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[Checking Interest] Tower of God Roleplay

roleplay tower of god roleplay tower of god

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    Potato Spud

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Hey there! I'm Sigma or Sy~


I've really wanted to do a Tower of God roleplay ever since I started reading the series. However, I'm not a very good leader or host or anything like that. I could help and I can come up with ideas and such but I'd love a few people to help me out with this. I'd love help for test designing and creating rules, character forms, and all that jazz.



Please post below if you'd be interested!


(whether you'd be happy to help or you just want to roleplay some ToG like me, haha)

Diabolical Rhapsody

Diabolical Rhapsody

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Well I'll be happy to be a part of it..but seeing how the series is skewed towards irregulars..I don't think that people would be much interested to compromise on power..just my two cents



If you have the time: 




    Russet Potato

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Well, it might be interesting, but last time there was a very well organized ToG RP, it fell apart.






    Potato Spud

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Well, it might be interesting, but last time there was a very well organized ToG RP, it fell apart.


Ah, that sounds bad. D: But I'm sure we could try. If we get a bunch of people interested, it could work out.



Well I'll be happy to be a part of it..but seeing how the series is skewed towards irregulars..I don't think that people would be much interested to compromise on power..just my two cents


I have to disagree with you there. I think it's more fun to play a weak, silly character like Ship (or at least how he was at the beginning). And besides, people from the 10 families would be allowed and we might even throw in a Zahard's Princess for good measure..



    Russet Potato

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I suggest you setup the system so we would know the limitations for it would be non-sensical if this would all be anything-you-do-is-fine setup.






~" Batoto Family|War of Batoto|Random Thoughts|"~

Diabolical Rhapsody

Diabolical Rhapsody

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I suggest you setup the system so we would know the limitations for it would be non-sensical if this would all be anything-you-do-is-fine setup.

My thoughts exactly, but if it isa well-rounded system I think it could be fun. Also you maybe under-estimating the degree of Hax power that can be allotted to the said Irregular..but it's a personal opinion :)



If you have the time: 




    Potato Spud

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I suggest you setup the system so we would know the limitations for it would be non-sensical if this would all be anything-you-do-is-fine setup.


A system? Is this what you mean..? (All text below is highly flexible. I'm new to this...)



Roleplay system: We all roleplay regulars (it can start from the second floor or from the 20th). At the beginning, there will be a test. After the test, the characters will be given a break (IC time varies but OOC we can have a fixed timespan) for character interaction and a bit less serious of a roleplay. Then, the host of the roleplay  will announce the starting of another test and the roleplay will get serious. The cycle repeats. 


Battle system: Just based on common sense. We will have character sheets detailing the strengths, weaknesses and abilities of characters. Don't dodge all the time, your character isn't a god, don't autokill characters, etc. We can add some specific rules to this or just leave it be. 


Character limits: Regard the race and appearance of characters, I think the roleplayers should be given freedom. Though I guess most would be humanoid. I think we can go with the "for every strength, have a weakness" thing. Or just put faith in the roleplayers not to be over the top. Adding in a Princess or two would be fine, too.


Test System: Hmmm! Perhaps we let a select few people (like moderators for the roleplay, or smth) have the power to change the direction of the test? I.E be able to add a giant hungry chimera the bull (something within the test rules) flying in out of nowhere? I don't know where I'm going with this...


As you can plainly see, I've never been a creator of many roleplays.




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I can help mod, or put together mechanics. I am fairly adept at these kind of games and have thought over this. My idea would be regulars simply don't exist as character models. The only difficult mechanic is shinshoo, but that can be solved by actually incorperating all three ideas SIU orignally suggested (Density, space, amount) as the first two would represent seperation in something that otherwise would have a very wide variation because of only using 0-1-2 as start.


If you have a link to the first, I'd like to read through their mechanics to add to and help this one


Edit: The moderated battles, having multiple moderators would be a huge help simply on ideas since there has to be some sort of use of teams. 1v1 are rather boring, and teams should be able to take tactics with ease.

