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Cross-X-World [Concept]

Humans Demons Sura Gods Spirits/ghosts spirits ghosts Aliens Fantasy Sci-fi

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Cross-X-World : Arcs


The Mystical and Semi-Medieval Comedy Tale



Earth's perspective........


In the near future.... humanity are the Invasive species of Jupiter. By accident thought..... Somehow the entire human race find themselves along with their homes, cars and trees on Jupiter. Something like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6W0BH4pCaqo

but in our time...... Apart from that, they find the world they live in is full of weird shape-shifting humanoid creatures that can fly. The humans called them as Majins.


As they are intelligent beings just like human are, 10 Billions human races finding themselves to be the minority as the Majins are clearly 10x in term of numbers, as well as some of them has superior size, almost instantaneous speed and the ability to fly.


Before that, Jupiter's atmosphere are poisonous, toxic and hazardous. Because of that Earthlings has to wear hazard suits as well as carrying around oxygen tanks to breath. Majins on the other hand are unaffected and unlike humans, as they don't breath on oxygen.


Not to mention the inhabitants of Jupiter mostly are big, large and even superior Suras/Demons. Probably an adaptation to the harsh environment of the Planet itself.


The only defend the human races of Earth is GOD's blessings and WORDS, allied Majins, allied/good Spirits/Gods and those minority who has always been hiding in the shadow, the magic and spirit users(onmyoujis), espers/skill-users, ninjas and mutants.




Jupiter's perspective.........

*this very fact only known to Earth's human though.....


Planet Mars suddenly appear out of no where and orbit around Jupiter as it's 5th moons. Large scale of volcanic activities start to rage through out the globe. A couple of months later.... all of the 5 moons eclipsed at the same time, all the volcanoes erupted and release dark thick dusts that block the sun. In the midst of total darkness, Asteroids rain on Jupiter, which actually are continents flying from Earth carrying along it's inhabitants. Thought most of those asteroids/continents slam on Jupiter, something in them cushioned the impact and 4 miraculously afloat......


Actually, there are already human live at Jupiter but not at the planet itself but the 4 moons. However, each inhabitants of the 4 moons didn't realize they live on a moon and the "red moon" they has is actually the big red planet of Jupiter. It is unknown about their origins but they live in a medieval age where magics are common. However, they too knew the existence of Earth's human but as Alien Invaders, cold-blood killers, and conquerors who use "science" to bring untold "chaos" and "destruction", but eventually self-destruct on their own......



Ideas on stories...... the order still undecided

1st Arc : The 1st Dark [The Fall]

2nd Arc : The 2nd Dark [The End Not]

3rd Arc : The 3rd Dark [The Beginning Not]

4th Arc : The 4th Dark [Alien Invaders]

5th Arc :


Earth -Dark Fall-


Grand Eclipse


Mini Supernova


+The main story take place in Jupiter+

- no map yet for now.......


Map of Dark Continents

+Some place on Jupiter+

- no map yet for now.......


I decided them to be the Continents on Earth

1-Eurasian, African, Arabian (spread apart)- West


2-North American-East


4-Antartica - North



Map of Dark [Floating] Continents

+Some place on Jupiter+

1-Australian - North East (with India[Pakistan and Bangladesh included] inside the Red Storm)


2-South American-South


4-Juan de Fuca-undecided


5-Carribean (Carribean Archipelago)-undecided







RP Rules



Unlimited NPC creation


I mean.... you want to fight decently bad ass characters, no? Just simply write thugs are so boring anyway. What a better way then to made them urselves. I bet no RP-gm would let u fully-ctrl op char, no? Coz, they are NPCs, every one has free reign to ctrl them and not limited to me and ofc you can godmode when the fight concern them, but plz be logical.





Edited by pijoed, 24 June 2014 - 05:44 AM.




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Edited by pijoed, 06 June 2014 - 02:17 AM.




