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Caring for your left alone "Follows"

- - - - - follow suggestion search sugestion filter suggestion

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    Potato Sprout

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Hello o(^- ^ o)


I looked carefully and haven't found this suggestion yet, if I am mistaken please overlook this post ><

Maybe other people have trouble keeping tracks of the unread followed mangas they added and the reason why they did so in the first place.

Therefore having a "Follows" search section might be a good idea like the already existing "Forum", "Help files" and "Member" sections. It would be a bit like when you first looked for mangas but with the past pre-sorting ensuring you go through things you like.

An alternative could be a follows filter in the advanced search module. Which still remains unique to each people unfortunately.


As having a custom individual search section for every member seems a bit complicated to enable  :( I think some options might target the same goal with easier methods such as :


- A detailed follows list that would be exactly like the results of a manga search in alphabetical order with the Name, Author, Popularity and Genre. I realise that all those things are written on the main manga page but having something like the search results with criterias shown helps finding something potatoes know they wanted to read but also something that fits the actual mood. Like Potato 1 feels nostalgic and wants to read  School life stuff, Potato 2 just got dumped and needs to read some shoujo stuff to get back confidence in the male species, or Potato 2 just needs some Action AND Humour right now so it'll look for one follows that got both tags.

- A possibility to order follows by Genre as it often is the main criteria of search. I don't think an ordering by Author is as useful because currently by clicking on an author name on a main manga page you access fairly enough to the results without having to sort them as they are fewer than Genre or say Popularity results.

It is possible that this last suggestion might have been given elsewhere but it is in keeping to the logics of the first features so....


Thanks for reading till there. What is your opinion ?

Have a nice day ^^

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