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Oppa's Life Story

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    Baked Potato

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I promised someone to post it, so that's why I made this thread.

Today's topic is about James.

James was a guy I met online. He was a friend. A gaming friend to be exact. At first, I thought he was like a very feminine guy because the way he sounded was quite unique indeed. After getting to know him more, I found out that...he wasn't.. feminine at all. It was because he was always with his mother and rarely with the rest of his family members. He was more closer with his mother than he was with anyone. I thought that it was pretty cute side of him to care and love about his mother. Although he may not be the perfect guy, all cute and sexy, but I still love him for the way he is. I...I love him for a year and although I don't quite know him or..anything about him. I'm willing to learn more about him and sacrifice my life for him even if it sound so stupid of me to this for someone I never met before. But I promised him, I promised my heart to be with him, to always share each other heart and love together. So now its time for me to explain more about James and how I met him. There was this gaming clan for CS 1.6 servers called Renegade Army and although they had some really weird and perverted people but they were pretty nice...except I was somewhat afraid of them because of three people that was in that clan. The three other people were staff of the clan and  they use to make fun of me and troll me until I couldn't move, couldn't do anything. It resulted me from making me quit the previous clan that we were in. And I pretended to not know them, but it didn't turn out well  since the other two immediately knew who I was. I have no idea what sorcery it was but they knew. I thought I had to leave the clan again because of those two, except, they apologized to me and told me that they only wanted to have fun and to get to know me more. But of course I didn't know that since all my life they trolled, bullied, and do all sorts of stuff that any troller would do over the internet. The third one didn't recognize me, so I let him slide but then so many things happened. Okay....I'll skip this and go right back to how I met James (I got off-topic for a bit). There was a sub-clan under the RA called Renegade Craft which was a Mine- Craft server, and that's how I met James. He was a normal user at first, then he dedicated himself into a staff from that he bankai into a somewhat like a co-owner position.  Anyways, that's pretty much how I met James. Some stranger > friend > lover ♥


Next day topic is: How to find Oppa.

Edited by αρняσɖιтє, 19 May 2014 - 03:03 PM.

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    Cute Potato

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Hmm... You know after all that build up [and going off-topic a few times] how you actually met James was kinda anti-climatic D:
lol :P

But go on!! \o/ woot!

I like knowing others stories 8D

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this is so sweet owo



    Russet Potato

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How sweet^^. Why don't you actually met him .?




    Baked Potato

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Hmm... You know after all that build up [and going off-topic a few times] how you actually met James was kinda anti-climatic D:
lol :P

But go on!! \o/ woot!

I like knowing others stories 8D


Ahahaha, yeah. I'll revise a better one next time once I finish all of this history stuff. XD

this is so sweet owo

c: thank you.

How sweet^^. Why don't you actually met him .?

Thanks. Ahaha, he's trying to get a job to come to me. c: ♥

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Originally the topic was going to be about how to find me to contact me. But that will be at the end. :3


What Keeps Oppa Feeling Happy

I really love when my friends tried so hard to keep me from feeling down especially whenever I get lectured by teachers or my family about my grades and my stupid/mental state I am. I also love sweets, so that's another way to keep me in a good mood. Sometimes, I prefer to put my rage out on something or someone and then after all that rage, my good mode turns on. Although it's a bit rude to do it on someone, but I make sure that the person is alright with me raging at them. I also like to play games, so in order for me to stay happy, I usually just play some games with friends or strangers on League of Legend, MapleStory, Counter Strike 1.6, Counter Strike: Global Defense, Garry's Mod, and  some other offline games. 


If you want me to start a topic, please question me about which topic you want to know me more about. ^_^

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i hate james



    Baked Potato

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i hate james

why is that?

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cause he has a sexy bodeeh








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Woah you been leaguing for a while...





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cause he has a sexy bodeeh






You're jealous of that? :P


Woah you been leaguing for a while...

Not really. Just because I started early doesn't mean I've been playing for a long time. :x

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fuck yes





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fuck yes



w-where are his nipples though ._.

 яαιηвσω яσ¢кѕ ヾ(◍’౪`◍)ノ゙| SlhbZiq.gif



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farewell to you all.

I'm going to stop coming on here to chat.

i'm just going to recruit and read.

unless needed to, I'll report.

other than that, goodbye.


Thank you to all that became my friends and rivals. anyways, another thing about me is... I tend to rage quit and come back in another year or two or until my anger is controlled. (: 

once again, thanks.

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Will I still see you on Lol ?




    Russet Potato

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 Good luck with everything



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Wha? :[

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wow that is some anger issues



    Baked Potato

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Will I still see you on Lol ?

Yes, on the weekends.



You heard me, woman.


 Good luck with everything

Thank you ^^


Wha? :[

Read what I said to 2hot.


wow that is some anger issues

How's that comment anger? O_O  You don't know what's anger. Everyone already knows the reason why I'm quitting, and rage quitting is not the reason. It's just an excuse.

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