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Current Chapter Discussion / Spoilers

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    Potato Sprout

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Who do you guys think will win for Meijin qualifiers?


I would like Arata to win, but the mangaka seems to really pushing for Arata to lose in the qualifiers match. In a sense she seems like she is trying to close the distance between Arata and Taichi, to make Taichi relevant as a contender in Karuta. So far right after the high school tournament, pretty much the mangaka has made it sound like Taichi is in some way the same level Arata which I don't quite like (maybe I'm being bias since I don't like Taichi very much since the beginning of the story) which probably makes a lot of her readers happy due to Taichi having a huge fan base.


Also during the missing chapters 107-108 was it? There was a part where Sou-Meijin said to Arata something like he doesn't see a Meijin in Arata which I think is another reason for Arata to win against Harada to allow Arata to play against Sou. Every time Arata gets knocked down, there always seem to be someone there to support him to get back up. Seeing how he's mad similar to the western qualifers final match, whatever Chihaya say to him can probably make his win or lose the match.


Story would probably be more exciting if Arata wins too than Harada.

Also don't think it will fit with the story if Arata were to lose to Taichi in Karuta.


Also one thing I would like to note Shinobu did say she was on par with Sou and actually has the upper hand most of the time as long as it's not specific readers like the girls grandmother, so I do think Arata has a chance to win if he were to play.


Another thing I don't think seems to be shown much is about Arata's grandfather.

To my understanding, he retired when he got sick about 5 years ago in the story, when Sou became the Meijin. As he is called the eternal-meijin do you think Arata's grandfather lost to sou for the title or did he retired and the postiion was up for grabs, because the story does make it almost sound like Sou-Meijin is unbeatable with his 27-28 1 syllable hearing skill.

Edited by BowlOfNoodles, 17 July 2013 - 11:02 PM.



    Potato Sprout

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Actually I think the author is done with Taichi for a while!


Taichi has 2 things he wanted to do: Be with Chihaya, and win at karuta (which might be a subdesire of the first thing).

Taichi got that huge boost from the pre-meijin tournament. They said "whoever wins this tournament will snowball wins". Imagine if Taichi won. 

Chihaya would feel incredibly bad, but also proud. She wouldn't know how to feel. Taichi would say something badass and Chihaya would date Taichi. That's the only conceivable ending. Taichi gets everything he wants.

But he didn't win, and instead, Taichi got "Chihaya belongs to none of us" from Arata. Pretty much a harsh opposite of what he wants: He won't be 'snowballing wins', and he won't be with Chihaya


I feel like Taichi's arc is done, at least for a long while. I don't know where the story will go after the current Meijin-match arc (be it Kana or Tsukue or Nikuman or progression of Chihaya's lovelife), but I highly doubt Taichi will be a major part of the story unless he's an opponent of someone important.

Edited by prum, 22 July 2013 - 08:39 AM.



    Potato Spud

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Laughed at how Suo was calling Chihaya his bride.



    Fried Potato

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Just read the raws for ch 122



Ahhh, just when I thought Taichi manned up. He probably wants Suou to be nice to her again, thus retreating for now until he has the skills to defeat Suou. As for the meijin himself, I'm sort of understanding why people in the story dislike Suou, but I guess I understand his action of wanting to attack the mentality of potential opponents.