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Any other campers on Batoto? [Camp Nanowrimo]

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    Russet Potato

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Hey Zageron here,


Interesting is knowing if there are any other campers in the forums! I'm pushing 7000 words now, and I'm interested in hearing how the rest of you are doing!


As well, if anyone would like to share their experiences in writing procedure or methodology, specifically for a pressed-for-time style writing month challenge, I'd love to compare and contrast with you!


Personally, I tend to separate my work into: overviews, lists of interesting things or points which I would like to cover; summaries, in which I do a generally grammatically incorrect layout of the information in question; followed by a draft, as per usual where one would play out a general written plot of the story!







P.S. If you've ever competed against yourself in a one month challenge of any kind, feel free to post! :)



    Baked Potato

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I tried every November and is constantly looking for comrade in tentacles. 





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I've thought about competing but Nanowrimo is at such an inconvient month (Isn't Novemenber the formal Nanowrimo?). So i just write long novels.


For how I work with drafts and starting, I have a huge list (I mean somewhere around 14 pages) worth of questions that are basically enough to fill in any world. It's way too much and generally not helpful at all to me, since I do most of my personal revising in my head and most of the plotwork sits up there as well. The only thing I ever feel the need to write out are character models (descriptions, quotes, history, mental dispositions) and any AU physics/magic. I find that the ultimate way of drafting and preparing is just to write. You adjust things as you go along, but it's very important that you write at all.


Also, to make my post more useful, have a helpful link from Pixar's writers about the '22 Rules of Storytelling'



Crouching Bacon

Crouching Bacon

    Fried Potato

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I've always wanted to start but November is such a horrible time :<

Why not October or December or something like that? More holidays = more time to write.

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