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*Other non-human species' arch-type









4-Earthlings (Normal-type attribute as default)







6-Spirits/Ghosts/Gods (Ghost-type attribute as default)



7-Majins/Mimics (Pyro-type attribute as default)


8-Di-Majins (Pyro-type and Ghost-type attribute as default)


Edited by pijoed, 24 June 2014 - 05:10 AM.




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Sura World (Jupiter)

It is where a certain god/goddess clan banish 8 clans of the demon-beasts/suras, while destroying the rest of them in the 3rd Great War. Jupiter is a harsh place to live with nothing except extremely hot liquid hydrogen sea as the surface, forcing them to live high up in the colder sky on handful of floating rocks. The food here are scarce forcing them to feed on dead suras, monsters occasionally found floating in the liquid hydrogen sea and each other. Most low lvl suras are born into incubator to grow as nourishments and food for high lvl suras as they won't survive Jupiter's harsh environment as newborn. However, during the Dark Fall, various dimensions' were pulled into wormholes and end up in Jupiter. The Dark Fall brought along many floating rocks even as big as continents which provide the Suras a much better environment to live on, thought most of the rocks are already inhabited by Earthlings, Majins and various spirits, deities and demons.


•1st Layer :


•2nd Layer :

•3rd Layer :

•4th Layer :

•5th Layer:

•6th Layer: Surface World


•7th Layer: Other World[s]


Edited by pijoed, 24 June 2014 - 05:43 AM.




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The 5 moons's maps

Most non-human live here.It is devided between human and non-human. With the advancement of Earthlings' space-travel,both human and non-human alike has to struggle against Earthlings' threat. In the past, there are various numbers of Earthlings' invasions, though lack in numbers and the power called as "science", which is a taboo word, feared by both human and non-human alike. The return of the Earthlings especially with the current numbers never once cross in their wildest nightmares. Another alien threats namely the Majins and especially the Di-Majins will surely follow as well as the return of the superior Suras,


1-IO, the volcanics planet of fire.



2-Ganymede, planet of frozen 4 seas



3-Europa, planet of chill ocean



4-Callisto- the outermost, planet of the dead sea (salty)











Edited by pijoed, 24 June 2014 - 04:45 AM.




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7 Compatible Elements  &  Natural Attributes


1-Beast (Vit)

2-Beast Warrior (Def)

3-Fiend (Transcendal)

4-Zombie (Attack)





*Having this mean not compatible with any other elements.














12-Sea Serpent (Flexibly High/Low depend on individuals)

13-Aqua (Transcendals)

14-Fish (Agi)

*Can only pick just one.....



15-Winged Beast



Unnatural Attributes

1-Reptile (Lesser Dragon)

2-Dinosour (Lesser Dragon)













Attack and weakness of attack, magic(transcendals) and defense are based on -type attribute

Edited by pijoed, 24 June 2014 - 05:06 AM.




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-------------------------------------------Empty Slot for future usage--------------------------------------------

Edited by pijoed, 26 May 2014 - 08:59 AM.




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Edited by pijoed, 23 June 2014 - 10:24 AM.




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Character Sheet:





*doesn't include un-specified jobs like student, food vendors, Capt. of White Knights, etc....












6-Runes Knights



7-Dragon Slayers






Ranks in Organizations'


Edited by pijoed, 24 June 2014 - 05:08 AM.

Officer Judy Hopps

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Hi Pijoed! And..er..welcome to the RP Forums on Batoto. I don't intend to sound a little mean, but I advise a couple things.


Oh wait. Introductions. @.@


Hi again! Name's Trouble, other folks around here also call me Rem. And it's nice to see you join us here in our little corner!


That aside, recommendations and things.


First. You're new! Which is great! And you're even ambitious enough to try and start an RP of some sort on your own right off the bat! Fantastic as that ambition is, the very fact is that you're new. I would really, really, REALLY recommend taking a look at other existing RPs, or even up and coming RPs and getting into one of those via talking to the GM and submitting a character sheet!


For in order to be a Great GM, you need to be a fantastic Player first. First followership, then leadership, in an essence. 