The character stats probably resolve around

Hit points


Shinsoo resistance

Shinsoo adapbility (Use)

Shinsoo type (Will determine based on SIU's so-far use, so Anima, Elec, Fire, -probably water obv-, Strengthening

Intellect (how this plays in, I have yet to learn... could use level-up bonuses, or mod tactic ideas given)


Position, family, age, appearnce and disposition are probably all something rp's determine, but the mods might throw twists on the second floor for the first.

Question of death needs to be added. Reintegration also needs to be figured. Probably an equation of highest level -  (xp amount x #F)


Failure of tests will probably happen. If this were to work, three mods are needed.

Edited by Ajwf, 05 August 2013 - 05:56 PM.



    Potato Sprout

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I'd be up for one.



    Potato Spud

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I'd be up for one.

Yes! That would be great. So far we have around...three or four interested people? That sounds good so far..


I can help mod, or put together mechanics. I am fairly adept at these kind of games and have thought over this. My idea would be regulars simply don't exist as character models. The only difficult mechanic is shinshoo, but that can be solved by actually incorperating all three ideas SIU orignally suggested (Density, space, amount) as the first two would represent seperation in something that otherwise would have a very wide variation because of only using 0-1-2 as start.


If you have a link to the first, I'd like to read through their mechanics to add to and help this one


Edit: The moderated battles, having multiple moderators would be a huge help simply on ideas since there has to be some sort of use of teams. 1v1 are rather boring, and teams should be able to take tactics with ease.

The character stats probably resolve around

Hit points


Shinsoo resistance

Shinsoo adapbility (Use)

Shinsoo type (Will determine based on SIU's so-far use, so Anima, Elec, Fire, -probably water obv-, Strengthening

Intellect (how this plays in, I have yet to learn... could use level-up bonuses, or mod tactic ideas given)


Position, family, age, appearnce and disposition are probably all something rp's determine, but the mods might throw twists on the second floor for the first.

Question of death needs to be added. Reintegration also needs to be figured. Probably an equation of highest level -  (xp amount x #F)


Failure of tests will probably happen. If this were to work, three mods are needed.


Helping out and modding would be much appreciated! I couldn't find a link to the old one...


Perhaps along with the stats you listed, we can have something like "choosing skills"?

We have a list of 20 or so skills (regeneration, tree-climbing, first aid, a load of other stuff) and roleplayers get around 15 or so skills points that they can use to either "get skills" or "improve skills". They also get 15 (or more) stat points that they distribute among the stats we come up with. 


Stats should play roles in fights but not be the only thing determining them.


Stat points and skill points won't be ONLY useful in the beginning, though. They should be earn-able (leveling up, training IC, and what else?) and spendable (only in between tests, of course) throughout the roleplay. 


Of course, that's just an idea. 



Death...well...in the tower it should be pretty common. We could go for the "only die if the character's owner says so" thing but that wouldn't be very ToGish...So maybe Deaths can only be..."made"(is that even the right word?) by mods? I hate seeing my characters die so maybe it could be a bit rare (the death of a character). Oooorr maybe I'm being to soft. What is your opinion?




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The general D&D way about death was 10 hit points under 0, one hit point lost per round. Severe death like the hit MD put on the guy in 30F should probably be unreproachable if it happens. New character, keep going?


Skill points could be a level up dependent on intelligence since INT=skill? INT score could represent lvl(INT+4) for skill point total. INT would be the rank (as explained below)


Ranks could actually be done SIU's way (E10-S1) and that would allow for gradual increases in every rank. Training probably would be solved by a chance (dice throw) after a certain amount of hours/days to advance a skill point (dependent amount on dice throw). Each rank represents a point and a point would be fairly important (as 4 points in, E6, would be typical for a starting score on what you'd expect a regular to be good at? There are 60 points in this system, I believe, and C represents the general enterance to ranker)


Really, I know a way to use excel as a battle screen but I don't see an upload button here. Regardless, I'm sure I could actually manage an official battle directory.


Perhaps it should be mentioned that enemy advancement every 10 levels or so would be pretty severe.


