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Mahou Shoujo of the End Spoilers

Mahou Shoujo Kogami End Spoilers Raw senmanga

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    Potato Spud

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Read all raw scans here starting from Chapter 17.

Mahou Shoujo of the End Chapter 17 Raw Scan


The "Truth" Chapter





    Potato Spud

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Mahou Shoujo of the End 18,19,20,21 Raw scans


http://raw.senmanga.com/Mahou_Shoujo_of_the_End/18/1     --------- 18


http://raw.senmanga.com/Mahou_Shoujo_of_the_End/19/       --------- 19


http://raw.senmanga.com/Mahou_Shoujo_of_the_End/20/       ---------- 20


http://raw.senmanga.com/Mahou_Shoujo_of_the_End/21/        ---------- 21



    Potato Sprout

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thanks man, sucks that nobody is translating it



    Russet Potato

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I... would... if my current side employer would actually kill me for doing so. Well... kill is probably a strong word, he's a pretty cool guy, but he would be most displeased I would think lol.

Edited by Souldrake, 30 May 2014 - 12:10 AM.

Manga-Heaven Co-Founder and Translator [Retired]



    Potato Spud

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Mahou Shoujo of the End 15,16,22,23, raw scans


Mahou Shoujo of the End 24 Chinese raw scans










http://www.dm5.com/m164143/          (Mahou Shoujo of the End 24 Chinese raw scans)





Here my summary of it. Continuing from chapter 14, the policeman saves Yoruka and the child 

and gains another wand that makes holes in the form of a circle. The Mahou Shoujo with many

arms and mirrors evolves the dolls to Version 2 after some time. The plane that Kogami Kii and 

friends lands on the hospital somewhere during this. The soldiers that saved Kogami infiltrate the hospital 

but are killed by the doll with hands and mirrors. Kogami and Sayano both wanders into hospital.

True personality Tsukune meets with Sayano and the doctors and spouts some crap

about the mahou shoujo plan and from the looks of it, Tsukune is a mahou shoujo

because she makes a knife float in her hands. Kogami is about to be killed by a mahou shoujo

until he is saved by the mask girl (yes, its a female). He is also given a gun mahou shoujo weapon. Policeman

and Yoruka are running from mahou shoujos. Yoruka is killed by the V2 version of the

parasite mahou shoujo. Policeman is also seemingly killed by the V2 version. However,

its seems before that the policeman ingested some of the powder from V1 parasite

back in the mall, which leads to gain the powers of a Mahou shoujo and the V1 parasite,

From the mahou shoujo, superhuman recovery. From the parasite, superhuman strength

and agility. Policeman rips off the head of v2, does some interrogation, runs around the hospital,

whacks the seven armed mahou shoujo through a window, and heads towards the roof. Young 

girl that was with yoruka is teleported somewhere by the time mahou shoujo.

Everybody eventually meets on rooftop somehow. They say more things

I don't feel like deciphering, something like the policeman saying that tsukune is the

origin of this mess. Policeman tries to kill Tsukune. Kii fires his weapon at the policeman

and effectively immobilizes the policeman. Sayano is hit by surprise by the reanimated

version of the female soldier who infiltrated the hospital. Tsukune hairband breaks,

everything goes to hell (everything breaks and floats the sky, here's a glimpse

(http://raw.senmanga.com/Mahou_Shoujo_of_the_End/20/41). HIMEJI (that mute kid

who was killed by the spider Mahou Shoujo a while back), meanwhile sits nearby like

some kind of final boss mastermind, (which from the looks of it, is) with a mahou shoujo

 who by the way defeats the masked girl and the child in the bear suit.The world then ends 

(I think looking from the future chapters). 


They get transported back into an alternate dimension or the past,

more likely another dimension. This world is the normal world 

without mahou shoujos. Everybody gets seperated, meets up,

says some crap i don't bother translating, gets in a car,

encounters the V2 parasite mahou shoujo and a girl.

The mahou shoujo with Himeji suddenly shows up

and battles the V2 parasite mahou shoujo and the girl.

 The mahou shoujo seems to have the ability of every mahou shoujo

by transforming into them. The V2 and the girl (revealed to be the child that

was with Yoruka and was teleported into the future by the time Mahou Shoujo 

and lived 20 years there before being sent to the past). They all go meet

Tsukune's mom who says something important things, like how 

magic existed hundreds of years ago and was passed down generation

to generation, from girl to girl. There are seven magic families, which

seem to have disappeared because of that mahou shoujo of himeji's.

