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Trying to remember manga

Best Answer Seikah, 26 August 2014 - 08:48 AM

That's probably Sayabito, but I'll warn you, there isn't much to read.

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    Potato Sprout

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I've been trying to find this manga that I once read a little of and want to find It again. From what I can remember is that the main characters (a boy and a girl) are from the government and they are some kind of human weapon or they look like humans and have powers,(they need some kind of master) and in the first chapter they are immediately lost in the desert thanks to the guy.

Warning: It Isn't Soul Eater




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✓  Best Answer

That's probably Sayabito, but I'll warn you, there isn't much to read.



    Potato Sprout

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Yeah, that's it. Thanks. Although I remember there being a few more chapters... Oh well