Once we get skills, I could sorta draw of a sheet.


Climbing, swimming, regeneration, first aid, diplomact, lying, peace keeping, bluff, jump, hide/sneak, track/follow, listen/spot, survival, pickpocketing, hacking (Probs only w/lighthouse), throwing, knowledge (specify on), crafting (specify), profession (specify), riding, balance, escape, forge, disguise, gather info, anima, intimidate, cook (why not?), puzzle solve (unless INT?), slight of hand, endurance, discipline,


To add to, for Role playing, instead of designing a backstory, we can make sure there are a bunch of legitimate assets/complications for each characters by making an extensive list. If people need to add to, that'd probably help.


Any more? (Yes, I'm using D&D and Cortex systems as references, but it's good to use established systems when woking your own out)



    Potato Spud

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1. So one hit point lost per round makes sense, but what if the people in question are on different levels? All in good judgement? I quite dislike the idea of a fixed equation for everything. Roleplayign should be more fun then math.


2. Sounds fine.


3. Yeah, SIU's way of ranks is quite detailed and I think it would be good to use. 


What about leveling up? Perhaps each level gives you one(+?) stat point(s?) to distribute and every 5 levels you get 2 extra? Or perhaps starting from __lvl you get one more stat points than the norm?


4. I'm not quite sure what you mean by "Perhaps it should be mentioned that enemy advancement every 10 levels or so would be pretty severe."


5. All those skills art good! 


And perhaps we could do a bit of an "achievement" thing..like basically we have a cool name for the achievement, how to unlock it (involves getting x number of points for a certain skill or a stat. or maybe even number of people you interact with, whatever) and also what benefit it gives (+1 to any stat/skill, cool item, level up, virtually anything)?


6. That idea sounds interesting. 


Hmm...what else should we get sorted? Ah yes..


 20th floor or 2nd? The former allows for a bit more developed characters with set positions and whatnot while the later just seems more...fun.




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1. The idea is the 10 points under is a catch basin for severe hits (for example, if you have 5 hp and someone rolls 10 damage, you'd have -5 and only five rounds for revive. I don't care how we balance it, we just need some established way to say "This is how characters die"


3. A lot of the characters have inherent "Talent". I would guess that skill leveling up would be determined by either how well they RP'd (benefits) or a set formula based on floor. The amount leveling up doesn't really matter because we'd just balance everything else around what they do. Perhaps EVERYONE levels up at the end of a floor, and the amount of points they get to level up varies. Would make it more systematic.


(Edit: I like the one point idea, and instead of 'experience', per say, we could use that in money to set up an economy, since we know battle points took place in the second floor. Money to buy weapons also means advancement, so that might work. A little skill advancement isn't much, but then again, the only noted advancement thus far is the amount of bangs the characters control and their new inventory)


4. As in, floor 2, 10, 20, 30 all represent big jumps in skill and strength from enemies since after 2, everything up to twenty was supposedly rather easy for the regulars we know of. 20, 30 and a few others represent events, so that could also represent a way to up the challenge accordingly instead of micro-adjusting every floor.


To the achievements, while it is something that could be done, it'd be damn difficult with everything else.


I think the 2nd floor is better for a couple of reasons: SIU is taking a break here soon, so we don't know what is ahead of him, and the floor we know the most about is the 2nd floor. We know the economic, housing and test system, and even the guardian's appearance.


I think that if you mentioned this is ToG's forum, you might get more of a response.

Edited by Ajwf, 08 August 2013 - 05:22 PM.



    Potato Spud

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1.  Ah, alright, makes sense.


3. Okay. So now we have around 3 types of points gained upon leveling up?

Skill point: Maybe 3ish per level?

Stat points: 1 or 2 per level and 1 additional point every 5 levels.

Battle Points (since we ARE using the 2nd floor): Maybe this is not awarding after leveling up. Maybe the instructors(mods) give out these points based on how well the person has done in their "training session"?


Speaking of which!


