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Sanctuary [OOC]

ooc sanctuary rp rpg role playing out of character discussion

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    Fried Potato

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It's been such a long time since I last saw that gay seal XD

And since itano is a trap (was, at least)...





    The Resident Neko

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Well, to be the bearer of bad news, I no longer play WoW, and haven't in nine months, nor will I likely ever again.


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    Mashed Potato

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Not bad news to me, I don't play it and never will.


Just wow inspired and has that fantasy medieval feel to it. Probably the closest thing we've had to BoF with the theme and all.



The Epic Of X:




    The Resident Neko

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Lol, alright, next day off I will check it out. Actually quite busy today, lol.


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Diabolical Rhapsody

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Let's keep this about Sanctuary in here, peeps. I love that you are talking about my RP but the Lounge can use some of that love.


Also, Sorry naifu for going off-topic.



If you have the time: 


The Illuminati

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Seems I couldn't find the time I needed during the weekend like I was hoping, so the post will have to wait just a few more days.

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."



    The Resident Neko

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Take your time Naifu, don't stress yourself over it. >^.^< I'm not going anywhere for a while, so its not like you need to make a mad dash to get an update posted. <3


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The Illuminati

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See, you say that but... =D

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."



    The Resident Neko

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Well, there is the fact that I do love reading your posts and updates, but I also know that people's lives tend to get rather busy, I'm a prime example -.- , so keeping things moving at a fast pace is a rather difficult task, lol. >^.~< <3


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Führer Itulhu

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I can wait for updates too. Like srsly i probably wont have my phone again for a while


I encountered you.....

This world has chosen the reality and future that shouldn't have been chosen

That's Why I'm here

The Illuminati

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How's life as a 'real man' been treating you, Itano? Are there co-ed showers? ;)

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."

Führer Itulhu

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Both good and bad and theres no girls which is probably a good thing. I just want this over and done with so i can get to do proper shit


I encountered you.....

This world has chosen the reality and future that shouldn't have been chosen

That's Why I'm here



    Fried Potato

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G.I.Tano ftw

The Illuminati

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Proper? So you're going to stay with them and become a career man? How far do you think you can go, general maybe?

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."

The Illuminati

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The first post is up. It's mostly just a recap and an introduction to our silent hero. The main story will be told through his eyes.

Once I know for sure who's still in, I'll do a personal update.

So tell me below who's still in and who you want to group with. If there aren't enough, we'll just have to make one, big group.

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."



    Mashed Potato

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There's probably enough for 2 groups, main characters and second characters included.

Though, that's including just the PCs.  With your NPCs, you can probably go for a third, but it depends on how big you want the groups to be (how many characters per group).


But I'm in, that's for sure. I'll try hitting up Socrates and Blue if they're still in.

If Soc is still in, I'll stick with Ras and John and whomever you choose since I'm not sure trouble is returning. Would like to stick with some familiar characters but im fine with whatever. If we're able to do multiple groups, I'd like to keep Riyon and Gorilla in separate groups, since i have a tendency to ignore gorilla (limit his dialogue or actions) when doing up a post for Riyon. xD

Edited by I-Am-X, 23 September 2015 - 10:51 PM.


The Epic Of X:


Diabolical Rhapsody

Diabolical Rhapsody

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I'm still in. That means both Xander and Ras live for now. xP



If you have the time: 




    The Resident Neko

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I am, of course, still in the game. I've still got a lot more I want to do with Ashe, and co-writing for Ty. Besides, Ashe still has someone hunting her. Actually am kinda interested to see where the Winston and Ashe scenario plays out to.


I've noticed that, as I've been writing for her, Ashe is a far darker character than I originally anticipated, but I'm very much enjoying the way her backround and rising hidden darkness, obviously which Winston could "sense", are devolping. Not sure how much of this Xander, Ty or Gorilla will catch onto in the coming future, but I'm very excited to see how all of this is going to play out. *Would be bouncing in her chair with glee but the mother and the roommate are asleep, lol.*

Edited by Maia, 24 September 2015 - 08:36 AM.


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    Fried Potato

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I'm still in it, but i want to know the degree of freedom of which we can write day 5 through day 13 (wait, is it day 13 or day 18, aka 13 days after day 5?) before i'll start writing a post XD

Also, i'd most probably go solo at the beginning, since both itano and paper would not be available for some time

Edited by Faye, 25 September 2015 - 12:53 AM.

The Illuminati

The Illuminati

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It's day 13. The RP started on day 3, and now we've skipped 10 days ahead.

You can write just about anything to fill in the gap, you just can't use any of the important NPCs. Or leave the town. It's been walled off by the army.

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."