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What food from your Country/Culture do you eat?


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    Baked Potato

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Mr family is Chinese so I eat a lot of Chinese food all the time. Rice, noodles etc. But since I'm from NZ, that gets mixed up with a lot of BBQ, steak, sausages and meat in general. Fish is a pretty big staple as well and so is kiwifruit. It isn't unusual for us to have somewhat odd ratios of meat:vege over here. Internationals tend to get a bit shocked by our horrendous diet XD 

Hm,? you chinese as well? There seem to be a decent amount of chinese here...NZ...New Zealand ? so much meat you lucky lol are  they fresh ? like you kill them them and turn them to whatever ?


My food is from VendingMachinia located in Cafeitarian.



College people know the struggle.  ):<

I know how you feel >.<


I don't really like eating plain rice tbh. My parents always make rice for lunch and dinner so of course I'll eat it, but I always eat it last. I like rice porridge and Zongzi (not the dessert kind) doe. Hot pot is the best, and when my parents buy Siu Yuk I always eat as much of the fried skin as possible cause the next day all the left over pieces of skin are all soggy and shit.


My favorite dessert is Dau Fu Fa.

yeah Zongzi is my favorite, I`m learning to make that because I the material.  *high five kannade* I liek those as well


chill, i'm already very fat too : /

what do yo usually cook? 


thank god mcdonald's no longer serve that GODSENT mushroom & swiss burger... so i'm not that interested in mcdonald's anymore lol 

I never ate there because the closest McDonald is like 4 mile a way and a being a uni student with no car( because my Overseer deem me unworthy of having one...looks at the trials of massacre mailboxes) ha...ha...ha...

I normally make whatever,





    Potato Sprout

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Hm,? you chinese as well? There seem to be a decent amount of chinese here...NZ...New Zealand ? so much meat you lucky lol are  they fresh ? like you kill them them and turn them to whatever ?


Yup, Chinese. Depends on what you're eating. A lot of people go hunting over here and you're likely to get fresh venison/pork/goat/goose/hare every fortnight. If it's just from the supermarket, you're eating whatever was killed yesterday and butchered this morning...?  Not really all that fresh at that point, lol. Most urban people can't stand gutting animals though so I guess it works out XD


Edit: Can't say that this much meat is particularly lucky for any person living here. Obesity and heart disease levels are high, what with 90% of people complaining if they don't have meat 3 times a day. Pretty intensive fat building regimes is what becomes of it.

Edited by Lucca, 03 October 2013 - 08:27 AM.



    Potato Spud

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i love satay! :D



    Fingerling Potato

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i love satay! :D


Me too! Chicken satay mmmm. I don't eat beef so Idk how it taste like... Bacon satay is nice. 

I noticed we talk about food but seriously, we should post photos to get readers a salivating experience :P

Here's a satay picture.




It's skewered BBQ-ed meat. You dip it in some-really-awesome-IDK-what-ingredient sauce. Meat can be anything; chicken, beef, pork, rabbit, venison... 
You can find this streetfood almost anywhere. So it's really cheap.

My food is from VendingMachinia located in Cafeitarian.



College people know the struggle.  ):<


I feel you ): My university's cafeteria sucks too. 

Let us all continue the food experience... First of all, zongzi!




Scrumptious dumplings... with fillings usually egg yolk, chicken, pork, or chinese sausage. My grandma always say, ya must wrap it up really tight for the rice to be extra packed. Else, it wouldn't taste nice.





Here we have my favourite Nasi Lemak. You have groundnuts, dried anchovies, sambal, eggs, cucumber and sometimes, fried chicken. The rice is santan-layered btw so ppl say it's rather unhealthy and fattening. BUT I LIKE IT. The sambal is the most important part of this dish. It gotta taste good, else the whole dish goes not-tasty ): 

Hm I'll post more some other time. Hehe.

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    Russet Potato

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I eat souvlakia<3<3<3*
I wish I had one now~ 




so it was staple food >.> *cough*


well I always eat bread with my food unless it's pasta or rice, and I also like eating feta cheese 

milk and yoghurt are consumed daily and can replace a meal or two~ Yummy :3

Edited by ~yin, 10 October 2013 - 07:57 PM.





