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Oneshot > The real manga

Oneshots is life

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    Potato Sprout

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So I've read the oneshot and continued to read the next 20 chapters, and I've only been close to crying three or four times. Whaat the fuck was the author thinking? The oneshot was so close to perfect! 
For me this is the second time I think a oneshot have beaten the crap out of the manga, and I think it is really sad that this has to happen. I don't even know if I should keep reading and hope I forget the oneshot in due time. But the oneshot was so AWESOME. and the manga is a childified version. 


The things I don't really like with the manga:

* I thought the way of entering of the school was a bit over the roof

* What is up with the cards? how boring can magic get? I was really hoping this manga would have magic which anybody can use, so no "Types" and is a medium really necessary? Because that is what you see in other manga. (Let's give this MC a magical sword, this MC can have a gauntlet, this one will get a card, this one will get a bigger sword, let's give this one a broken sword.)

* I like the first girl much more... and their relation too each other. (ohh noooooo she laughed at me! then I beat the crap out of her father)

* The teacher was also a lot more interesting as a character (I am looking through the chapters to remind myself)

* "Toilet paper descent"

* The hammer in chapter 8-9, wouldn't it be a lot cooler with something like a war hammer instead of the out of proportion kid toy?


the list can go on, but my time is running out, so I will just add the strongest of the things:

*In the oneshot they said that it was possible to learn magic ("We must  hide his incapacity until he has gained minimal magic abilities" page 19) It sounds much better than the point collecting thingie.


And the romance in this manga are going to win my 2:nd prize for running around in rings and not progressing. 


If this manga is as good as the comments are saying, please tell me what is so great about it because I've probably missed the part which makes this better than other manga. (Is manga in plural "mangas" or "manga" english is not my native language)