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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles

Poems by Halcyonix

Halcyonix Poem

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    Potato Sprout

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The following poem is sad, so if you're looking for an uplifting one please back away now.


We live on pain and feed on strife
We thrive on anger, disgust and envy
You may look at us, and see how we only get stronger
With every curse and disgusted glare we face
We seem like we're unkillable, infallible, unbreakable
But only when the sun soars in the sky,
For when night comes, and darkness reigns.
All our emotions that we've held
Come out, bursting through these worn out seams
For we are not truly strong
We are not truly happy
We are not truly confident
That is but facade that we have donned, 
To prevent people from seeing just how close we are from going under
Where every night, the smiling mask shatters into shards 
That rips our soul and tears our hearts.
If you looked closely at our tears
You would see they are crimson
And perhaps you would care, but it would be too late
For we're no longer here
We scream daily, and you all hear, yet it goes out the other ear.
There are even some who we talk face to face
But to leave only defeated
And so we are the silent, and we are the calm
But it is only the calm before the storm.
For now we are only,
Shades created by our present, and monsters created by our past
The denizens of the night that do not come out to play
The people of the day that walks the streets with you
And so I ask, do you have the need to help us?
Or do you want to run away?
Decided that I will most likely post multiple poems that I will write/wrote so might as well create a post where I can do that.

Edited by Halcyonix, 27 October 2013 - 03:24 AM.



    Potato Sprout

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I say you've changed
or is it I?
Is it I who has been consumed with darkness?
devouring what light we have once shared together.
Or is it you who has shined too brightly?
erasing all darkness that once cloaked us from others.
Changing us forever
where saying "hello," is but a chore.
Or is it just time's river that separated us in two divides
Where promises we have made are swept clean from the shore of time's beginning.
On that shore where hardships were never known
and friendships were thought to last forever.
Or is it maybe just a twist of fate
never letting me journey beside you,
or to see you face to face
perhaps it's time for me to let go of you,
of all the time we've spent together
and all those nights, where I longed for your touch
to sooth these fears of mine.
If this is truely fate's hand
then I shall thank you, for being in my life
for giving me your grace, so that I could find my own.