, I really can't drink like that anymore. One beer or two glasses of wine is my limit for a short evening. Maybe two beers if I spread them out over a long evening (several hours), with food, other liquids and light exercise in between. The amount I can drink now is about what I can drink and still be safe to drive an automobile, that is very mild effects with reflexes and judgement intact. Now days any more than that and it's like going straight to the hangover. Go directly to alcohol poisoning misery. Do not pass tipsy, pleasant haze, or happy drunk on the way. Do not collect good memories. You are done with that.






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    Baked Potato

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It very high. I can down 2 bottle of wine and still be okay given I been eating good for the past couple weeks. It takes a lot for any noticeable affect to occur.  I recorded proof, because I always write down, what I drink and how much. Because, it useful personal data.  


Will of NGE

Will of NGE

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It very high. I can down 2 bottle of wine and still be okay given I been eating good for the past couple weeks. It takes a lot for any noticeable affect to occur.  I recorded proof, because I always write down, what I drink and how much. Because, it useful personal data.  


(reads it in a russian accent)


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Yan Q

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I have a ridiculously high tolerance.

I try not to drink during parties now because once people find out they want to push me to my limits to see how far I can go /:
Seriously guys, are we 16 year olds?

The most I've ever had in a night is probably about one and a half bottles of whiskey, some good ciders, half a bottle of really nasty cheap beer and... I think two glasses of wine? Just glad I didn't have to pay for it tbh.

I've been drunk before, but never gotten a hangover. So I"m lucky I guess.

I think i have a zero tolerance. just one sip of rakı, and i'm drunk.

We need to meet up. I wanna see you drunk.
Let's get some joeun day soju in ya

yes, i bite

fp | ig



    Russet Potato

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im not allowed to drink :(

Edited by Beluga, 04 April 2015 - 10:38 PM.



    Fingerling Potato

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I would call it moderate to heavy weight. I have only gone drinking seriously once in my life, while I was in Germany. While there, spread over around 3 hours and 3 bars/biergartens, I drank around 3 liters of beer. Around 1.5 liters got me tipsy, and by 3 I was lightly impaired and mildy dizzy/unstable. Though, that was with some pretzels and ice cream as well.

Edited by 3swordfan, 05 April 2015 - 12:54 AM.

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    Potato Sprout

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I have a ridiculously high tolerance.

I try not to drink during parties now because once people find out they want to push me to my limits to see how far I can go /:
Seriously guys, are we 16 year olds?

The most I've ever had in a night is probably about one and a half bottles of whiskey, some good ciders, half a bottle of really nasty cheap beer and... I think two glasses of wine? Just glad I didn't have to pay for it tbh.

I've been drunk before, but never gotten a hangover. So I"m lucky I guess.
We need to meet up. I wanna see you drunk.
Let's get some joeun day soju in ya

When i'm drunk i laugh too much. Just laughing... laughing... laugh... Also after that laughing section, i immediately go to sleep. One day i'll try soju, shouchu and get drunk.