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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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[SPOILERS] Latest chapter discussion!

Samurai Usagispoilers discussion

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    Potato Spud

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Hello, I noticed that this manga does not have a thread to discuss the latest chapters, be it that people didn't want to start it or that there isn't enough people who want to discuss it.
With the hope that it was the former reason, I now started this thread.

Spoilers are welcome since it is a latest chapter discussion thread so you'd better expect that, otherwise if you wander in here and recieve a spoiler against your will, then I must ask you; What did you expect? It said spoilers in huge upper case letters in the thread title.


With that said, lets make this a nice and reasonable active thread, thank you in advance.

... or so the post said.