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Manga licenses

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    Potato Sprout

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Hmm, sorry if this isn't the best place for this thread (not sure); feel free to move it if there's another/better place for this.


Anyway... I was wondering, is the kanzenban edition of a manga separate from its 'regular' edition in terms of rights and/or license[s]?


For example, does Viz media have the rights and/or license[s] to release a Kanzenban edition of Dragon Ball, One Piece, and Saint Seiya by virtue of having released the 'regular' edition[s] of those mangas and still having the rights and/or license[s] for them or does Viz media need to get/purchase a license for the kanzenban edition[s]?

Edited by Jackk, 05 August 2013 - 02:26 AM.



    Potato Sprout

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Nobody here has an answer for the OP? =/


Also--and I suppose this is more relevant to batoto specifically--does and/or will batoto differentiate between, say, two different editions of a manga when it comes to uploads?


By two editions I basically mean chapters of the 'regular' edition of a manga and chapters of the Kanzenban edition of a manga.


I ask this because, for example, I've noticed that both the English and Spanish scanlators that have uploaded chapters of the Saint Seiya manga on batoto have uploaded only chapters of the Kanzenban edition.




But what if someone wanted to upload chapters of the 'regular' edition of the SS manga? Are those not allowed at batoto for some reason (maybe being licenced while the Kanzenban is not?) or would they go to a different page/section?


Technically they're not the same 'books' since the Kanzenban edition has some color pages and less volumes due to having more chapters per volume than the 'regular' edition (22 volumes vs 28 volumes). Having both editions in the same page/section might cause organization issues.

Edited by Jackk, 09 August 2013 - 03:03 PM.



    Babo Kim

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Hmm, sorry if this isn't the best place for this thread (not sure); feel free to move it if there's another/better place for this.


Anyway... I was wondering, is the kanzenban edition of a manga separate from its 'regular' edition in terms of rights and/or license[s]?


For example, does Viz media have the rights and/or license[s] to release a Kanzenban edition of Dragon Ball, One Piece, and Saint Seiya by virtue of having released the 'regular' edition[s] of those mangas and still having the rights and/or license[s] for them or does Viz media need to get/purchase a license for the kanzenban edition[s]?

That's a really specific question. I think that can only be answered by the publishers themselves.


Nobody here has an answer for the OP? =/


Also--and I suppose this is more relevant to batoto specifically--does and/or will batoto differentiate between, say, two different editions of a manga when it comes to uploads?


By two editions I basically mean chapters of the 'regular' edition of a manga and chapters of the Kanzenban edition of a manga.


I ask this because, for example, I've noticed that both the English and Spanish scanlators that have uploaded chapters of the Saint Seiya manga on batoto have uploaded only chapters of the Kanzenban edition.




But what if someone wanted to upload chapters of the 'regular' edition of the SS manga? Are those not allowed at batoto for some reason (maybe being licenced while the Kanzenban is not?) or would they go to a different page/section?


Technically they're not the same 'books' since the Kanzenban edition has some color pages and less volumes due to having more chapters per volume than the 'regular' edition (22 volumes vs 28 volumes). Having both editions in the same page/section might cause organization issues.

It has nothing to with being licensed. All comics are licensed in one way or another.


Batoto differentiates between groups, not by editions. If for any reason a group sees the need to scanlate more than one version of a comic we would probably keep the higher quality one. (Which should be the second one, otherwise the would have been no point in working on it.)



    Potato Sprout

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Ahh, I see. Thanks for the reply/clarification.