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Chapters 21-22

maria holic

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    Potato Sprout

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First of all, thanks Elrohon for keeping Maria Holic around! I love this series and now all that's left of it ever continuing is the manga getting translated, since the last episode of Maria Holic Alive seems to be the last we'll ever see of the anime :'(.

Oh and I meant chapters 20-21, mah bad. So I wanted to discuss these two chapters specifically due to their plot development. Here are my thoughts:

HOLY CRAP! Is anyone else dying to figure out the stuff that came up in these chapters?! What do they mean they won't be able to pull off deceiving people in a couple of years? I'm not sure I understand Matsurika and Rindou's role as "managers" or filling in the memory gaps either. Then Kanako said she was forgetting something very important...what could it be?! She thinks she was at the church before, for her mother's funeral, but I think there's more to it than that! And why did they only give a present to Matsurika? Poor Rindou! Also I wonder what Mariya meant when she told Kanako that yes, you should refer to me as Mariya.

Gosh dang why can't this anime be filled with more plot development like this? It's so fricken fantastic that it blows my mind! And why didn't they put any of this in Maria Holic Alive?

Edited by RPPuzzle, 24 September 2011 - 05:36 AM.



    Potato Sprout

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1) Puberty i imagine... they are afterall still in middle school.

2) They switch places often so the two help them keep up each other's identities so they dont make any mistakes since one is always with "maryia" and one with "shizu"

3) The other stuff i am not too sure of~

4) Except the last one which i'm pretty sure was simply saying that to Kanako "Maryia" is still the Mariya she knows; IE nothing's changed.

Nobody responded in like a year~ does nobody like this series...?
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