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Plot Recap

plot recap summary explanatio

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    Potato Spud

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Is it just me, or has anyone else lost sight of the plot?  I'm not saying there isn't one, or that it's bad, but I feel like it's become so convoluted (and with some gaps in reading it) that I no longer remember where this manga is heading.  I feel like I'd have to go back and reread it from the beginning (as well as take notes) to get back on track.  At the beginning, it was "protect the loli (then apparently marry her when she's older)," but now there are so many different organizations and shifting ties that I'm pretty much completely lost.


Can anyone give a good, brief(ish) summary of the plot and what's happened so far?  I realize we're up to chapter 155 by now, so that's quite an undertaking, but maybe even just giving a brief summary by each volume (20, at this point) would be helpful.  For example, "Vol. 1: loli & blind samurai meet, he protects her, they find out the enemy is _____ and wants to accomplish _____."  Or, "BOB joined forces with them to defeat SCARYGUY, but later betrayed them for personal profit."  You get the point.


Thanks in advance for anyone who can help!