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You guys are making me hungry with those pics. Only natural to return the favour


Oh, you didn't know before?




    Fingerling Potato

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You guys are making me hungry with those pics. Only natural to return the favour



Is that... Mee Jawa? 

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Is that... Mee Jawa? 

Why yes...yes it is. Only that I usually call it 'mee rebus'.

Oh, you didn't know before?




    Fried Potato

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I'm chinese but I live in another country so we normally eat stuff like dumplings, meat buns, roast ducks, chinese leek pancakes etc >_<

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    Baked Potato

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Yup, Chinese. Depends on what you're eating. A lot of people go hunting over here and you're likely to get fresh venison/pork/goat/goose/hare every fortnight. If it's just from the supermarket, you're eating whatever was killed yesterday and butchered this morning...?  Not really all that fresh at that point, lol. Most urban people can't stand gutting animals though so I guess it works out XD


Edit: Can't say that this much meat is particularly lucky for any person living here. Obesity and heart disease levels are high, what with 90% of people complaining if they don't have meat 3 times a day. Pretty intensive fat building regimes is what becomes of it.

I want to go hunting, but there isn't alot of big game where I dwells, just deer and  turkey at best depending on the season and what hunting ban is lifted.




    Baked Potato

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Lately I've been eating a lot of Chinese food. Not real Chinese food, though... Panda Express Chinese food. XD


I did go to a friend's house for Chinese new year, though. I got authentic food then! I liked most of it. My hosts were impressed that I tried pretty much everything, and liked it (I was the only white person there XD). I even insisted on using chopsticks. Oh yeah, they let me wrap dumplings. ^_^

Truthfully was much tastier than Panda. u_u

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    Baked Potato

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BBQ! Especially sausages & steak. They're usually burnt tho :(

I want to go hunting, but there isn't alot of big game where I dwells, just deer and turkey at best depending on the season and what hunting ban is lifted.

Hunting is fun~ There's nothing better than fresh venison :Q


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Foods. My most favorite topic ever ♥






Banh Beo 



Now I'm hungry... -_-

Edited by NomMango, 20 February 2014 - 05:48 AM.


Excuse me, while I clean this glass. Teehee.

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    Fried Potato

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i like eating guts. offal recipes are best. 


one of my faves:



pig's blood, intestines and liver to name a few of the ingredients

there's also this recipe called "bopis" which is like pork lungs and heart.


i recently tried this brain curry (think it was goat, not sure) and it was yummm. 

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    Potato Spud

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Right from Italy, pasta (like a lot xD), rice, bread, tomatoes, potatoes, not much meat.


I eat souvlakia<3<3<3*
I wish I had one now~ 




so it was staple food >.> *cough*


well I always eat bread with my food unless it's pasta or rice, and I also like eating feta cheese 

milk and yoghurt are consumed daily and can replace a meal or two~ Yummy :3


Looks delicious, think I'll try it one day :Q__. It's a greek recipe, right?



    Russet Potato

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Right from Italy, pasta (like a lot xD), rice, bread, tomatoes, potatoes, not much meat.



Looks delicious, think I'll try it one day :Q__. It's a greek recipe, right?




hehe yes they are yummy and it's greek fast food :)

you should definitely try it!

I love pasta too and carbonara is my favorite <3*

Edited by Soel, 20 February 2014 - 05:52 PM.




    Potato Spud

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Carbonara is carbonara, can't be but the best one. I was forgetting the pizza, even if nowadays is world spread, it's still a must.



    Baked Potato

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I am chinese, but I'm an asian american. So I eat other type of food although...I prefer to eat Chinese food. I eat rice everyday more than I do when I'm eating noodles. I eat a lot of fried chicken even though they're really unhealthy. I also like vietnamese food, such as the springroll and Pho. Pretty much that's all...Oh I do not eat weird meat or whatever other meat sounds nasty to eat such as lamb/sheep or turtles.

Third year of college


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    Fried Potato

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I also eat rice cake and moon cake on special occasions~

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    Fried Potato

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Asian American~ Living in a super asian populated area~ Am Chinese and in this area Chinese food is suuupppeerr cheap and is relativley good xD