Because the second issue I noticed is that your RP, while seeming like it's going to be rather expansive and large; (which is fantastic, I love the idea of an expansive and epic Sci-Fi universe) is lacking a lot of structure and rules or something of the like. Because it seems you're trying to design something rather complex, but you seem a few sticks short of a fire. ._.;


...er...make sense?


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i actually have no idea what's going on here




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Haha...... i am new here in Batoto but I am not really new at RPing.


Yeah.... It kinda big since I just simply brain-squeezing my head so that I could compare them in order to pick just one.I am a little bit picky, and usually let ppl decide for me.



Simply want to do sumthing to fill the lake michigan, lol.

El Phantom

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Play with the rest of us a bit first so we can get to know you before you open an RP. We have no idea what kind of person you are so we're hesitant to join.



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There there it happen to me as well...

Edited by Supreme_Lurker_Primo, 30 May 2014 - 03:43 AM.




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Play with the rest of us a bit first so we can get to know you before you open an RP. We have no idea what kind of person you are so we're hesitant to join.


L, don't be an ass. God, you're horrible in welcoming people.


Hey PJ, haven't seen you since Blades of Fealty. The idea of the RP is promising. I assume that it's a free-range style of roleplaying where we all play in one big sandbox? Or will you be directing us around at important junctures and plot points?

Officer Judy Hopps

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Haha...... i am new here in Batoto but I am not really new at RPing.


Yeah.... It kinda big since I just simply brain-squeezing my head so that I could compare them in order to pick just one.I am a little bit picky, and usually let ppl decide for me.



Simply want to do sumthing to fill the lake michigan, lol.


I can see that you're not necessarily new to it, and that's not the problem. It's a little mix of a few things, (kinda like what L said) we're can be a little...er...xenophobic about new folks who show up and just start throwing down a new RP. That, and a lot of people here (me included, I'm really REALLY sorry, but me included as well. ._.;; ) are also Grammar Nazis. If we see a premise that is chock full of grammatical/spelling errors, we won't join it because it doesn't seem thoroughly put down to us.


HOWEVER. I would really, really like for you to stay. ^_^


And also join any RP that seems to be forming up or has slots open! Sanctuary has a few slots open if you like horror/survival, City of Angels and Roar of the Lion are both in development. I think that joining any of those, or even any other available continuing or about to start RP would really help you learn the ropes, and once you do. Maybe people will actually start hopping into your idea. ^_~


Me, according to a Hero:




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Wow, this place is the same almost where I go, RP people have their own clique(s) not to an asshole, but seriously need to be more welcoming.  Xenophobic is a bit of an understatement, Trouble. Sugar-coating things will not change anything. 


Hey man, I will tell you this, as your current RP stand, it terrible, because one your system is confusing, grammar wise I can tolerate some miss punctuations. The Character sheet, the stats are confusing, is there a set skills? Or we can just unleash every skill in our arsenal in one post.The structure is weak, honestly if this was a RPG I would not mind playing, but as a RP forum not so much. 


Pijoed is this your first time actually directing an RP? I want you spend a day after you throw up all the ideas you have in your head, writing them out on paper cut them up and organized them. After that get other people opinions and see if there is holes in your RP. 




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Who are you to tell someone how they want to run their RP? Calling out poor grammar is also ultra-douchey. Did you ever consider english might not be his primary language? The main batoto sites translates manga into several different languages, not just english, so a lot of the members here are non native speakers.


"The sun is new each day."

Officer Judy Hopps

Officer Judy Hopps

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Wow, this place is the same almost where I go, RP people have their own clique(s) not to an asshole, but seriously need to be more welcoming.  Xenophobic is a bit of an understatement, Trouble. Sugar-coating things will not change anything. 


Hey man, I will tell you this, as your current RP stand, it terrible, because one your system is confusing, grammar wise I can tolerate some miss punctuations. The Character sheet, the stats are confusing, is there a set skills? Or we can just unleash every skill in our arsenal in one post.The structure is weak, honestly if this was a RPG I would not mind playing, but as a RP forum not so much. 


