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[OOC] One Last God: Kubera ROLEPLAY Discussion

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    Couch Potato

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About making a fire : we dont have any fire magicians with us. Can we say one of the NPCs can at least use it once? Or would it work to ignite something with indra spells? Otherwise i thought of making fire with a magnifying glass made out of ice , but we will have to wait till daylight for that.

There's also a lighter... Let's just say there are some in the green bags. Or just the boy scout methods.

Or we can use Martin's weapons to do some sparks, right? :P

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Because it's fun to see Leez dying inside and outside all over the place it's a story of romance, psychology and humor. And horror. A little. 




    Baked Potato

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Whaaa you want to misuse monica? XD you know he's a crazy marut magician right?

Well. Kleen has agni at the moment?

Yeah what now.. we do have some survival experts. And Kage brought leaves with strong veins or so?

Also, our climate doesnt seem too tropical? XD no rain yet?

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    Couch Potato

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Whaaa you want to misuse monica? XD you know he's a crazy marut magician right?

Well. Kleen has agni at the moment?

Yeah what now.. we do have some survival experts. And Kage brought leaves with strong veins or so?

Also, our climate doesnt seem too tropical? XD no rain yet?

Well, want me to make it rain? I have a water attribute. XD

And, we're on a different planet anyway. Climat is different, let's say.

I guess I'm gonna post now.

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Check Kubera out if you don't know it!

Because it's fun to see Leez dying inside and outside all over the place it's a story of romance, psychology and humor. And horror. A little. 




    Baked Potato

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Maybe try searching with hoti surya?

About making a fire : we dont have any fire magicians with us. Can we say one of the NPCs can at least use it once? Or would it work to ignite something with indra spells? Otherwise i thought of making fire with a magnifying glass made out of ice , but we will have to wait till daylight for that.

I still have 15 uses left today.

Lighting a fire is nothing that cannot be accomplished with LASER WIZARDRY!

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    Baked Potato

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Kage also picked up some rocks to use for fire lighting. He spent nights outside of the cities for 80% of his life on Wllarv, so he's a master at making use of seemingly crappy items/equipment/junk. :)

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    Russet Potato

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Kleen has Kubera, Varuna, Vayu although it looks like he will probably get a reroll in the next 2 updates via Manta.



    Couch Potato

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Kleen has Kubera, Varuna, Vayu although it looks like he will probably get a reroll in the next 2 updates via Manta.

That's not very convenient... Although you can just as well get to badass spells. I wonder what'll happen if you end up with a Nil attribute at one point. Will you magic fail constantly? That's a risk...

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Check Kubera out if you don't know it!

Because it's fun to see Leez dying inside and outside all over the place it's a story of romance, psychology and humor. And horror. A little. 




    Russet Potato

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That's not very convenient... Although you can just as well get to badass spells. I wonder what'll happen if you end up with a Nil attribute at one point. Will you magic fail constantly? That's a risk...


Kleen only rolls based on Brahma + the current Natural Gods.



    Baked Potato

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Kleen only rolls based on Brahma + the current Natural Gods.

Lol if you ever roll Triple Brahma, everyone will be asking you to modify their stuff!

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    Russet Potato

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Lol if you ever roll Triple Brahma, everyone will be asking you to modify their stuff!

Gotta say I giggled at that XDDD



    Couch Potato

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So, what do we do? Bhavati Brahming the boats sounds appropriate... No?

Some stuff I made: All's here!


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Check Kubera out if you don't know it!

Because it's fun to see Leez dying inside and outside all over the place it's a story of romance, psychology and humor. And horror. A little. 




    Baked Potato

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i thought we need them to get off that island T_T

that's why i suggested to just make something with foliage or sleep open or what?

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    Couch Potato

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i thought we need them to get off that island T_T

that's why i suggested to just make something with foliage or sleep open or what?

But, we have like three of them. And Bhavati Brahma's reversible anyway, no?

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Check Kubera out if you don't know it!

Because it's fun to see Leez dying inside and outside all over the place it's a story of romance, psychology and humor. And horror. A little. 




    Baked Potato

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But, we have like three of them. And Bhavati Brahma's reversible anyway, no?

Only if the magician knows how to build that boats....


(and 20 feet isnt that big of a boat? do we all fit in? xD)

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    Couch Potato

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Only if the magician knows how to build that boats....


(and 20 feet isnt that big of a boat? do we all fit in? xD)

That something like 6 1/2 meters... I think there's ten of us. But we can leave Monica and Martin on the shore XD

Some stuff I made: All's here!


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Check Kubera out if you don't know it!

Because it's fun to see Leez dying inside and outside all over the place it's a story of romance, psychology and humor. And horror. A little. 




    Baked Potato

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That something like 6 1/2 meters... I think there's ten of us. But we can leave Monica and Martin on the shore XD


But wouldn't it be more uncomfortable? We don't know how long we would be on sea (leaving out the possibility of simply being eaten by gandharva sura)...

We really could use some agni magicians... dry more food XD

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    Couch Potato

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But wouldn't it be more uncomfortable? We don't know how long we would be on sea (leaving out the possibility of simply being eaten by gandharva sura)...

