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Your general thoughts on late 2013 and 2014 anime?

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    Russet Potato

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Yea, I want to know how you feel about the recent anime. 


I feel like the quality of anime that have been released recently have decreased. That is, art and plot-wise. I've been downloading a lot of series over the last few weeks/months, but I haven't watched them. I watch the first few episodes, and then off they go to my recycle bin. Out of around 15 titles I've downloaded, I haven't seen one really worth watching. Even with the titles I've been following for years, One piece for example, I have to force myself to watch the new episodes. With Inari, konkon no Iroha (shoujo, magical) as well. I think the anime was a total letdown, so much that I thought it would have been better if they didn't adapt it at all. 


I don't think I've lost interest on anime. I've been a fan for a very long time, and I appreciate a wide array of genre, from shounen, sci-fi, magical, to shoujo. I'm open to almost any genre (except yaoi/yuri)  so long as there's good plot and/or good art. But I can't seem to find any of the two in the recent anime.


My thoughts on anime 2014? They're mostly crappy harems or sister/brother complex stories. I basically think they're being produced just for fanservice or something like that. You know, no plot, so to speak. And the art, of course. I haven't really seen a title whose art or plot makes me go "wow, awesome!" these past months.


This is only my opinion. Well, of course, this may be a problem on me. I may just be expecting too much. Maybe I'm being too critical. Or maybe I'm just being an unreasonable earthling who should just dig a hole and bury herself.


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    Couch Potato

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so what have you been watching?


personally, i don't think 2014 is all that bad a year. sure, pointless anime has been on the rise, especially in 2013 when shit like high school dxd's s2, date a live and oreshura generally dotted the landscape. but this year, there seems to be a lot of good stuff coming up. art hasn't gone south at all - in fact, with the availability of new technology and methods to superimpose sprites onto background art, art in general, and especially animation, has gotten smoother and better to watch. though of course, if tits are the only thing you can draw properly... *nudge*


and plot-wise, we're getting a lot of adaptations of really good manga. so unless the studio doing the adaptation manages to horribly botch up the whole thing, seeing a good manga animated is definitely going to be a saving grace for any flawed anime the rest of the season might have in store.


maybe you're just watching stuff that isn't your thing. a great way to get started is to watch something you think you wouldn't be interested in. it can work wonders.



    Potato Spud

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I'm looking forward to mahouka koukou no rettousei, I hope it will be done properly though unlike when campione got an anime and they managed to screw up everything possible >.<


But on the subject of the anime so far, i'm not really impressed, nothing has reached out to me and made me 'crave' for the next episode :c

Edited by lanex, 09 February 2014 - 04:39 PM.

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    Fingerling Potato

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2013 really wasn't the year of anything tbh. More so for anime. The animes that came out last year were really lackluster compared to its predecessors like 2011. I ended up completing less than 10 animes from that year. Though there were definitely some stand-outs and ambitious projects,  most of them were just recycled rubbish like the usual otome games and imotou shows. Can't really say much on 2014 though. The Winter season so far has been meh at the very best. Once again we're treated to the usual fair of generic shows. Nothing stands out but nothing is particularly bad either. There's still 4 more seasons left to go though, so hopefully it gets better.

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There's just so much anime with too much fanservice :/ 

Yet to find anything I really like plot-wise. Lately am watching anime that is adapted from manga or gag anime like Hoozuki no Reitetsu.


I am watching Kill La Kill with my brother. It's hella fun but some scene is too much for me as a girl. The only current original anime airing that I follow is Log Horizon.


So yeah am not excited for this season. And kinda agree with Hayao Miyazaki when he said that the anime industry nowadays are flooded by otaku that lack human interaction or the real human's body movement. 

Will of NGE

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Well, we had Attack on Titan which was really good.

And Kill la Kill is half way done and HILARIOUS!

As for 2014, they announced the new 12: https://otakumode.com/news/52e70bf48d1ceec27d0003b6/Check-Out-the-Anime-for-Spring-2014!?tom_cohort=article2014021605&tom_landing=facebook

And of these 12, I'm only interested in one of them. One Week Friend. Sounds like a very bittersweet story full of feels.

Edited by Will of NGE, 17 February 2014 - 05:03 AM.


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Lazy Moe

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I've been really digging World Conquest Zvezda Plot. And the last arc of Monogatari Second Season got me incredibly pumped for the next iteration. I totally see where OP is coming from though, as both series I mentioned, as well as others that I cared less for that have come out recently, could be described as "crappy harems or sister/brother complex stories" with a good deal of validity.. Ah well Ep 3 of World Conquest was brilliant so idc. XP

Edited by Lazy Moe, 18 February 2014 - 05:25 AM.

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Will of NGE

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Next iteration of Monogatari should be Kizumonogatari, the story of how Koyomi met Kiss-shot and how he became a vampire.


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Lazy Moe

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Feels very 'finally'. Makes me a little sad we don't get to see a resolution to the after-resolution of Monogatari Second Season anytime soon, but I suppose I could just go read it. The main thing that pleased me though was the return to Bakemonogatari-style for the last arc. Cuz even if I enjoyed Nise and early Second Season I'd definitely been missing the two episode long conversations.

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I'm really dissapointed with the second season of Maken-ki! It really really sucks compared to the manga. Just pointless fanservice chapters one after the other. It doesn't look like it's going to advance on the actual plot of the series... 

Yeah boobs are nice, but if I want pointless fanservice I would just watch the anime of Sonico >_>

Some animes I've enjoyed:


- Kikou Shoujo wa Kizutsukanai: I plan to read the light novels.

- Mahou Sensou

- Witch Craft Works

- Sakura Trick

- Nisekoi

- Golden Time


Anime that have dissapointed me:


- Infinite Stratos season 2: I like the series but I feel like they could have done a better job with season 2. If you like the series, read the light novels. 

- Nourin

- Maken-Ki! Season 2

- Sonico

Edited by shndany, 26 February 2014 - 12:16 AM.

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Will of NGE

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I started watching Sakura Trick.
It is the most kawaii thing I have ever seen! :3


Edited by Will of NGE, 27 February 2014 - 02:39 PM.


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