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Trusted Contributor Rank

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    Ascending Cat

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I've been thinking a little and decided to suggest this and see the responses by the community regarding the matter. Before proceeding, please note that this idea is not completed and will hopefully be expanded via discussion on this thread. Therefore, I would appreciate it if you could contribute towards it, either approving it or disapproving it, but not taking it as something carved in stone from what the OP states.


As the title might suggest, I am requesting a new user rank to be added called "Trusted Contributor", or anything else that would fit the description. Basically, the user with such a rank would be a Contributor with a tad more access powers. Those powers would include the ability of deleting the uploads they themselves have submitted and more, if we were to come up with something else. The idea was based off that one access power, though - ability to remove own-submitted chapters. With trusted users having such an ability, I believe a lot of work could be cut from the moderators' queue.


Unlike how the Contributor rank is currently obtained, this one would preferably require a bit more dedication to reach and get a hold of. I would leave the method to the administrators and the staff as a whole, but besides a tad more detailed application, I would include looking over the user's action for some time prior to promotion as a must. In other words, the user would have to show their worth in more than just an application. Something like the rightfulness of the uploads would be a must, while their quantity would be debatable. That's the basic essence, but as said, I would preferably leave it to the staff.


Thank you for reading; please, do share your thoughts on the matter.

Edited by Subpyro, 19 November 2014 - 08:40 PM.

Seraphic Mist

Seraphic Mist

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As the title might suggest, I am requesting a new user rank to be added called "Trusted Contributor", or anything else that would fit the description. Basically, the user with such a rank would be a Contributor with a tad more access powers. Those powers would include the ability of deleting the uploads they themselves have submitted and more

Thank you for reading; please, do share your thoughts on the matter.

My first impression... I like this idea. Personally I'd like such a status to be given to uploaders (at least or exactly one) to uploaders of major groups... so if and when they upload newer versions of a chapter, or for whatever QA for their comics, they could do it. Maybe even being able to manage the smaller QA issues as well.



    Ascending Cat

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My first impression... I like this idea. Personally I'd like such a status to be given to uploaders (at least or exactly one) to uploaders of major groups... so if and when they upload newer versions of a chapter, or for whatever QA for their comics, they could do it. Maybe even being able to manage the smaller QA issues as well.


Those were my original thoughts as well - giving more access power to the leader(s) of various high-profile scanlation groups on Batoto. However, as I thought a little more and checked the status around, I saw that there are multiple users that work alone, yet submit their chapters very well. In a sense, they are their own group and their own leader, as they are representing themselves and own actions alone. Therefore, yeah, technically, that would be the case and I appreciate it that you have specifically pointed it out.


However, then comes the question: who would choose the leader(s) for a specific group and decide who to give this extra access power, the groups themselves or the administrators of Batoto? My idea is to have a specific criteria which must be met. Basically, for a group or an individual to have one such user, only quality could be of essence as well frequent display of mature behaviour. For more users to gain the ability per group, however, the criteria could rise exponentially. This could all be adjusted through later discussions but to keep it wide and somehow reachable, let's say that half of the groups wouldn't be able to have such a user, the majority of others would be able to have one, rare would reach the criteria to recommend two of their group members to have the access power while some true exception (if any), like 1-3 groups overall could have three users having the rank. That is only an example so please don't go grabbing it as a direct suggestion, but it is the approximate vision. Of course, if a group would require more than a single group member with such power, they would have to state their reasoning well besides meeting the criteria. To give an example for the criteria as well, let's say that a group would have to be scanlating at least X-number of different manga at the same time, meaning that not a single user could cover them all, but would have them split in overseeing and moderating between two heads. The three users per group would simply be an upgrade of that, but as said, that would be quite an extreme and would require that much more of a clear reasoning as of why would one more be needed, next to meeting different criteria.