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kinda want to see saitama turn evil.

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    Potato Sprout

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saitama turning evil should be one of genos nightmare arc

Good way to do it since we would get to see Saitama be evil badass and wipe the floor with all the other heroes but could then go right on with the real story without such minor problems as the earth having been onepunched into oblivion.




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nah saitama's too cool for that sort of shit. the only way i would see it turn evil would be like that...... he's wiping lucifer and moping the ground with his face, peoples piss and shout on him then he says, "you know what? fuck it i withdraw from this stupid shit deal with it!" peoples are eased and make fun of the capped baldy, and he just chill out at home train with genos some times for stretching time and go see his pal king to play video game, just chilling out and killing the stuff that attack him and his friends but without being proactive as he was. that would be his kind of evil, just dropping the hero act and being a god that just lives as a normal person;


for the moral debate before, be it you act or not, do good or do bad, there's always someone who's gonna say you're wrong, u gotta try your best while pondering your choices, monsters and heroes of that scale are outside of what law can handle, and such are an element of chaos, trying to evolve in chaos has you evolve in order is counterproductive, that's true for the opposite too. at least that's how i feel , ain't necessarly right but here's my input

Edited by Calmandweak, 10 October 2014 - 02:34 AM.

:batoto_001:  :excl:  :excl:  :excl:  :batoto_018:  Ooooooh cute cuddly animals ^^.....let's cook them   :)


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Tbh that's strange cause cops should usually have sufficient training to be able to aim.. And they usually should also know the concept of ''safety distance'' (Aka the distance they usually leave with a potential enemy.), so they should have the time to carefully aim. And the police officer should've aimed at the hand instead, cause that would've been far safer, lower chance of a lethal wound, and the enemy wouldn't have a chance on falling on the officer with his knife, unlike when his leg would be shot shot (He would've dropped his knife the second it was shot.). In my country police officers use methods not to get caught off guard with a knife like that.. Hell I'm learning those exact methods cause I'm learning to be a security guard right now.. I'd say it's another show that the officer just didn't value life too much (Or he messed up, let a guy charge him without backing off.).. In my country, if a police officer would mess up like that, he'd atleast be fined a good amount (Or fired. Not sure what the exact consequence would be.. But it isn't ok by my countries law.).






As if everyone from the force is adept in firearms.

You make it sound like shooting a hand in that commotion is a viable option.

Not that I condone killing the guy. Busy hands are difficult to disable.

The guy you replied to didn't even give any specifics, so ...uhh..


Mods won't budge an inch unless it's intentional flaming, 

The 'killing can't be justified in Saitama's case or in general '  argument of yours was debunked, wasn't it?

Seems like you are the one with no basic understanding of what constitutes a murder as the guy above explained.



On topic: Saitama won't turn evil. Seeing that cliche played over again on our MC won't do this series any good.

Love and peace, mods.


EDIT: I should've read my post before. Didn't notice my substitution in editing.

Edited by konn, 14 December 2014 - 05:53 PM.



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As everyone said: Saitama turning evil would ruin the entire point of his character and the story.


My theory is that at some point, Saitama will quit the Hero Association because he doesn't like for the morality that they stand up for. None of them act like true heroes but this might be during or after the appearance of Blast which would most likely set up the fight between Saitama and the Hero Association. A few might quit the Hero Association to rethink their motive for being a hero, another few might find Saitama interesting and will stick by his side and the others that don't acknowledge him would most likely fight him with or without Blast but the latter seems very likely seeing that his appearance hasn't shown up at all during any of the fights which reasoning says that he might just tackle Saitama on his own.


What Blast would do to set the fight is up to ONE. I can't wait for that.

Evan Dark

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The main defining trait of Saitama, is that he doesn't give a fuck. Being a hero is only a hobby for him, he's doing it just for himself, his own amusement. He would be a pretty boring villain, because he wouldn't want anything, he wouldn't try to destroy the world, he would only defeat the occasional heroes (and rival villains) he encounters...