The training session of the 2nd floor seems like a very important part of the entire floor. So perhaps we could have mods roleplay the instructors? And maybe each position training would take place on a separate thread? Throughout the training period, role-players would need to post actively in their respective threads. Based on number of interactions, posts, the mod's judgement and other things, each roleplayer would recieve a different amount of battle-points?


This would mean we need 5 mods (at the least).


4. Ah, yes. I get it now. And yeah, that makes sense. 


 Agreed about the achievements. And okay. 2nd floor it is.



Now....what should the character sheet look like?





Family (if applicable):

Age(14-200. not very important or so it seems):











Shinsoo Resistance:

Shinsoo Type (if applicable):


List X number of skills from the list your character would have. Less than X is perfectly fine.



Give a brief analysis pf how your character fights. List strengths and weaknesses here also. 



List X(ten?) things that complicate your character. 



Did I miss anything?


& Also, I'll be happy to make a thread on the ToG forum...




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So we're going to have ranker test admins going around or what?



    Potato Spud

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Yeah, I was thinking that, anyway. But they'd either be mod controlled or NPCs.




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Yeah, that'd be basics. Then, for example, once skills are learned, they'd be presented as such:

(Example used: Edin Dan)

Speed step (Level 1): Base speed has a multiplier of 1.5 when using a bang of a mass and density of (10/10 could be normal, which all/most skills would require).


Level 2 could be a 2x multiplier if training is used. Then, other skills could be:


Under-guard step (Level 1): Player can step through multiple enemies without being attacked. If they half their total movement for the turn, they can perform an attack as well. This move requires the use of ____ bangs at (_/_) density/mass.


And these could be trained on ease according to shinsoo affinities or specialization choice. For example, Rak isn't getting either of these options. I can write up more later if this is a good enough format.



    Potato Sprout

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I think this is actually good. As long as you properly enforce the system you plan to work with, managing the RP, in terms of combat, would be made relatively easier.



    Potato Spud

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Yeah, that'd be basics. Then, for example, once skills are learned, they'd be presented as such:

(Example used: Edin Dan)

Speed step (Level 1): Base speed has a multiplier of 1.5 when using a bang of a mass and density of (10/10 could be normal, which all/most skills would require).


Level 2 could be a 2x multiplier if training is used. Then, other skills could be:


Under-guard step (Level 1): Player can step through multiple enemies without being attacked. If they half their total movement for the turn, they can perform an attack as well. This move requires the use of ____ bangs at (_/_) density/mass.


And these could be trained on ease according to shinsoo affinities or specialization choice. For example, Rak isn't getting either of these options. I can write up more later if this is a good enough format.


Alright, that sounds perfect.  Now what is left for us to decide? What about the species of characters? Shoudl we have limits? Princesses and great family members? Do they have limits?


Perhaps something like "get your characters approved by a mod before use" system or...?


I think this is actually good. As long as you properly enforce the system you plan to work with, managing the RP, in terms of combat, would be made relatively easier.

Ah, thank you so much! 




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I don't mind the great family idea at all. To be honest, there doesn't seem to be any 'bonus' coming from a great family at all. As for a 'princess'... Hmm. We could use luck roles for each person to decide if their character is something more powerful than usual. From a 100 sided dice, 85+ is great family main branch, 95+ could be princess (or if guy, just powerful like one), and straight 100 could be irregular.


I say we let people design a character with whatever they want as specialization and then work out their stats. That way, we're not actually have them set up stats, but they'd be worrying about the RP part more. I actually have an idea to save a bunch of time on stats (and having people work on it themselves takes forever).


The model we need from them is:




Lighthouse color (or just overall color choice)




Desired position (Of course, admins set this on floor 2, but after, it's your choice)

Specialization (Strength, speed, smarts, resistance)

Item (up to two, they'd be basic use, and probably unnecessary if an actual shinsoo manipulator)


Everything, of course, should be balanced by mods to make sure it works, and we'll deal with all stat related issues. It'll be very open what everything does (as we're obviously talking in an open forum) but to bother everyone with learning a stat system that we're making up on the fly would probably just take longer.