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Batoto Rules and Guidelines Revision

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    Unemployed Kitty In A Penguin Suit

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Good day, my fellow potatoes!

I'm seyrine, and I'm one of the Global Moderators here on Batoto. In light of recent events, and to give the staff more concrete foundations to act on, we have undertaken a rewrite of the Batoto's General Rules and Guidelines. Not much of the site's original rules has changed, rather our intent was to make them easier to understand and easier to follow (as a member) and enforce (as a part of the staff). We will be implementing this revision of the rules immediately and we hope you take the time to read them.

In addition to the revision of the rules, we have created a new subforum that will include copies of most of the site's policies. The purpose of this subforum is to keep the most important threads in one place and hopefully make things easier to find. The latter was one of the chief issues with the rules based on feedback we received earlier this year.

Finally, in an effort to give everyone a chance and in the sake of fairness, we have clarified our warning system in this post and created a new procedure in handling warning and ban appeals. With this, everyone will have a chance to appeal their warnings if their arguments hold merit. We urge everyone in the community to read it and be familiar with the site rules and policies; to ensure that everyone (or most of the potatoes anyway) will have a good time on Batoto.

Thank you and keep on reading! :)

Relevant Links:

Rules and Guidelines: http://vatoto.com/forums/forum-192/announcement-2-rules-guidelines/

Rules, Guidelines and FAQ Subforrm: http://vatoto.com/forums/forum/10299-rules-guidelines-faq/

Warnings and Ban Appeal Thread: http://vatoto.com/forums/topic/17023-warning-system-and-appeal-procedure/

Catch my story; the Neverender Series

Batoto's Rules Repository | Rules, Guidelines and FAQs

Rules and Regulations | How to get help | Frequently Asked Questions

If all else fails, PM me. And use the REPORT button if you see any content that may violate site policy.

Catch me on irc.idlechat.net (#seyrine) and D.F.T.B.A.!