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in advanced research also enter a filter for language

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    Potato Sprout

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So you can filter the jobs available in their own language




and... sorry for my english :blush:



    Ascending Cat

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I've tried figuring out what are these "jobs" you are referring to but didn't have much success. Could you please explain further what you mean by that? If I were to guess, you are requesting a feature that would display only those manga entries that hold at least one chapter in the selected language at the time of searching. Truth be told, this could actually come handy when it comes to the matter of organization. Indeed, we can alter the languages we want to see displayed, but to find out whether the manga entry has the chapters in the desired language(s), one would actually have to access their page first and scroll down. By having this not only we would have it displayed on the search page already, but we could actually stockpile all the series with chapters released in that language which, in the end, could potentially come helpful when combining it with other filters in the advanced search. I like it.