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The Uncarriable Formula (An Tragic old Tale)

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    Potato Spud

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It can be found in both movies and literature that most specifically deals with science fiction and the value of a human life.


The formula usually goes; a ship traveling in space is only given enough fuel to transport the helmsman and his cargo. In the case of any stowaways being found they are to be Jettisoned immediately or else the ship will be unable to reach is destination as the extra weight is unaccounted for and costs more fuel than is available. (The fact the ship has already departed once with the extra weight is usually never mentioned or accounted for)


In many cases this gives rise to a small window where the stowaway is given time to grieve over their imminent death and the helmsman must come to terms with his responsibility to rid the extra weight before the ship's next acceleration or deceleration.


I never believed the story would be retold by Dowman and for him to put such a twist on the tale to focus on the preservation of life and the rebellion against the order to kill.


There are many times where I wished for some waste, or electronics, or even the helmsman to eject himself to save the life of the innocent stowaway, but I must say I never would have come up with this ending myself.



    Potato Spud

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or the helms man can just eject her with lifesupport suit same as what douman did or better yet throw away the lifesupport suit i am pretty sure those weigh a lot or any uneeded items like a fire extinguisher some tools maybe i am sure they have those  in the ship