We really could use some agni magicians... dry more food XD

Then we save two boats XD

Some stuff I made: All's here!


My profile on fanfiction.net is here.


Check Kubera out if you don't know it!

Because it's fun to see Leez dying inside and outside all over the place it's a story of romance, psychology and humor. And horror. A little. 


Diabolical Rhapsody

Diabolical Rhapsody

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@Diabolical Rhapsody: Sura blood is purple, only exception being Chaos clan (it's black for them, but they're rare and I bet they don't find the weak little humans very tasty anyway) and Natsika-ranked sura(They have normal red blood and can kill you... Well, before the cataclysm, before you could even wink, now it's a little harder for them... But you still have about 0 chance. It's just good they don't like to do the dirty work. And that they're no good for mass destruction in human form.) Not green. Well, that's minor.


Gonna post. Soon. I hope.

I did. Hurray. Now worship me.

Point noted. So do we stick to the original on everything?


I also doubt that you can one-shot any sura with one hoti marut(or any other spell) without a power multiplier(matching attribute) or special item..
But well its just a game so why not..

I'm gonna write something too (:



I thought of this too but that's more or less fine since he doesn't know the original (I think?)

Going to sleep. Bye.

I'm not clear on the damage system or the sura ranks for that matter. If that seems like a longshot, guide me in the right direction. Will a 2nd stage Mara be right? How is damage being calculated and what are the hitpoints on the sura? 



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    Couch Potato

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Point noted. So do we stick to the original on everything?




I'm not clear on the damage system or the sura ranks for that matter. If that seems like a longshot, guide me in the right direction. Will a 2nd stage Mara be right? How is damage being calculated and what are the hitpoints on the sura? 

To first question: As much as simplicity permits it.

To second question:

To make it simple, in the original, a "Hoti Marut" with no marut attribute made (Me talking about Airi vs Clophe) around 10~15cm deep cut, around 30~40cm long. Very vague, I know, but let's say it's around this. Although we don't know what Airi's divine affinity is.

Until you hit it in the neck or something, you wouldn't have done this much damage, because sura regenerate quite fast and they're quite big. Must have been around 2/3 meters tall, at least. 

By the way, stage is basically the maturity of the sura, in both mental/psychlogical and power ways. They grow up one stage at a time once they have enough exp+ a trigger, which is an experience stronger than all the ones they had before. Exp in what, that varies. Can go all the way from survival instinct to humiliation or gluttony.

A second stage Mara is really weak, and if their mentality evolves the same ways as the other suras' you killed an 8-years oldish kid.

Well, in mental age.

They can't go up in "ranks", just stages. Growing fifth stage is rare and tougher than the stages before. The kid of a sura will usually be one rank lower. May be same rank as the lowest of the couple, if those are different.

For damage:


Spell damage: Divine Affinity * Base Damage of spell

Transcendental damage: Transcendental Value * Base Damage of transcendental

Unaided combat: Strength


Exact average power comparison for sura may be given by someone who bought one of the books, like Tierra, cause that's where it was displayed, but I think it is like this (strongest on top):

Natsika<= No stages, were born at the beginning of the universe. Not aging is awesome. Can change gender, appearance and age at will.

5th stage Rakshasa

4th stage Rakshasa

3rd stage Rakshasa

5th stage Upani

2nd stage Rakshasa

1st stage Rakshasa<= unsure about this one

4th stage Upani

3rd stage Upani

5th stage Mara<=From then on, inferior sura, unable to take human form. Above can, but they look like Halfs and are detected at checkpoints like with real Halfs. 

2nd stage Upani

1st stage Upani<=unsure about this one as well

4th stage Mara

3rd stage Mara

2nd stage Mara<=What you've killed

1st stage Mara



Back to the point, since 5th stage Upani have a constitution of around 65 000, but them being the 5th strongest rank, while 2nd stage Mara are the second weakest... ...

Your divine affinity is 883, and base damage for Hoti Marut is... either 3 or 5, I dunno.

You did either 2649 damage, or 4415.


Manta, give us average constitution of sura, please.


And sorry for all the talk ... ^^'

Some stuff I made: All's here!


My profile on fanfiction.net is here.


Check Kubera out if you don't know it!

Because it's fun to see Leez dying inside and outside all over the place it's a story of romance, psychology and humor. And horror. A little. 




    Fingerling Potato

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For the sake of simplicity, all Hoti damage dealing spells will have a base damage of 3. Marut damage dealing spells will have a base damage of 5.

Pyktis did 4415 damage. (Base damage for spells is given just within the spell listing on Manta's character sheet post. It took me a while to find it at first...)

Here's a possible, VERY rough layout I came up with in about 3 minutes (Still based on my complete speculation (and Nualie's sura ranking.)). Unless you already have something like this you're waiting to reveal, Manta, I'd be more than willing to help with coming up with a more refined average sura constitution chart. :)

Edit: Also posted in the RP, and, since I unknowingly originally chose Martin's speaking color, will be using the suggested purple from now on.

Edited by OneLastSpock, 08 January 2015 - 06:37 PM.