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[OOC] Blades of Fealty

Medieval Fantasy Blades of Fealty Roleplay OOC

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    Fingerling Potato

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oh god. XD

can we pretend the guy in the middle is magar?





Dammit now Magnar is a giant bishie in my mind. (sigh)

Edited by Inumori, 14 August 2013 - 01:03 PM.

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Crouching Bacon

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Dammit now Magnar is a giant bishie in my mind. (sigh)


the (sigh) can be interpreted in so many ways.


so many. so many. so many

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The Illuminati

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Also, I doubt her father would be able to muster up the kind of force that would be able to take on the northern tribes, but I may be overestimating the tribes' unified strengths or underestimating her father.

I don't doubt that Tyr could kill Sashya's father (I don't think she'd even care). He's not a hero but he is a noble and the husband of a hero.


From what I read, the Old Empyria could never conquer the Winter Marches. The new one probably even less so. Also, I doubt that anyone besides The Huntress would really care. If they can't be bothered to join the third crusade, then battling an enemy they've never defeated would be pointless.


I hope you liked my other character a bit too :D

Surprisingly, the deathspawn isn't the crazy, vengeful murder! A very lovely twist. Sounds like Death had a crush on Ashia though. Interesting?

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."



    Fingerling Potato

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the (sigh) can be interpreted in so many ways.


so many. so many. so many

Actually just one. There is no hint of yaoi fangirl in my voice. Just "dammit there goes his image".

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    Russet Potato

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Actually just one. There is no hint of yaoi fangirl in my voice. Just "dammit there goes his image".

As i watched the picture and saw you saying yaoi, my mind got filled with unwanted thoughts =_=






~" Batoto Family|War of Batoto|Random Thoughts|"~



    Fingerling Potato

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As i watched the picture and saw you saying yaoi, my mind got filled with unwanted thoughts =_=


Ugh. My condolences.

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Crouching Bacon

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Sorry, big bro XD
-passes around some brain bleach-
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Diabolical Rhapsody

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I think it is difficult to salvage my image from a bishie now... -_-
Well I'll try my best
@Fab: it can be interpreted that way..and Iblis has his moments..I am sure I'll be able to bring them out in future..where he is evil incarnate...but at the same time..his major interest is collection of souls..as long as he collects them and has a chance to be a cannibal here and there he remains sedate..I'll tey and get him to interact more with Maiev and possibly Terra



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    Russet Potato

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So... Aera, Sashya, and Tyr just stumbled upon Magnar, Lily, and Camus in the aftermath of that little conflict, I suppose?






    Russet Potato

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By the way..... does this airship have insurance?






~" Batoto Family|War of Batoto|Random Thoughts|"~

Diabolical Rhapsody

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Orc: that depends on how X proceeds..you still may have a fight on your hands.. :D



If you have the time: 


Crouching Bacon

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i wonder how wide the hallway is

there's quite a lot of people in that area

+ magnar = a really tight space


unless the ship is wider than i imagined?

Posted Image "Don't make me ship you!"



    Fingerling Potato

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Rogue and Liar are gonna have some massive catching up to do once their conversation finishes. I suspect I'll be back from work today with another 200 notifs and an R.P. page dedicated to them lol.

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Crouching Bacon

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Rogue and Liar are gonna have some massive catching up to do once their conversation finishes. I suspect I'll be back from work today with another 200 notifs and an R.P. page dedicated to them lol.


maybe eventually we'll have to form a separate summary thread?

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L literally got me thinking hard about my post. 

Gnothi Seauton - Know Thyself.

Memento Mori - Remember to Die.




    Fingerling Potato

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i wonder how wide the hallway is

there's quite a lot of people in that area

+ magnar = a really tight space


unless the ship is wider than i imagined?


The hallways in most areas are wide. Wide enough to flank two normal-size folk with two Magnar-size folk. This is engineering though and the halls are narrower, but the entrance to the engine room has a small sort of lobby just outside of it.


Everyone also seems to be acting like the engine room is just around the corner from the feasting hall. It isn't, it does take some walking and navigating to get there...

The Dog's Woods


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Crouching Bacon

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The hallways in most areas are wide. Wide enough to flank two normal-size folk with two Magnar-size folk. This is engineering though and the halls are narrower, but the entrance to the engine room has a small sort of lobby just outside of it.


Everyone also seems to be acting like the engine room is just around the corner from the feasting hall. It isn't, it does take some walking and navigating to get there...


oh, alright then.


we haven't arrived yet, though the sounds of an oncoming scuffle is relatively easy to follow.

at least by virtue of sashya's super hearing.

Posted Image "Don't make me ship you!"



    Fingerling Potato

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L literally got me thinking hard about my post. 


No need to. Both of your posts make perfect sense in-character. Valerius is an experienced warrior and mercenary who wisely keeps himself and others battle-ready. Gale is a wizened caster but has little experience fighting as a unit, being a powerful caster and necromantic summoner he has not needed to. As such Valerius' actions might seem foolish or even brutish to him, but only because they practice exceedingly different methods of handling danger and their life experiences differ quite a bit as well.

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I was also thinking what to say really. 

Gnothi Seauton - Know Thyself.

Memento Mori - Remember to Die.




    Fingerling Potato

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I was also thinking what to say really. 


...oh. Well I can't help you there but it looks good.

Well time for work. See you all again in roughly ten hours and as many pages.

The Dog's Woods


An Adventure by Mischief