Pijoed is this your first time actually directing an RP? I want you spend a day after you throw up all the ideas you have in your head, writing them out on paper cut them up and organized them. After that get other people opinions and see if there is holes in your RP. 


You know what? 


When I see people who are new, like Pijoed here, I will do my damn best to see that they are welcomed jovially. I was new once, and the welcome I received was essentially a cold shoulder at first. Did it stop me from trying? No. Yet not everyone is up to such a task. 


What you said was blatantly heartless and cruel. For the sake of preserving at least some degree of your humanity and humility, I deeply recommend that you redact what you said. Xenophobic is the proper word, because it isn't wrong to be hesitant about newcomers. That being said, it is also wise to have at least someone reach out to someone with a level of tact and kindness. A forum cannot survive without new members, after all.


Both are evidently qualities that you lack. 


At one point, we were all new to a place with unfamiliar faces. And as an essential thought, it should be the duty of those so familiar with said places to extend an open hand in welcoming a new person. What you did was pretty much slam the door in Pijoed's face on something he probably worked so incredibly hard on. Please, show a little more respect and politeness for his work rather than cruelly bastardize it publicly. 


The rules you should have learned as a child still apply here, as they would anywhere else; despite the anonymity that a forum gives.


Respect anyone you might come across, especially a new face. 

Do unto others that you would unto your self.

And if you don't have anything kind to say, or at least put it in a tactful and respectful way. Don't say it all.

Edited by Trouble, 30 May 2014 - 09:20 PM.


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Who are you to tell someone how they want to run their RP? Calling out poor grammar is also ultra-douchey. Did you ever consider english might not be his primary language? The main batoto sites translates manga into several different languages, not just english, so a lot of the members here are non native speakers.

All I did was suggest ideas on how to organized things because it look rushed.  Yeah, I had consider English may not the person primary language. Did I ever say your English sucks and do not ever RP?  Never had I says that at all.  Ultra-douchey? If that what you want call me being honesty, then by all mean go ahead.

You know what? 


When I see people who are new, like Pijoed here, I will do my damn best to see that they are welcomed jovially. I was new once, and the welcome I received was essentially a cold shoulder at first. Did it stop me from trying? No. Yet not everyone is up to such a task. 


What you said was blatantly heartless and cruel. For the sake of preserving at least some degree of your humanity and humility, I deeply recommend that you redact what you said. Xenophobic is the proper word, because it isn't wrong to be hesitant about newcomers. That being said, it is also wise to have at least someone reach out to someone with a level of tact and kindness. A forum cannot survive without new members, after all.


Both are evidently qualities that you lack. 


At one point, we were all new to a place with unfamiliar faces. And as an essential thought, it should be the duty of those so familiar with said places to extend an open hand in welcoming a new person. What you did was pretty much slam the door in Pijoed's face on something he probably worked so incredibly hard on. Please, show a little more respect and politeness for his work rather than cruelly bastardize it publicly. 


The rules you should have learned as a child still apply here, as they would anywhere else; despite the anonymity that a forum gives.


Respect anyone you might come across, especially a new face. 

Do unto others that you would unto your self.

And if you don't have anything kind to say, or at least put it in a tactful and respectful way. Don't say it all.

I know my comment was heartless and not as cruel as the comment could be. Why, thank you, for letting me save my face, however I will decline your kind gesture to me. I still will not retract my statement.  I do agree it up to old people to welcome the new comers. However there is a difference in saying and doing things.   


Funny, rules I should learn as a child.  The rules I learn was to be honest. Do not be that person that say "Ah, it okay, here let me hold your hands and make the pain go way.", "It okay, I like it", "Oh your _____ went to a better place"  the world will not babysit me and I should not in return except to be babysit I except the world to be as brutal,heartless,and hypocritical but honest to a fault as possible. I was taught even though the criticism or the truth will hurt one feelings, that it the best way to improve myself. I will perverse and succeed.  I think it more disrespectful to not say things as clearly as possible.


I can tell Pijoed pour enormous amount of work into this RP, in fact, I do like this RP like many others. I want to see the best this RP could be, because I know it can. I want to read and see how thing plays out.