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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Near Death Experiences

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    Cute Potato

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Oh look at this.


Me and Shark almost getting killed.



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    Fried Potato

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I got hit by a car when I was driving in the national high way.

Song of the day:
Castle On The Hill
- Ed Sheeran




    Russet Potato

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I wrote off the van. hehehe


I survived!

Good thing nobody was with me.




    Baked Potato

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One time when I was in high school, I was extremely sick with a bacterial infection in my throat. I was coughing so hard/so often that I could taste blood in the back of my mouth all the time because my throat was so raw. My mom is big on chinese herbal medicine so she boiled something for me to drink with chunks of some kind of root. 300% no lie I couldn't eat more than a couple because the root tasted terribad. It was bitter and when you bit into it, it crumbled into this weird sandy texture. When I told her I really couldn't eat the chunks of root, my mom said she'd beat the shit outta me if I didn't eat all the root chunks cause the root was rare/expensive.

So me being me, I figured out a shortcut to eating dat shit, which was just swallowing the chunks whole cause they only tasted bitter when I bit into them. So I swallowed like 1 chunk and I was like "Damn, I am so fucking smart right now. Great idea or great idea?" Then I swallowed another one and it got lodged in my windpipe.

I was coughing as hard as I could to get it out, and it still wouldn't come out. Even though there were 4 other people were in the room, nobody fucking did anything even when I put my hands on my throat to signal I was choking because they thought I was coughing just cause I was sick. After coughing for a while, my lungs just didn't have enough air to keep trying to cough it out. My eyes started rolling to the back of my head and I knew I was just gonna pass out and probably die, and at that moment instead of being afraid of dying, I was so fucking angry at everyone. I'd never been so angry in my life. I was about to die and 4 people were just sitting there not giving a fuck/not even looking at me. Then I coughed so hard I threw up and the chunk that was stuck in my windpipe came out. Then my mom beat me for wasting the entire bowl cause I threw up into it. When I told her that I was choking, she beat me harder because she thought I was lying to get out of being beaten. After she beat me and I went to bead, I told myself I'd never give a shit about anybody and that I wouldn't help anyone even if they were about to die because nobody gave a fuck about me when I needed help the most. I don't even care how corny this sounds, but that near death experience def helped shape how I am as a person today. I'm angry all the time and I'm a huge asshole all the time. kanyeshrug.jpg

Edited by Kannade, 17 August 2013 - 05:14 AM.



    Russet Potato

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...That's ... I don't even know what to say to that, man...


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Fell off a water slide at my neighborhood pool when i was 5. Went to step off the ladder onto the slide, twisted and slipped backwards off of it somehow, my foot got caught on a rung of the ladder before i face slammed into concrete though so its all good.

Edited by Firefly., 17 August 2013 - 05:21 AM.



    Couch Potato

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somehow i fell into a sewer hole but i manage to grab on at last sec and i pulled myself up.



    Cute Potato

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somehow i fell into a sewer hole but i manage to grab on at last sec and i pulled myself up.


ahahahaha it's freakin' hilarious trying to picture that :lol:

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Also kannade Wtf. Your parents were at fault.they should have taken you to a doctor not tried weird ass fucking herbal remedies



    Russet Potato

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Technically Skydiving counts as a near death experience right? Coz I went last weekend! IT was EPIC!!

I got to say fuk you to death for failing to take my life right there and then. Huehuehue



    Russet Potato

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When I was 9, I almost drowned in a swimming pool.

Will of NGE

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Hmmm, there are a few I guess.


One I slept through, yes, I slept through almost dying. We were on a highway 20 years ago and our car spun out on an icy road and if it were not for the bumpers on the side we'd have fallen 5 meters down, I was sleeping in the backseat. We spun 360 several times before coming to a stop.


The other time I was sick and had my lungs full of mucus and had suffucation attacks every hour for a whole god damn week, had to battle my clogged airways and lungs. You know when you swallow something wrong and you keep gasping for air? Imagine that only worse, 24 times a day for 7 days. I haven't slept for nearly 7 days then... And every one of those attacks would come with me coughing my lungs out because they were filling with mucus and I'd even spit blood out. Aaaand since then I have a sleeping disorder.


And one where I was like "holy shit I could have died" moment was several hours after it happened when I pieced it all together.

I was just about to fall asleep so I already felt like I'm sleeping, I heard noise outside and went to check it out. As I was going down the stairs I missed a step and fell, my big toe catching step's edge and peeling off a good portion of the skin while I landed my hands first on the concrete at the bottom.

Now, how was this near death? Well... first if my big toe was half a centimeter back it wouldn't be peeled off skin, it would have been a torn off big toe, literaly. And second, that concrete is uneven, almost spiked, it looks like a perfect surface for smashing melons. And let me tell you, if my head had hit that, there would have been my brain all over it.

Edited by Will of NGE, 15 September 2016 - 03:52 AM.


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    Baked Potato

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A few times, one time  was at a bank feel to much like a movie, but whatever I rather not be turn to swiss  cheese lucky I`m short and really unnoticeable.  I was in the mountain and stumble upon a baby animal which means I am in deep trouble cause the mother mountain is probably not far behind and can probably smell my garlic bread I had for lunch. The saw me and try to crawl near me and fell and mew very loudly and one can hear this loud sound echoing though the forest just as I was about to take me leave load and behold it the mother and it was not very happy.  long story short I got crazy lucky there was ranger on patrol and  make it take a nap cause there were reports of a mountain lion in the area and were on high alert it was coming to close to human population.


Kannade I can relate Asian parents all around =/ You just can't win till you are rich enough to live on your own them you don't ever have to come back  or visit saying I`m busy with work, my paper is due very soon so I have a lot of prep work and making sure all the information is correct.  Maybe the only time one ever come back is either someone funereal, chinese new year, or wedding or it the head of the family's order.





    Potato Spud

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Picked up ten dollars took twelve steps towards the road only to look to my right and see a semi truck driving along the curb had to jump backwards to get out of the way nearly beaten to death on a few occasions almost drowned in a river a swimming pool and possibly a lake multiple times my own brother nearly slit my throat while I was a child and I think my favorite one was tripping over a sandal and splitting my head open on the sidewalk when I was five I think. Good times~~
If you're reading this theres a possibility I've done something strange for that I apologize...