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Zk's Short Stories

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Zero King

Zero King

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I'm taking a creative writing to help me with writing and I've decided to share the one's I do in this class with you. 


Death is Beautiful


Death embraces me in an loving way. She binds me into the hold with her robe. Her scythe finds its way to my heart. Death doesn't kill me, she releases me from the shackles  that the world bestowed upon me. I feel so free for the first time in my life. So thankful to death, I kiss her deeply upon her scarred lips. She doesn't pull away from me, she let's me drown in all of her beauty. As I see it death is not a curse, it's a key to set us free from the cells of human reality. She is really beautiful in every way, even though I may be morbid for saying it. 



    The Head Maid

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I love it,zero-kun!! This will be a great prologue if you are writing story ^^~
You have improved a lot, haven't you^^

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Follow the comment sections' rules or else, you will be hanging at the edge of an cliff ^^
It maybe one step closer to death's door or an extension of your life's time.

Zero King

Zero King

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I love it,zero-kun!! This will be a great prologue if you are writing story ^^~
You have improved a lot, haven't you^^

Thank you very much:)


I hope I have

it's been a long time since I wrote any kind of story but I might make this a prologue.

I'll write something up hopefully and see if its good enough to share

Edited by Zero King, 20 July 2013 - 04:25 AM.

Zero King

Zero King

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Creative writing 2nd assignment


There was a nun in the underworld who was on her knees exercising her mouth and hands infront of her true lord Persephone. The nun turned on the green light as she placed the camera onto the tripod. She bent down infront of her goddess and begged to be punished. Persphone started beating the nun with a meat club. Hades appeared behind the camera, he cheered for his wife as she beat the nun into a masochistic orgasm. The nun kept screaming, actually if you are doing it right screaming can be excerising as well. Anyway Persephone forced herself upon the dirty nun, stroking herself before she demanded the nun to please her.


That's all I've written so far....



    Fried Potato

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Amico, you never fail to amaze me. You better finish this, okay? Better finish this. Hah! You've gotten so much better now. Keep up the good work. :D

Song of the day:
Castle On The Hill
- Ed Sheeran


Zero King

Zero King

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Amica, thank you very much:)  

Zero King

Zero King

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Creative Writing 3 (death as a character)


The monster stood on the cliff looking down upon us with a twisted smirk. On the top of his lungs he yelled


"Listen to me well...I am Thantos! Believe in me I'll set you free" he waved his hands in the air like a young Hitler but with a stronger conviction.


'Thantos" is a serial killer who considers the people of this world as potential monsters and plans to rid the world of them. He truly believed himself to be a god. Ironically the god couldn't escape Death himself. I broke through the dirt under his feet and dragged him down to hell.

But the humans only saw him fall down the cliff head first.

He wouldn't stop screaming, I bent down to meet him eye to hollow hole.

"Do you fear death, boy?"

"No I embrace it" as cocky as ever


"hmm oh really?" I laughed out loud, the dark cold space was filled with the clatter of my bones. It was the only noise that could be heard for what seemed like forever.

His face turned pale

"Where are we?"


"You are Thantos, correct? I thought you would enjoy being where you belong"

I thrusted my arms up and the space lit up to reveal a never ending floor  covered with corpses.

"Time to be judged Thantos"

I kicked him onto the pile of the corpses, as I floated away

I gleefully stated "Welcome to Tartarus"


but he didn't hear it, the so called monsters were stabbing him, ripping him into pieces, his heart was shredded by the bites of his victims. When his heart stopped beating. he was re-animated and his body was put back together.

"You can't kill me! I am Thantos"

I reappeared in front of him..Pointing my boney finger in his face

'You are just a mere human who tried to play god.I am the only death"


Laughing as I disappears as his sweet screams disappeared into the cave. For all of eternity he will be forever tormented by the monsters he slaughtered...

Edited by Zero King, 18 September 2013 - 09:10 PM.

Zero King

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Taboo: Actress

All she did was speak out about what other women hide in their hearts, as they lay awake next to the horror of their life.  But not her she was stronger than that. Her heart was vastly superior to her physical strength. So even if he hit her, her could never break her internally.

            I still remember her smile it was as bright as the sun on a Californian summer day. Yet who would know that behind that smile was the sour tears of a social taboo that shouldn’t be shunned. Sadly I didn’t get to know her before her final act, yet I still adore her.

            One day I found her story online…instantly I felt sadness that slowly mixed with the burn of anger. How can they shun a woman for standing up against injustice? Instead of hugs and words of encouragement she was called a liar. The public turned against taking her husbands side. Even her management company sued her for “not maintaining dignity” for coming out as an abuse victim. She managed to get away from her abuser but…she killed herself four years later after their divorce.

            The more I read the more the greater my rage became. It hit a new level when I read her status death by hanging in her late thirties. I thought of how unjustified the world truly is and how the actress must have felt. Sad reality is in 2013 her ex-husband hanged himself. Seriously karma is a bitch