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[OOC] Blades of Fealty

Medieval Fantasy Blades of Fealty Roleplay OOC

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Wyvern is in a separate area; it was meant to be a secret from even Lysander (but of course he would know anyway).


Yeah sorry I kind of assumed Caius would have figured it out too. I though he might have noticed the unusual spacing that didn't match the design during construction and connected the dots.



I just finished my edit Inumori. Sorry for not picking up your mention of maiev in your post. I'm a bit sleep deprived (going on 31 hours now lol).

Let me know if it still doesn't mesh with your post.


SLEEP. As someone also deeply tired I must recommend that as your next action. I'm gonna read it before I pass out myself.

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SLEEP. As someone also deeply tired I must recommend that as your next action. I'm gonna read it before I pass out myself.


Haha, in 2-3 hours I plan to. Need to try to get back to my usual sleeping pattern and make sure I don't wake up so early again. Since I can't get onto this computer (the one with the net connection) until around 9 pm my time, I don't want my sleep schedule to interfere with the time I take to catch up in the RP With.



I at least want to stay up long enough to know if my post fits and how the posts after wards play out (if DR makes his post tonight).


The Epic Of X:




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I will too. I've actually been day dreaming about their first actual meeting in sooooooooo many years and how it'll go and future details. How long were you in the marches and when did you first go? Was thinking of how we acted/were before you went there and/or around the time I went into essentially isolation/through insane training. Been the #1 thing on my mind. xD


That it does!


Mother will be so proud!

Well, Sashya is 20 years old now, and she was four when she went to live with Tyr and Freya in The Winter Marches. She was 16 when their father forced her to return to Empyria.


Come to the IRC, and we can talk more about this, because I really want to go more in depth to their relationship as well, instead of having it so... drab and blank. I've been thinking that their relationship has been very lack luster, and I desperately want to expand on it,  as I am sure you do as well.


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    Mashed Potato

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Well, Sashya is 20 years old now, and she was four when she went to live with Tyr and Freya in The Winter Marches. She was 16 when their father forced her to return to Empyria.


Come to the IRC, and we can talk more about this, because I really want to go more in depth to their relationship as well, instead of having it so... drab and blank. I've been thinking that their relationship has been very lack luster, and I desperately want to expand on it,  as I am sure you do as well.


So she returned 1 year after Rayne earned the 'Rayne Of The Bloody Mist' Moniker. Hmm


Alrighty, will do!

should help pass time better lol.


The Epic Of X:




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(SIGH) God I'm gonna have to reply to that post.


Alright. Placeholder going in. I'll handle it when I'm more conscious.


You might want to reduce your kill-count somewhat. There weren't terribly many survivors to begin with and most of those who had lived used the escape pods before you arrived.


I get that Rayne is supposed to be a psycho-killer and all, but there aren't a whole lot of folks left to psycho-kill. Nice hint at character-development with the murder monologue though.


Be back later.

The Dog's Woods


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(SIGH) God I'm gonna have to reply to that post.


Alright. Placeholder going in. I'll handle it when I'm more conscious.


You might want to reduce your kill-count somewhat. There weren't terribly many survivors to begin with and most of those who had lived used the escape pods before you arrived.


I get that Rayne is supposed to be a psycho-killer and all, but there aren't a whole lot of folks left to psycho-kill. Nice hint at character-development with the murder monologue though.


Be back later.


lol sorry, I first wanted to do a short one but it got longer xD.

(Maia knows how this turns out for me lol)


Ahhh sorry again. Wasn't informed on how many there were.

I'll reduce it to 8-10 ok or is that still a stretch? Will 6-7 do?


Thank you!


The Epic Of X:




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lol sorry, I first wanted to do a short one but it got longer xD.

(Maia knows how this turns out for me lol)


Ahhh sorry again. Wasn't informed on how many there were.

I'll reduce it to 8-10 ok or is that still a stretch? Will 6-7 do?


Thank you!


I would keep it below double digits but nine is still within reason I suppose. And you're welcome.

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I would keep it below double digits but nine is still within reason I suppose. And you're welcome.


Alright, I'll change it to 8 or 9.

Went a little overboard. xD


The Epic Of X:


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Were you really? We did discuss reviving the Maiev-Caius history did we not? Still, further discussion is definitely warranted. If I took a liberty I ought not have then I apologize.

​No, no. I just assumed Liar would take care of her. So I was surprised to see both of you take the initiative like that. And while you did mention rebooting that connection, we never discussed details. So, again, I was surpised with the initiative.

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​No, no. I just assumed Liar would take care of her. So I was surprised to see both of you take the initiative like that. And while you did mention rebooting that connection, we never discussed details. So, again, I was surpised with the initiative.


I ended up editing it since Inumori beat me to it and I was too sleep deprived to notice it lol.

Would of been a good post....But Im happy with my edit so its ok lol.


Don't worry!I still left an opening or so for me to molestPlay with you. :P


The Epic Of X:




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It seems I have missed some things. Okay... are we done with all the edits and all that?



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I'm done but Inumori and DR placed placeholders.

Just waiting on those 2 unless Maia or so manages to sneak another post in.


The Epic Of X:




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Man, what is up with these placeholders? I mean, I can understand them during the week and all that after the update, but why do it on the day I'm updating?



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Some bad timing, eh.


Well, if they dont make it...Looks like they might have to do long catch up posts with their original post and after update post. hmm


How long until you do the update?


The Epic Of X:





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I really swore that I felt like the update shouldn't have been delayed this time :\

Anyways, I'm going back to school at tuesday. No more fast updates from me :3

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    Fingerling Potato

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Man, what is up with these placeholders? I mean, I can understand them during the week and all that after the update, but why do it on the day I'm updating?


X made a post I'd have to respond to and I needed sleep. Sorry, I'll tend to it momentarily.

The Dog's Woods


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X made a post I'd have to respond to and I needed sleep. Sorry, I'll tend to it momentarily.

You've already slept? If so, That sure was shorter than expected lol


The Epic Of X:




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I really swore that I felt like the update shouldn't have been delayed this time :\

Anyways, I'm going back to school at tuesday. No more fast updates from me :3


It was never delayed. With university happening with everyone, update day is Sunday.



    The Resident Neko

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I have no further posts I need to make.

I eagerly await the next update! I want to know if we all survive or not. >T.T<


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G'morning all! :3

I eagerly await the update as well.
-wags tail-

I wonder if the people divide into groups or decide to stick together?
Also, it would be funny if the Wyvern crashed anyways.
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