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What's the Difference between Sorcerers and these other guys?

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    Potato Sprout

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Was the term Sorcerer ever I dunno defined in any way in this series? I feel like in the beginning it was "Someone who uses magic without a dispenser" but then we had a variety of other magic users introduces, like the druids and whatever Raven and his group are.  I'm wondering if I just skimmed right through some part or if this is just something vague the series never bothered to explain.

Yuri Zahard ♛

Yuri Zahard ♛

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... "Someone who uses magic without a dispenser" ...

I still go with this definition. To me it seems like an overarching term while druid, sage etc. are like diferent classes of sorcerers.







    Potato Sprout

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Was the term Sorcerer ever I dunno defined in any way in this series? I feel like in the beginning it was "Someone who uses magic without a dispenser" but then we had a variety of other magic users introduces, like the druids and whatever Raven and his group are.  I'm wondering if I just skimmed right through some part or if this is just something vague the series never bothered to explain.


Actually, "Someone who uses magic without a dispenser" is "Magic User". The terms like Sorcerer or Druid is something that similar to "Faction". Raven, Cloud, and Lunar are just magic users, who are affiliated with "THEM(THE SUN)". Also, they are Homunculus.

Edited by ppidul2, 22 January 2014 - 04:04 PM.

Yuri Zahard ♛

Yuri Zahard ♛

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I thought a "Magic User" is someone who uses magic WITH a dispenser aka normal people^^  It feels like I have to reread the whole thing one day :)







    Russet Potato

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My understanding is that sorcerers produce mana naturally, while the other kinds of magic users have to manipulate it or get it from somewhere and store it in their body (even if they can act as a dispenser.)  But it hasn't really been explained yet.

Edited by Giantess, 24 January 2014 - 01:34 AM.



    Potato Spud

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Sorcerers channel there own mana meaning they make it themselves naturally.


Wizards channel mana from the world around them.


Humans = Wizards


Aka there is a wizard faction that has always used mana from the world around them. They made deals with humans to help them take down the sorcery faction. Using science and magic they stole the abilities of the sorcerers and wiped them out. The wizard faction now feel they are more powerful than the new wizards (aka people who use magic dispersers) so they sit on top of the world.



    Russet Potato

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@Lowlightt, that makes a lot of sense, i didn't even know i was confused and now i see the light haha. Also makes the recent chapters more understandable. 

lol roll lol



    Russet Potato

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yeahh the classes are really confusing especially in the antagonist side..

Confirmed homonculi are Raven and cloud and the girl.. Icarus is a sorcerer..

if thats the case Crimson Robe should become more powerful than homonculi imma right? It just sucks that he has his black mana sapped from him..




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Was the term Sorcerer ever I dunno defined in any way in this series? I feel like in the beginning it was "Someone who uses magic without a dispenser" but then we had a variety of other magic users introduces, like the druids and whatever Raven and his group are.  I'm wondering if I just skimmed right through some part or if this is just something vague the series never bothered to explain.

I'm going to give my own explanation since i re-read it now. Please bear with it, also would like to know if i'm confused or not


They author uses Star Wars references many times so mana here although it's a substance is just like midichlorians, and magic users have it in them. Black mana shows that emotions can materealize in a different mana that seems to be able to be stored in the living or objects, so it's like a linving thing (*spoiler 

-from the raws the killed ones linger in that power, the bad wishes so stay in the object, or so it seems)

The sage is the one explaining most of it. 
They talk about sages, the ones that knew magic before westernization.
Sorcerers that seemed may know about mana but learned what western world brought (how to use mana?)  and thus created their way and spells.
The alchemists that have knowledge of human body (healers, and he does cirurgy), potion-making and uses of nature's mana.
Man-made magicians-homunculi, dont seem to be different from sorcerers. They have their own mana and filter it through tatto. The source of their mana wasn't a natural process, so it makes them all the way different
Sages have this way older history, use scrolls, versatile with dealing with magic items (like the restarting sword). Their eremit way of living is for cultivation of being one with nature and further develop their strenghts with mental training. Thus sensorial abilities should be higher and each develops a specific ability.
The alchemist seems to want Detective Kim to know some truth so we should take what he says at least as partial truth.
He really makes clear that magic users are not normal humans, making it establish that they might be humans but some rare breed.
He gets his mana through portion's effects, so it's temporary. He doesnt have his own mana, if anyone can do it is unknown.
It sounded like alchemists were very rare, it must be all about high knowledge. He's very important in all scientific exp. decisions within the organization.
Then there's the part that Crimson rob tells us that releasing the tatto and that part is talent, so it seems very difficult to be alchemist.
"The Sun", the transparent boss. There's a time-machine behind him and he talks with Icarus about getting everything once again.It sure does look like a shadow of one who once was.
The tale of the sword must be related to this man, so he should be that magician apprentice that somehow clinged to live, maybe through the black mana on those objects--they're restarting xx, what'sthere to restart? He doesnt seem to be a ghost. And he seems to be really an individual and not a projection of the organization, like when they're talking in the room and there's a pillow with the bear. Dont believe he's human either, so a shadow of a sorcerer is my guess.
He still talks about humans and sorcerers as neutral, the hate for sorcerers might be their atempting for their lives, still very little information, the raws seem to start getting there about now.

Edited by fair(y)slayer, 25 February 2014 - 12:27 AM.