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Insane Soul

Insane Soul

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I listened to that song roughly 7 years ago. One of my favorites, I really like the lyrics and the piano touch.


Asor al ed Ergnas

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Insane Soul, if you don't plan to make a character. Please get out of my OOC.

And done. Now with 21.8% more discrimination, 42.4% more ostracizing, 93.1% less fathers, and 76.6% more suffering (Hecarim tells me that's the magic right there).



@Slice- Just fix the format issues near the end. Otherwise, you are golden. welcome to "The List".



Officer Judy Hopps

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By George I think I've got it! Edited her age to be more fitting with the time line as well as her nickname. And I believe even with the 39 year addition to her age, she'd only be on her second tail.


Me, according to a Hero:




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Format issu...



Okay, that SHOULD have fixed it. Bloody stray coding, how do you even get in there like that...



Myself, as told by a Hawk;


Asor al ed Ergnas

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By George I think I've got it! Edited her age to be more fitting with the time line as well as her nickname. And I believe even with the 39 year addition to her age, she'd only be on her second tail.


@Missy- I suppose you now qualify then! Welcome to my List. Just one tiny thing. Why centering? It's been bothering me for a bit.


Format issu...



Okay, that SHOULD have fixed it. Bloody stray coding, how do you even get in there like that...

@Slice- Looks fine now




@EVERYONE- So. the time has come. It is now 12:18 AM where I live. I shall sleep, and deliberate on the characters currently submitted. Some of you will be let down. Others will rejoice. But I thank everyone, on their hard work for their characters. There is still time, for last minute CS's however. So if you are working on something, work fast. I have 11 Accepted CS's in my List and only 7 spots to fill.


Furthermore, I thank everyone so far, for their interest in my first ever RP.

Edited by Sangre de la Rosa, 17 July 2014 - 11:21 PM.





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Sorry for the late CS, Sangre. I got a bit busy earlier.



Edited by Liar, 18 July 2014 - 09:05 AM.

Asor al ed Ergnas

Asor al ed Ergnas

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@Liar- A few problems with your CS. One, I don't see how being part of a warrior clan, merits high position into The Hierarchy. Two, your characters grandfather wouldn't have been assassinated. Think about it, with them coming into power, they'd publicly execute him as a message to everyone. thirdly, supposing your families position in power, it is likely to assume they'd be stripped of their rights, and bumped down to a lower status of people for fighting against the powers that be. So, adjust accordingly, and you may make it in before the slots are filled....Speaking of which....



@EVERYONE- I am now officially accepting characters.


Big font catch your attention? Good. It was supposed to. Yes, the time has come NOW. Once I accept a character, they are Locked Into The RP. Ominous? Perhaps a little. This means should you drop out, or stop posting, This DOESN'T mean your character is gone. Ohohohoho oh no. You have gained entry into my world, and now have a special place in it. Should the before mentioned things happen to you, Your Character will still be in the RP, under MY control. However, if you have to leave the RP thanks to whatever reason and are unable to post. Talk With Me, And We Will Make Arrangements! Back to the topic on hand. That's right, even without you, your character will continue to play a part in the RP. Unless they die. On the matter of Character Death, should you die within the RolePlay; you are gone. Nothing will save you. But this opens the door for someone else to take your spot. So I implore those whom are accepted, tread carefully, for I am very Unforgiving. These may seem like strange stipulations to many of you, and some may not exactly agree. So this is the point, that I will allow anyone to back out should they wish and allow others to have a better chance.


You may wonder "Sangre, this seems a bit odd for RPing, why are you doing it this way?" and you might be right in your assumptions. I have been around the block a few times when it comes to roleplays, and I for one, and sick and tired of good ideas dying because of lack of interest from BOTH GM's and Players. I am doing things this way as both an experiment, and a way for people to get used to my style of GMing. I give you my own promise, should people continue to participate, I'll always update. Even then, I'll finish up the story On My Own if need be. My ambitions will not falter or stop because of anything. I'd rather though, for it to not have to come to that. So I ask of you to help me build this world together, and any future ones I design. -Sangre de la Rosa


Now with that out of the way, lets begin accepting. Should I accept you, post your character in the Info Cache I am creating. Not before, but AFTER I accept you HERE In The OOC


When I reply your name, character name, and I LINK YOUR CS, YOU MAY POST IN CACHE!

Edited by Sangre de la Rosa, 18 July 2014 - 06:33 AM.





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Just dropping in to say that I'm really enjoying how you've been handling this RP so far, Sangre. I'll certainly be reading it whenever it starts. Good luck with it.


El Phantom

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Safe to put in Info yet?

Johnny Paradise

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Not before, but AFTER I accept you HERE.


I'm not sure how she could be more clear here, really.

here's to a long life and dead friends


Wandering Rogue

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Nobody has been accepted yet and thus nobody can post in the cache yet.  Sangre has been pretty clear on that front.  All she has done so far is try to get everyone's characters to a point where they were not in conflict with the setting or lore of the rp.  Now she is going to sit down and look at them and pick from them sheets to form up the cast of the rp.  


So no.  It is not safe to put in the cache.


El Phantom

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I know.


That's why I brought up quote for the official acceptance.



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If you understood all of that, why on earth would you quote your CS and ask if it was accepted? That's like being back in elementary school, playing Heads Up Seven Up with the teacher saying she'll pick the first seven people after everyone goes back to their seats and sits down, and then there's that one kid saying "Teacher, teacher, can I be up first? Can I? Can I?"


Don't be that guy, L. Nobody ever liked that guy.

Edited by Shakespeare with a Sword, 18 July 2014 - 06:20 AM.



Myself, as told by a Hawk;


Asor al ed Ergnas

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@L- Refer to my post again L, and read carefully. Its not safe to post it into the Cache yet. I will let you know. Refer to my the rest of This post if anything is still unclear on when to post your character into the cache.




Character Slot 1 FILLED- j0kercards(Unbelievably Majestic) With His Character, Zakari!




@Joker- Congrats on being the first character in the RP! Go on, and post it into the Info Cache!




@Xlegs- Thank you! It's nice to see someone enjoying it.

Edited by Sangre de la Rosa, 18 July 2014 - 06:28 AM.



El Phantom

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I brought it up for official acceptance, because she said AFTER that post.


EDIT: I also asked out of irony.

Edited by Captain L Katsura, 18 July 2014 - 06:28 AM.



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Irony and sarcasm don't translate well over the internets mate. Gotta be careful with that.



Myself, as told by a Hawk;


El Phantom

El Phantom

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Yeah. Irony may not be quite the right word either, but that's what came up when I tried to describe it...

Asor al ed Ergnas

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Character Slot 2 FILLED- Johnny Paradise(Useless) With His Character, Hyoudou Gaku!



@Usey- Welcome to the RP! As number two, feel free to post your character into the Info Cache!

Edited by Sangre de la Rosa, 18 July 2014 - 07:15 AM.



Johnny Paradise

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here's to a long life and dead friends


Asor al ed Ergnas

Asor al ed Ergnas

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Character Slot 3 FILLED- Diabolical Rhapsody With His Character, Yukihime Ise!




@Diab- Dun dun duh da! Welcome to the RP Diab! You worked hard, and deserve your spot. Feel Free to post it into the cache!



Character Slot 4 FILLED- Shakespeare with a Sword(Slice&Dice) With His Character, Kohinata Hibiki!





@Slice- Welcome to the ranks Slice! Go ahead and post into the cache!

Edited by Sangre de la Rosa, 18 July 2014 - 08:15 AM.