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    Fingerling Potato

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The main defining trait of Saitama, is that he doesn't give a fuck. Being a hero is only a hobby for him, he's doing it just for himself, his own amusement. He would be a pretty boring villain, because he wouldn't want anything, he wouldn't try to destroy the world, he would only defeat the occasional heroes (and rival villains) he encounters...


It will be kinda fun for him for a while but he'll be bored all over again.



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As if everyone from the force is adept in firearms.

You make it sound like shooting a hand in that commotion is a viable option.

Not that I condone killing the guy. Busy hands are difficult to disable.

The guy you replied to didn't even give any specifics, so ...uhh..


Mods won't budge an inch unless it's intentional flaming, 

The 'killing can't be justified in Saitama's case or in general '  argument of yours was debunked, wasn't it?

Seems like you are the one with no basic understanding of what constitutes a murder as the guy above explained.



EDIT: I should've read my post before. Didn't notice my substitution in editing.

Saitama can take endless amounts of damage and no matter what he won't feel a thing. The situation that he has always been in is where he could easily subdue the monster instead of murdering the guy. I'm not sure what passage you saw as "Debunked" but in Saitama's case he would even be subdue god himself without actually killing him.


In terms of police's use of firearms. If they're on duty police officers then being adept at firearm handling HAS to be obligatory. There's plenty of places to shoot without aiming for the vitals (Any place other than Head/Chest.). For example I do have someone who's about to finish his police academy and he says that shooting the legs if you're not sure about your aim is standard thing to teach. And only in case where you yourself are being charged from a close range (I think there was even a certain range where if you shoot to kill is justified in case the guy charges you with a cold weapon.) or if someone has a gun targeted at you. Otherwise purposefully aiming to kill isn't justified.


But ofc in some places the police can kill anyone they want while in others that shit is regulated strictly.

Laurens D

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He is kinda evil, he is known as someone that destroyed the city, and has a bad reputation... He is also basically shunned :(

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This is not my fault!

You could have bought my cookies.



    Potato Sprout

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He is kinda evil, he is known as someone that destroyed the city, and has a bad reputation... He is also basically shunned :(

But he intentionally brought that reputation down on himself. He knew exactly what he was doing after the fight with the Sea King. He chose to make himself the villain in the people's eye to redirect their wrath and spare Unlicensed Rider, Genos, and all the others who fought bravely and fell.

That's not evil. That is a noble and heroic thing to do.


(Full disclosure: the Sea King arc is my favorite so far, and I am a TOTAL Unlicensed Rider fan. He may be merely rank C, but he's got an S-rank heart. )

Laurens D

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He is evil, when he destroyed that meteor, he could have made that smaller parts perish, but he did not. You could see it in his eyes, he was to lazy to do that!


He just protected his home ~

Edited by Laurens D, 21 June 2015 - 05:49 PM.

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This is not my fault!

You could have bought my cookies.



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saitama is kind of selfish, doesn't care much about his own reputation (a good one is better though, for selfish reasons), is a devote follower of mammon.

wouldn't kill humans without very good reason, probably. kills monsters without much remorse, but waits for them to commit a crime first.

he's also really lazy in odd ways. trained himself near death, but can't be bothered to save the city as long as his own house is saved.

cares a lot for his friends, but not enough to care about their belongings. has no qualms about using his friends for his own gain whenever possible. as long as it doesn't ruin the friendship.


he isn't a good person at all, but still so wonderfully normal. except for the ridiculous power.


and totally too lazy to go all out evil.

if he went evil, he'd just let his enemies kill each other, much easier than running around all day eradicating folks.

he'd probably consider evil though, if it didn't hurt common folks too actively, and gained some semi-legal money.

don't you think?

あっ ちょっと死んじまった

A. G. S. F.

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If Blast killed Demon Cyborg, perharps...



    Potato Spud

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If Blast killed Demon Cyborg, perharps...

Saitama is probably Blast. Just too lazy to remember it...



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i just wanted to see my result for this thing sorry


Edited by Otium, 14 November 2015 - 09:12 AM.