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Makes my eyes Bleed

- - - - - website background color

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    Potato Sprout

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I read many many comics, and I like to read for many many hours. I usually use other sites for this, although I prefer the ideals behind this site better. My main problem is that my eye hurt when reading on this site.


First a bit of science:


What is a computer monitor?

--A monitor, in it's simplest terms, is a large group of flashlights shining bright lights directly into peoples' eyes.


What does this have to do with hurt eyes and reading comics?

--A flashlight shining light into eyes is bad(hopefully we can agree on this); but it has become part of socity, computers, TVs, ect..


Which is better, a bright light shining into your eyes or a dark/dull light shining into your eyes?

--Easy, the dark/dull light is better for your eyes.



Now this may not seem like a problem to some people, it all depends on the size of the screen. I can use my tablet for reading on this site better because it has a smaller screen, but my desktop runs at a modest 1920x1080, leaving most websites with a lot of 'whitespace'. I have noticed that the site has become a bit better since I started reading on it, but the biggest problem still remains. The large white space directly around the *comic page* causes my eyes to hurt and thus forces me to switch to another site to read. I see you have that edit button up top there and I've tried it, but it does nothing to fix my main problem. For referance check out some other sites, I have several and they all use either a dark grey or ~black background, much eaiser on the eyes and it makes for a better read over all. Now I know a bit of HTML and CSS(have a degree in computer networking administration), so I know that the change I have proposed it not a major one, nor all that time consuming; Thus I would like to see this change, for the betterment of our reading experience, asap.


Thanks for Hearing me Out,


I'm a gamer. Not because I have no life, but because I choose to have many.



    Fried Potato

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Down on the bottom left of the footer, there's a change theme link.  Select Blood theme; that'll give you a black background.



    Potato Sprout

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no wonder I never saw that looks like it requires you to log in, which I havn't done until now, *Sigh*, my 10 mins spent working out this post seem so hollow now.......

I'm a gamer. Not because I have no life, but because I choose to have many.



    Fried Potato

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At least there was an easy fix!



    Potato Spud

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osasaki...you're awesome :3

Mad Hero

Mad Hero


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There are also some themes at userstyles.



    Equine non grata

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My main problem is that my eye hurt when reading on this site.

'side from what osakaki said, if you have a browser that supports Stylish, there are some user-made styles here.

And if your display's whites hurt your eyes, you might consider reducing its brightness or calibrating it in a way that dims white.




You <3

Whoever decided to delete this was an idiot.

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    Fried Potato

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'side from what osakaki said, if you have a browser that supports Stylish, there are some user-made styles here.

And if your display's whites hurt your eyes, you might consider reducing its brightness or calibrating it in a way that dims white.

There's a program called f.lux that dims your monitor based on daytime/nighttime to assist your circadian rhythms which I use. Worth checking out, too.

osasaki...you're awesome :3

aww shucks!