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[Spoiler alert] Would you think the manga adaptation will follow the original novel completely?

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    Potato Spud

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I finished reading the light novel.


Gotta say the last loop didn't impress me in the very end. The twist was slightly foreshadowed, leading to it not having as much an impact on me. The relationships between our main characters did not have time to develop too far, and that reduce the effect of the sad ending. I am thinking the author could have added a few loops before the finale.


However if things could escalate in any direction there, it would be emotional. Truthfully speaking, that is what I seek. But I am also guessing it would not match with the I-am-a-killing-machine atmosphere much. 


The manga, however, does not have the warrior atmosphere filled it too much. Seems much more emotional to me. So I think it has space to develop more.


Even tho to have the story develop any further romantically would only mean the sad/dark end would be all the more painful.


What is your thought?


As a side note, the trailer of Edge of Tomorrow seems to reflect what I imagine in my mind would happen if the story was to be developed some more.

Edited by keoss, 01 May 2014 - 06:33 AM.