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[OOC] Blades of Fealty

Medieval Fantasy Blades of Fealty Roleplay OOC

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    Baked Potato

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a mean mun makes for great character development?

also, what is lickety-split?^^

Lickety split: without delay; "she tackled the job lickety-split"

It's kind of like an idiom. 


nobody's stopping you. >.>


also, i lied.



mun= mundane ^^

I don't get it. :|

But yaaay, you didn't leave us after all! I'm not really sleeping today, so...

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Crouching Bacon

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Lickety split: without delay; "she tackled the job lickety-split"

It's kind of like an idiom. 


I don't get it. :|

But yaaay, you didn't leave us after all! I'm not really sleeping today, so...


ohh. learned something new today!


mun means the person behind the character XD

i have a paper to write >.>

-is past the stage of caring about the output-

ugh. i hate myself for procrastinating sometimes.

Posted Image "Don't make me ship you!"



    Russet Potato

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I posted.


And totes, Fab.



    Couch Potato

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i think we should keep track of things we've agreed on, e.g. the ship is soundproof, the ship has CCTV, and so on. maybe we could put it on a google doc and have subheadings like "ship specs", "magic regulations", and so on. maybe even character specific rules.



    Russet Potato

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Thanks. ^_^ I just lack the self-discipline to see something like that through. I don't even finish drawings in my sketchbook...


lack the self-discipline.

*goes and looks at "Traitor! Coward!" and "The Grey Zone"*

*starts sobbing*

I don't either :(






    Baked Potato

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ohh. learned something new today!


mun means the person behind the character XD

i have a paper to write >.>

-is past the stage of caring about the output-

ugh. i hate myself for procrastinating sometimes.

Oh hey, I learned some new terminology, too. ^_^


Go write your paper. Just do it. I'm being a hypocrite, because I can't just sit down and write papers, but you gotta do it. Write crap that you can refine into not-crap later. Just get something done.

lack the self-discipline.

*goes and looks at "Traitor! Coward!" and "The Grey Zone"*

*starts sobbing*

I don't either :(


The worst part is, I'll write down plot ideas in my sketchbook. It just compounds on how I never finish anything...

But we can do it, Orcra, someday... >.>

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Crouching Bacon

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Oh hey, I learned some new terminology, too. ^_^


Go write your paper. Just do it. I'm being a hypocrite, because I can't just sit down and write papers, but you gotta do it. Write crap that you can refine into not-crap later. Just get something done.


6 pages of hot, steaming crap~

oh yes.


-plays eye of the tiger-


i want my coffee.

I posted.


And totes, Fab.


ooh, lysander speaketh.

Posted Image "Don't make me ship you!"



    Fried Potato

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Any gameplay demonstration you can show?

Not at the moment :P

How do you record stuff happening in your screen anyway? :o

And it seems that there's a code problem, the game won't start on phones with Android 4.2 it seems (from Vis and Diabolic's report)



I agree with Vis, we need to note down stuffs that is generally accepted such as the ship's spec, character restraints, magic system, etc.

It will help in the long run (except the ship maybe, since it'll crash soon)



    Couch Potato

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at this rate, by the time i get to post again, everyone will be off the ship and i'll still be stuck next to some guy's corpse XD



    Russet Potato

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6 pages of hot, steaming crap~

oh yes.


-plays eye of the tiger-

I have Holy Diver stuck in my head. -.-






    Russet Potato

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i think we should keep track of things we've agreed on, e.g. the ship is soundproof, the ship has CCTV, and so on. maybe we could put it on a google doc and have subheadings like "ship specs", "magic regulations", and so on. maybe even character specific rules.


I don't know why we should since it's going to blow up.

And we have reached a 100 pages.

Crouching Bacon

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I don't know why we should since it's going to blow up.

And we have reached a 100 pages.


how are we going back?

are we even going back?

-disappears for a bit-


aaand this crap is due today.


-drowns in self-loathing-

Posted Image "Don't make me ship you!"



    Couch Potato

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I don't know why we should since it's going to blow up.And we have reached a 100 pages.

fair. it was just a thought, since i don't want to feel like an idiot when i post something and someone says "that's not possible because of a technicality we discussed on page 538 of the OOC", that's all XD



    Baked Potato

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Paper....close out Batoto. u_u


I guess if it was a google doc, then we could all contribute to it... because explaining everything that's been discussed in here is a pretty big job. >.>

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    Russet Potato

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I could always open a google doc.

Crouching Bacon

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Paper....close out Batoto. u_u


I guess if it was a google doc, then we could all contribute to it... because explaining everything that's been discussed in here is a pretty big job. >.>


even my very name mocks me. >.>


but yeah, see you guys in a couple of hours.


oh man, i hope the google doc won't turn into a novel

Posted Image "Don't make me ship you!"

Diabolical Rhapsody

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Well 100 is an achievement.. :D
I would contribute what I can..to the google docs.. -_-
It is good to get a layout of the ship now..
Well since it is crashing..I hope my characters survive..and Terra in Lily's room..well I didnt expect that.. :D



If you have the time: 




    Russet Potato

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Well, Terra isn't of age yet. Naturally she shares a room with her older sister!



    Fried Potato

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Then Camus get to see that troll staff every time he escorts Lily back to her room? He'll be very happy XD


And Lily will have every right to accuse him of being a pedo ._.

Edited by fayrbrant, 16 August 2013 - 12:36 PM.

Diabolical Rhapsody

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But I didn't know if Lily was aware of Terra's presence of



If you have the time: 