They are led into a room where there are the mahou shoujo's

from before, but this time are on their side because

humanity created them. 



    Potato Spud

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Well shit... I read the 25th chap on dm5 and it appear that himeji created an army of that 2facemaskedmahoushoujo.


Meanwhile the mc's gang got them lesser int mahou shoujo on their side


This is getting interesting...



    Potato Spud

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Well, here we go. 


Chapter 25 Mahou Shoujo of the End raw scans




Chapter 26 Mahou Shoujo of the End raw scans



Edited by Serabukai, 17 July 2014 - 06:35 AM.



    Potato Sprout

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Since it's taking forever to translate a single chapter, could someone post summaries for all the current raws?

Edited by TemhotaTech, 13 November 2014 - 01:26 AM.



    Potato Sprout

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Mahou Shoujo of the End 15,16,22,23, raw scans


Mahou Shoujo of the End 24 Chinese raw scans










http://www.dm5.com/m164143/          (Mahou Shoujo of the End 24 Chinese raw scans)





Here my summary of it. Continuing from chapter 14, the policeman saves Yoruka and the child 

and gains another wand that makes holes in the form of a circle. The Mahou Shoujo with many

arms and mirrors evolves the dolls to Version 2 after some time. The plane that Kogami Kii and 

friends lands on the hospital somewhere during this. The soldiers that saved Kogami infiltrate the hospital 

but are killed by the doll with hands and mirrors. Kogami and Sayano both wanders into hospital.

True personality Tsukune meets with Sayano and the doctors and spouts some crap

about the mahou shoujo plan and from the looks of it, Tsukune is a mahou shoujo

because she makes a knife float in her hands. Kogami is about to be killed by a mahou shoujo

until he is saved by the mask girl (yes, its a female). He is also given a gun mahou shoujo weapon. Policeman

and Yoruka are running from mahou shoujos. Yoruka is killed by the V2 version of the

parasite mahou shoujo. Policeman is also seemingly killed by the V2 version. However,

its seems before that the policeman ingested some of the powder from V1 parasite

back in the mall, which leads to gain the powers of a Mahou shoujo and the V1 parasite,

From the mahou shoujo, superhuman recovery. From the parasite, superhuman strength

and agility. Policeman rips off the head of v2, does some interrogation, runs around the hospital,

whacks the seven armed mahou shoujo through a window, and heads towards the roof. Young 

girl that was with yoruka is teleported somewhere by the time mahou shoujo.

Everybody eventually meets on rooftop somehow. They say more things

I don't feel like deciphering, something like the policeman saying that tsukune is the

origin of this mess. Policeman tries to kill Tsukune. Kii fires his weapon at the policeman

and effectively immobilizes the policeman. Sayano is hit by surprise by the reanimated

version of the female soldier who infiltrated the hospital. Tsukune hairband breaks,

everything goes to hell (everything breaks and floats the sky, here's a glimpse

(http://raw.senmanga.com/Mahou_Shoujo_of_the_End/20/41). HIMEJI (that mute kid

who was killed by the spider Mahou Shoujo a while back), meanwhile sits nearby like

some kind of final boss mastermind, (which from the looks of it, is) with a mahou shoujo

 who by the way defeats the masked girl and the child in the bear suit.The world then ends 

(I think looking from the future chapters). 


They get transported back into an alternate dimension or the past,

more likely another dimension. This world is the normal world 

without mahou shoujos. Everybody gets seperated, meets up,

says some crap i don't bother translating, gets in a car,

encounters the V2 parasite mahou shoujo and a girl.

The mahou shoujo with Himeji suddenly shows up

and battles the V2 parasite mahou shoujo and the girl.

 The mahou shoujo seems to have the ability of every mahou shoujo

by transforming into them. The V2 and the girl (revealed to be the child that

was with Yoruka and was teleported into the future by the time Mahou Shoujo 

and lived 20 years there before being sent to the past). They all go meet

Tsukune's mom who says something important things, like how 

magic existed hundreds of years ago and was passed down generation

to generation, from girl to girl. There are seven magic families, which

seem to have disappeared because of that mahou shoujo of himeji's.

They are led into a room where there are the mahou shoujo's

from before, but this time are on their side because

humanity created them. 


it's not tsukune hairband it's that masked man (suspect to be sayano from future or something like that) 


hey the update RAW is make me interest now chapter 31 is to be Season 1 and new year become Season 2 of this manga.