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So is it back or...?


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    Potato Spud

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I keep telling myself not to get my hopes up but every time I see a new chapter for Berserk I can't help but read it immediately. Berserk was the first manga I ever read and it has always been one of my favorites, even when it steered away from the dark tone that it had for so long. The latest chapter says that we can expect another one May 23rd but I just cannot allow myself to be as happy as I should with that news. I've heard the author has some serious health issues, and for a while there, I had given up on it ever being updated again. I want to believe that he will be able to finish the story but I just can't help but worry that I will never reach a catharsis with Berserk. What does everyone else think about this latest update? Is there any new information out there on the author's condition that I am missing?

Edited by imperfectinfinity, 12 April 2014 - 05:04 PM.




    Potato Spud

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As far as I know... the authors only health condition is enjoying his idolmaster too much... he had a 6 issue mini series he forced down our throats before continuing berserk complete with little weird girls who wish to piss on fat weird looking wrestler guys heads as they ride on top of them... its a futuristic setting. I read one and never touched it again. Some people liked it... I did not. That is what he was so into recently other than playing games and making those... movies which in my opinion the first one was the only one that trumped the original anime series even with the animation being so much different than way back then. 

I was very disappointed with the new chapter but at least we will see griffith in the next one...maybe.... the person above said they liked it when it changed still but It really bothered me and personally I cannot stand the berserker armor that Guts has to wear now just to fight. I can't stand that the idea of the Apostles living happily and harmoniously with humans it urks me but as far as if Miura will do another May 23rd I think he will. I bet he was pushed to get a couple out this year by the publisher.



    Potato Spud

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Trust me I feel your frustration casandra29; I don't know if I can say I liked the changes that the author has made to the story, but I am at the very least interested to see where he takes it. I just really want the author to do the series the justice it deserves and finish it with some thought and effort. I just don't want to see my favorite serialization be written off the way it seems to have been for a while now.




    Potato Sprout

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I think the drastic shift in tone is because the series finally caught up with what Miura-sensei had planned.

When you take a closer look at Berserk, it was obvious how far the series had been planned, copious foreshadowing had been provided all the way up to around the Albion arc. But after that point, I think Miura-sensei might have drove himself into a corner and was completely at a loss on how to carry on the story.

How is Guts supposed to defeat the allmighty Griffith?
What's Griffith going to do now that he's back in Midland?
How is the story supposed to go from here on out?

So he had to do a kind of soft-reset on the story. Introduce new plot points (Schierke, magic, trolls), create allies, ane of course, do something about Guts' loose grip on his sanity.

The story's kinda at a low point at the moment, as I'm sure Miura-sensei is still somewhat half-assing the story until he figures things out. But I have faith he'll pull through. Somehow.

Remember the short lighthearted run of the band of the hawk arc? Remember how it all ended with the complete genocide of pretty much every major character at the time?

I'm sure Miura-sensei will come up with something like that somewhere down the line.
....is what I would say, but then I'd be lying.